In just a few minutes, no insect here could stand higher than Lin Fan.

Pull an insect that is still alive to the Eldar prophets and let them trace the tyrant's traces in reverse through psychic fluctuations.

A few weeks later, the tyrant was successfully captured by Lin Fan, and all his limbs were removed by Lin Fan, leaving only a complete torso.

A Kroot leader led people to pick up the seriously injured tyrant. They will be responsible for sending the tyrant to the Tau Research Institute, and will be responsible for cleaning up the Tyranid pollution along the way.

Although the Kroot may look barbaric, any species that can survive in this galaxy has more or less two brushes.

They have the evolutionary ability to eat meat to obtain genes. For example, if a Kroot tribe wants to become stronger, they will launch a hunt against orcs.

If they eat a lot of flying creatures, the Kroot will also turn into wings.

They generally choose to prey on more emotional creatures. Devouring wild animals with low intelligence will cause the Kroot to become more and more animalistic and uncivilized, and will no longer be able to achieve physical and spiritual advancement.

Facing the beast-turned tribesmen, the Kroot people will not go on a killing spree, but will only use their distant relatives who have gone astray in evolution as labor force and weapons.

For example, the Kroot Hound, the Kroot Ape Beast, and the even larger Giant Screaming Lock Dragon.

The Tyranid swarm has the richest gene pool, but this is too rich for the Kroot people. Devouring the corpses of bugs will only allow them to obtain more uncontrolled bug gene mutations.

Moreover, the logic of their evolution is different from that of insects. The Kroot evolved to make their life forms more advanced, while the insects evolved to capture prey better.

Also benefiting from the Kroot's sensitivity to genes, they can easily identify people infected by bugs, such as gene stealers.

The Kroot leader walked up to Lin Fan. He was wearing a shaman headdress made of animal bones, and his body was covered with painted stripes and exquisite feathers of various colors. This was a very grand costume in their culture.

"Ultimate hunter, we will bring this dangerous creature to the research institute." The Kroot leader respected Lin Fan. He knew that the human in green armor in front of him had abilities that his entire tribe could not match. strength.

"Do you still eat humans now?" Lin Fan asked casually, which almost made the Kroot leader almost suffer a cardiac arrest.

After a while, the Kroot leader said to Lin Fan in his not very standard Gothic, "We have sworn the oath of our ancestors. We will treat humans and Eldar just like we treat Tau people. Anyone who violates it will We will deal with the Kroot tribe of the covenant ourselves."

"Oh." Lin Fan responded lightly, which made the Kroot leader even more frightened. He lowered his head and did not dare to move.

However, when Lin Fan asked this question, he did not mean to eradicate the Kroot directly. After all, their talent in detecting Tyranid Zerg infections is indeed very important, and these guys' perceptions are also very keen, and even the Raven Guard who are good at lurking are not. The Dhamma eludes their perception.

The infiltration offensive of the Orc special operations team in the Red Sun District was all discovered by the Kroot. The power of these orcs' inquisitiveness made the detection of the battlefield a mess.

Hey! I wonder if you can't find me!

And the Kroot are not too bad in the Warhammer worldview. They often eat the dead from defeat.

Eating the corpses of the defeated not only inherits the genes, but also keeps the spirit left behind by the warriors alive. This is considered a burial custom in their culture.

Lin Fan felt that the Kroot people were still acceptable. They looked barbaric, but they still had a spirit of contract. There were also many Kroot mercenaries circulating in the empire. As long as you paid enough, they would become a trustworthy people. allies.

"So you are mainly active in the Red Sun District now, right?" Lin Fan asked again, and the Kroot leader nodded repeatedly.

"We are eating the meat of orcs to obtain stable genes." Chief Kroot answered.

"Then you ate the orcs, did you gain any scientific knowledge or anything like that?" Lin Fan asked again.

"This." Chief Kroot blinked. He didn't understand what Lin Fan meant. "Our weapon affinity is inherited from the orcs, which allows us to use any weapon without any training, even the orcs'."

"Really? Then can you find the bullet?" Lin Fan was a little curious.

"This. This doesn't work." The Kroot leader said in embarrassment.

"Okay, it's none of your business. You can continue your work." Lin Fan waved his hand.

The Kroot leader nodded in agreement, clutched his chest and walked away tremblingly. He always felt that Lin Fan's opening and closing of his mouth hinted at his endless hunger.

How much did he eat? Why haven’t lethal genetic mutations occurred yet?

The Kroot leader shook his head, not daring to think about these terrible things.

The war to defend the swarm was over, and news of the great victory spread throughout the Tau Empire, making the worried residents at the rear cheer.

Lin Fan was finally able to rest for a while, lying on a chair and leisurely watching the fortress city in the distance being rebuilt.

Yuan Yuan came to Lin Fan and took out a sealed can of drink from the portable refrigerator on the ground.

"What is this?"

"I accidentally took a sip of the venom collected from the glands of the torture bugs and found that it tasted a bit like Sprite, so I asked the Tu clan technician to make me some sealed jars."

Yuan Yuan's face darkened after hearing this, and he put the cold jar back again.

Lin Fan didn't treat Yuan Yuan as an outsider and immediately opened a can.

With a click, the metal buckle was pulled off by Lin Fan's fingers, and the green poison of the torture insect was bubbling continuously.

Lin Fan took a bite and thought it tasted great.

Yuan Yuan was silent for a while, and then broke the awkward atmosphere with a cough. He didn't come to Lin Fan just to chat.

"The T-level life vaccine has been produced."

"Really? Okay, you guys, I'm still thinking about whether to go back and let Odemeyer be in charge of this research project."

"Haha, Ms. Odemeyer is indeed very smart, but we also need to work hard to catch up with her. Simply asking for help is not a long-term solution."

"Yes, tell me about the effectiveness of the T-class life vaccine."

Yuan Yuan waved his hand, and a drone floating behind him floated between the two of them. The detailed information of the T-level life vaccine was displayed through a holographic projection.

T-class life vaccine is a new product based on the original life vaccine and mixed with titanium gene sequences.

After countless tests, Tu clan technicians finally mastered the most reasonable ratio, which allowed them to organically mix the genetic solution and the life vaccine to be effective.

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