The soldiers of the Thirty-seventh Regiment can certainly become the backbone of construction, but that does not mean that the original people are worthless.

Odemeyer finally laid out the first batch of semi-automatic production lines and was just waiting for the workers to enter the factory.

In the early morning of this morning, Sam, who was in his thirties, woke up from his bed. He had long been accustomed to such a routine. He would wake up from his bed almost as soon as the sun's rays broke through the darkness of the earth.

After lying on the bed for a moment, he gradually felt that his mind was starting to become more flexible. The warmth of the quilt made his body feel heavier and heavier. He knew he couldn't lie like this anymore, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get out of bed.

He quickly jumped up from the bed and folded the quilt into blocks. Sam looked at the house he had been given. The walls were gray-white and much harder than the strongest stone he had ever seen.

The wall feels smooth but does not reflect light. A thin strip of opening was made around the room for ventilation and lighting windows. Sam could stand on a small 30cm high platform and see everything outside from the window.

They all said that this kind of design is only for bunkers, but no one has ever seen that all buildings are bunkers. Since those scary soldiers replaced the glamorous knight army, everyone's life has changed greatly.

First, the old city was completely demolished, and then everyone had to go to classes held by those terrible soldiers at night. My Majesty the Emperor, he has lived for so long but doesn't know a word of Chinese characters, let alone learn those complicated things.

Those soldiers are so powerful that they can lift you with just one hand. They are very ruthless in attacking one by one. For those who don't want to learn or those who can't learn at all, they will punch and kick them. While beating them, they shout: You can't exchange this knowledge even if all the people on the planet die! You should cherish it!

After beating someone half to death, they would ask for a red bottle from the Red Cross soldiers and inject another tube into the wounded person.

It only takes a few seconds for the injured person to go from being as angry as a gossamer to being full of energy after being given the red bottle. Sam is one of the lucky ones who has experienced the provocative teaching. He doesn't want to suffer that kind of beating a second time.

But other than that, life is so much better. Instead of eating cold, hard starch biscuits every day, they can eat delicious vegetables and even a piece of juicy meat.

Sam had never tasted meat that tasted so good, it almost didn't look like it was produced on this planet.

Sam began to drool a little when he thought of the delicious meat. He quickly put on his clothes and came out of his own little bunker.

The people on the street look no different from him. They all wear basically the same clothes, with only some differences in size and style to distinguish men and women.

The clothes didn't look good, but the fabric was very good, tough and wear-resistant, and very comfortable to wear. At least it was much better than the tattered clothes he wore before.

Some people in the crowd were complaining, saying that Mud Legs looked exactly like them. Sam knew that these people were originally powerful guys in the city and had always looked down on them who were struggling in the mud.

However, the group of people who caused the most trouble at the beginning have been purged, such as the Simaton family. They refused to move out of the old city and even attracted a large group of people to attack the outside soldiers with muskets.

Later, a few shells blew up the family's manor into a crater, leaving not a single survivor.

There are also poor people who are noisy. They watch the city change. They use the chaos to grab money, food, and women. They form gangs one by one and act like local gangsters. They look so majestic that the next day their heads will be lost. It was hung on the outside of the old city wall.

The guys in the masks looked merciless.

Maybe there are only honest people like him left now? Sam didn't know this very well. He just wanted to get today's food ration and find out what was going on outside.

"They only recruit people who have passed the common sense skills. If you don't have any academic certificate, they definitely don't want it." The exchanges between the two people reached Sam's ears, and he stretched his neck to listen curiously.

"It's hard to learn common sense skills. You have to read, do arithmetic, and memorize a lot of colorful pictures. You might as well kill me."

"You just don't have the motivation to study. Go and study with soldiers wearing masks. If you fail to answer the question three times, you will be beaten! After a beating, your mind will clear up."

"It's not impossible."

"Here, can I ask what requires proof of common sense and skills?" Sam stood beside the two of them, and the two of them also looked back at him.

Sam's eyes were dull, and he looked like the kind of guy who wasn't very clever. The two of them didn't take him too seriously, they just waved their hands and told him not to bother them.

Sam had no choice but to continue walking in the direction of the sound.

A skull floating in the air has a loud speaker installed between the upper and lower teeth, which is repeating the message.

Sam listened quietly for a moment before getting the full message.

"Imperial citizens who have obtained certificates of common sense and skills, please immediately gather at the factory on Route 1 of the Second Ring Road."

Now that you've heard the news, let's go.

Sam looked at the tattoo on his wrist. This thing was proof of common sense and skills. Tattooed on him by a bald soldier, this thing looks like an eighth gear, and there are also thin words in the gear.

He boarded a train that connected the city ring area. The people driving the train were also original residents, but their learning ability was better than his. They were all people who had a certain amount of assets in their families and raised children.

To say that they are the ones doing the best right now, they have to be them. The soldiers liked to deal with people who were smart and didn't complain about how much their wealth had evaporated.

As the train sped along the tracks, Sam could see the outlines of the new city that had been built over the past few months.

The outsiders relied on equipment like mythical giants to lay the city's skeleton almost as if they were reclaiming land from the sea.

These buildings, which are more than 100 meters high, are nothing to mention in other imperial worlds, but in Sam's eyes, they are indeed unimaginably large projects.

Thinking about it, a few months ago he was still struggling to make a living in an abandoned slum, listening to stories about terrifying monsters on the city walls outside. Occasionally, when he couldn't find food, he would go to the entrance of the Anglican Church, kowtow to the kind-hearted bishop, and praise the emperor. The emperor asked for a meal together in his name.

Now he has a strong enough and warm nest, and someone will deliver food to him. Although he cannot eat enough, at least he will not starve to death.

They would not give enough food to people without jobs, only half the normal quota.

But now there are jobs everywhere, and the work of digging rocks can also be done.

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