"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Vartov wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had just heard a pretty exciting little secret.

The destruction of the Pros sub-sector was actually caused by the Inquisition. These lunatics took a Chaos artifact from somewhere and believed that this artifact would allow the Emperor on the throne to walk on earth again.

As a price, they only need to sacrifice the population of a few planets.

Naturally, the ritual went out of control, and Chaos corruption erupted throughout the sub-sector.

The Tribunal showed excellent execution during this crisis. While they issued an extermination order to the polluted planet, they also sent assassins to hunt down those who knew about it.

"Do you still remember the massacre in the Demasi neighborhood eighty years ago?" an internal affairs official said carefully to Vartov, "There was the shadow of the Inquisition behind that incident. They wanted to kill a suspect. He killed all the civilians in an entire neighborhood in one night, and during the follow-up investigation, the suspect just made a homophonic joke."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty. How did you know?"

"If you sit in my position and see the magnificence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs document library, you will know that the Tribunal is not omnipotent." The old Ministry of Internal Affairs official looked at Vartov with a look that could see through life and death.

Vartov swallowed nervously. He seemed to be involved in a power struggle between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Inquisition. This was not good news.

Looking around nervously, he felt that every shadow hid a dangerous killer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Inquisition.

"What about the battle group's overstaffing problem?"

"They are just pharmacists and apprentices. Their establishment is clearly written."

"An apprentice wearing Terminator armor?"

"It's not a Terminator armor." Angelford retorted seriously, "It's just a surgical armor. It happens to look a bit like the Terminator armor."

"What about the battleship?"

"Battleship? What battleship? Just a bunch of engineering ships and colonial ships equipped with welding arcs."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"


Angelfrod wanted to answer like this, but he didn't. He just looked at him with calm eyes.

The judge's face turned blue and white, and the way he gritted his teeth was quite scary. Finally, he yelled, "It's all lies! It's all slander!"

With a bang of gunfire, the upper half of the Inquisitor's body disappeared, and the Weeper Captain executed the mentally broken lunatic before the Inquisitor could fire.

"The next is your question, Sigma-003." Angelford looked at Sigma-003 and dictated a brief binary code.

Sigma-003 stood up suddenly, but when he saw the dark muzzle of the Weeper Captain's gun, he slowly sat back.

The sacred code was leaked? How can these meat buns learn the holy words of the God of All Machines!

"Haha, you are surprised, right? But you don't need to show such a bad expression. I am also a mechanical priest, granted authority by the Great Sage Odemair himself. If you come from the distant Mars headquarters, you should know The meaning of this rune.”

"Mars Headquarters Alpha Authority. How is this possible?"

"That's because you're an idiot!" Angelford raised his voice. "You keep saying that our weapons are alien creations. This is just because your knowledge is not much better than that of a fart!"


The two people greeted each other using binary codes. Judging from the frequency of the red dot flashing on the transcoder, Angelflood had the upper hand in the debate.

Sigma-003 was shaking with anger, and hot smoke came out from under the red robe.

In the end, he said that he must report everything that happened here to the Mars headquarters, but Angelford just let him do whatever he wanted.

Punishment fleet?

Angifrod curled his lips in disdain, waiting for this old-fashioned mechanical priest to go to Mars, the Mars headquarters recruited a fleet, and the fleet came here through subspace. Hundreds of years passed.

Besides, even if the Punishment Fleet comes, they still have to kneel at Ms. Odemeyer's door and beg her to show them some of the revelations of the God of All Machines.

It's not like he has never fought a war over technological disputes. The Mechanical Church in several sectors near the canteen started to talk more harshly than the other. They kept talking about the mighty power of all machines and the suffering of flesh and blood.

When Ms. Odemeyer showed them her skills, each of these aloof sages became more obedient than the other, and even the thorns in the church were eliminated in advance.

Seeing that the Inquisition and the Mechanicus Church were unable to do anything to Angelfrod, the bureaucratic momentum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Military Affairs was also weakened by three points. They listened stiffly to Angelfrod's explanation, with smiles that were uglier than crying.

However, there is still a small hope in their hearts. Macragge's ultramarines will definitely bring justice to them.

Although the Space Marines do not directly participate in the political governance of the Empire, the Ultramar sector is a clear exception.

Most Space Marine Chapters have monastic fortresses and flagships as centers of activity, but as heirs to Guilliman's legacy, the Ultramarines oversee an entire sector of more than 500 habitable planets.

But that was all in the past. After the Great Rebellion, Guilliman believed that the Space Marines should not directly rule humans, so he reduced the world that the Ultramarines could directly control.

But when necessary, they will also go to other worlds to punish the nobility and bureaucrats who go out of their way, seek justice for the people on the planet, select officials they think are qualified, then turn around and leave, continuing their endless protection.

It is precisely because of the careful maintenance of the Ultramarines that this sector on the edge of the Star Torch can show amazing prosperity.

On the whole, Ultramar is mainly composed of an industrial world, but there is no nightmare-like toxic wilderness. The living environment is balanced and harmonious with the local nature.

Vast farmland and fish-filled oceans surround the continuous city. The existence of these pearls is a powerful testament to the incompetence of the imperial bureaucrats and the ruthlessness of the mechanical sages.

The people here grew up in a dutiful, martial society.

The concepts of loyalty and strict discipline are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Because of this, the Ultramarines have the most stable source of troops. As long as they are willing to break through the restrictions of the Holy Code, they can return to the size of the expeditionary army at any time.

But as the sons of the Primarch Guilliman, the Ultramarines will unswervingly follow the dictates of the Codex.

Now this prosperous sector has once again been invaded by the swarm of insects, and the sky of Macragge is obscured by the shadow of the insects.

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