The secret room of the ship.

Three powerful Primarchs were wrestling with a problem.

How should they awaken Guilliman?

Dorne is naturally respected by the Imperial warriors, but Perturabo and Fulgrim are not so popular.

Especially Fulgrim, as the biggest culprit who made Guilliman lie in stasis for ten thousand years, he would be attacked by hatred as long as he exposed his breath in front of the Ultramarines.

Perturabo originally thought of using rituals to summon the Emperor's possession and let the Emperor send revelations to pave the way for them, but the Emperor never responded. When asked about the Eldar prophets, they only said that the signal was not very good.

"Negotiations with the Ultramarines can only be conducted by Dorn. Fulgrim and I are likely to arouse the hostility of the Ultramarines." Perturabo said.

"I think so too. Especially since I have to summon Slaanesh to come to this planet. They are already indecisive if they don't launch cyclone torpedoes." Fulgrim sighed in distress.

"In that case, let us use a stupid method. Your bodies are too big and conspicuous, and it is impossible to disguise yourself as a Space Marine, but I can hide you in a sturdy container." Dorn gave the answer. His way.

Perturabo nodded and said he could install anti-detection equipment on the container.

The sturdy container that can accommodate two originals embodies Dorne's unpretentious style. The various technological facilities installed by Perturabo on the container give the container a wildness that can only be created by orcs.

Fulgan shook his head and began to paint and decorate the containers. Let this container show the sacred and ancient colors everywhere.

Perturabo and Fulgrim lay inside, understanding the outside world through a camera disguised as a purity mark on Dorne's armor.

Dorn then donned jet black armor in the style of the Black Templars and ordered Helbrecht and the Living Saint Celestine to travel with him to Macragge.

"Remember, there is no Primarch."

Before taking action, Dorn specifically reminded Helbrecht.

The Grand Marshal of the Black Templars vowed that he would not disappoint his father.

in subspace.

"Alas. Why waste time like this?" The God Emperor sighed, "If I."

"Shhhhhhh!" Slaanesh interrupted the God-Emperor's complaint, "I like interesting things, are you going to take away this harmless interest from me?"

Seeing how pitiful Slaanesh was, the God-Emperor became increasingly impatient, but he just covered his face with his hands and did not drive Slaanesh away.

"If you don't let me bother them! I will bother you!" Slaanesh threatened fiercely.

"Okay, okay, you can annoy them and be careful."

After receiving the God-Emperor's consent, Slaanesh cheered and watched the situation on Macragge with interest, thinking about what kind of sparks would arise between Ifreni and Guilliman.

The God-Emperor shook his head. He turned his gaze to Tzeentch's realm, looking for clues of his evil plan in the colorful colors of the crystal.

Macragge battlefield.

Just like the Ultramarines learn from their successes and failures, the Behemoth Hive Fleet has also undergone considerable targeted evolution in its communication with the Ultramarines.

The composite carapace that can effectively withstand bomb attacks, coupled with the bioelectric tumors mutated by integrating the hash swarm gene pool, make the Behemoth swarm even more difficult to deal with.

If the Ultramarines could rest and reorganize their troops and rebuild their homes after the First Tyrannic War, they would naturally be able to build a stronger defense system.

But there is no shortage of war in the galaxy. Even if the Ultramarines are not bleeding under the attack of the insect swarm, they will still be panting under the threat of Chaos and the orcs.

The swarm broke through the once again constructed orbital defenses, and spore pods containing the bugs were released across the world.

Facing the holographic map covered with red dots, Calgar could only lead his troops to rush to one battlefield after another non-stop.

During the battle, Calgar heard some pretty bad news.

This time the invading swarm was led by two Hive Overlords. They had already breached many fortresses and killed all the Ultramarines teams that had supported them.

"Two insect nest overlords." Calgar frowned. He was deeply impressed by these powerful insects.

In the last battle to defend Macragge, the Hive Overlord used ingenious strategies to tear Calgar's encirclement into isolated and helpless points.

The left wing was attacked by Devouring Worms that came out of the tunnel. The Imperial Baneblade tank in the middle was torn into pieces by a large group of executioners. Gargoyles and winged insects in the sky attacked the commanders and company commanders of the inner guard.

The swarm's artillery forced Calgar's troops to become more and more dispersed. On the desperate battlefield, the Hive Overlord led a large group of Hive Tyrants and warrior bugs directly towards Calgar.

The hunted became the hunter, and the Ultramarines moved closer to the Chapter Master.

The Honor Guard of the Ultramarines could not stop the Hive Overlord from cutting off Calgar's limbs, nor could they reverse the fall of the Cold Iron Mountain Industrial Zone.

The Tyrannic War wiped out all the elite soldiers of the first company, and even now they have not been able to recover.

Behind them are rows of sculptures of Space Marines, a testament to the glory of the Chapter.

Now that the battle is fierce and the statue is covered in dust, Calgar can only hide his guilt and continue to direct the battle.

"We must stop the Hive Overlords. We are the only warriors on this planet who can stand against them."

Calgar donned Masterwork-class power armor and swore to his Gene-Father that he would do whatever it took for Macragge.

"Dear Chapter Leader, I have detected the reason for the restlessness and rage of the insect swarm through my spiritual power." Diglis, the director of the think tank, reported what he found to Calgar. Calgar also stopped. In this situation Any information can be the key to a comeback.

"These bugs are afraid."

"Fear?" Calga turned around in confusion, "What can these insects be afraid of?"

Diglis covered his forehead, forcibly searching for the psychic consciousness of the insects was tantamount to torture for him.

"These bugs are avoiding something even more terrifying, something that cannot be studied, swallowed, restricted, and beyond cognition. Please forgive me for my loose choice of words. I really can't describe what the swarm of bugs are saying to me. Shown in pieces.”

"That's why these bugs are so ferocious, attacking every area they can see at all costs. They just want to have a full meal before they die."

"That's the truth."

"In this case, we must quickly eliminate these greedy bugs. Be prepared to welcome the visit of unknown enemies." Calga headed to the battlefield resolutely.

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