Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 728 Things must turn against each other when they reach their extremes

The mixed vaccine has properties completely opposite to those of the life vaccine.

The principle of life vaccine is to occupy it. The vaccine will penetrate the body of the recipient and continue to be effective like a shield.

Winds of Chaos and Demonic Whispers need to wear down the shield before they can have any effect on the spirit and body of the inoculated person.

However, this shield is not omnipotent. Being injured by demonic weapons and being exposed to chaos and filth without protection will greatly reduce the protective effect of the vaccine.

The effect of the T-level life vaccine is accelerated, allowing the effect of the life vaccine to be fully exerted in just a few hours.

Everything must be reversed.

The power of life transforms into the power of withering, allowing the user who overdraws everything to exhibit the characteristics of an untouchable person.

"So people who take the T-level life vaccine will die?" Lin Fan asked.

"Yes, and it will wither and die. The user will disappear with the wind like yellow sand. The soul will also be shattered and become an unconscious cloud in the subspace. This is the result of the inspection by the Eldar Prophet." The vision is heavy Talking.

Not even the soul left?

Tsk tsk tsk. Then the negative effects of this new vaccine are too great.

"Can this vaccine be weaponized? It's like the life armor we made."

"When the T-level life vaccine does not come into contact with living things, it exhibits the same characteristics as the life vaccine. We also made some warheads and asked the New Spirit Department to summon the Slaanesh demon once. We found that this thing would only make the demon more excited. Like a stimulant," Yuan Yuan replied.

Well, Lin Fan sighed and had no choice but to go back and show Odemeyer. If she couldn't weaponize it, this T-level life vaccine could only be used as a decisive weapon.

Although there are many legions in the empire who are not afraid of death, whether it is Krieg or Cadian, they believe that their souls will return to the throne after dying bravely on the battlefield.

What if you can't return to the throne after you die?

How to explain this to the soldiers? Should we hide it from them and tell them that these vaccines are as safe and reliable as other products produced by the canteen?

Lin Fan shook his head. He felt that there was no need to tell such a lie. It was inconsistent with the canteen's combat philosophy.

This vaccine only strengthens the ability to fight against demons, allowing soldiers to gain the ability to severely injure demons in desperate situations.

"So we want to expand production?"

"I think it's okay. It's one thing to use it or not. It's another thing to have it. Being temporarily untouchable allows us to pull out a strong enough death squad to break through the altars and shrines set up by the Chaos Demon. After all, the Milky Way is very small. Big, I can’t be on every battlefield.”

Yuan Yuan nodded and said that he would expand the production of T-class life vaccines.

Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to have a T-level life vaccine. The mixed gene solution adds many more steps to production, but at least each expeditionary legion can be equipped with a warehouse to ensure the number of hundreds of thousands to millions of vaccines.

Just as the two finished talking, Lin Fan opened another can of drink. Before he could take two sips, he heard the loud sound of a Chagatai motorcycle in the distance.


The original body riding on the motorcycle completely blocked Lin Fan's view of the city under construction, and also cast a large shadow.

Elafren's motorcycle also rushed over, and it could be seen from her angry little face that the winner of this game was Khan.

"A communication came from the New Spirit Department. Guilliman has woken up, and he, Perturabo and the others went to the cafeteria to check on the situation." Jaghatai said it was quite good news as soon as he opened his mouth. Lin Fan also nodded, thinking. Ni is quite reliable in doing things.

In this case, Lin Fan felt that it was time for him to leave.

Now that the battle in Cadian was getting closer, Lin Fan felt that he had to lead an army to support Cadian in advance to prevent the opening of the great rift.

Lin Fan raised the can and drank it all in one gulp, then sat on Elafren's motorcycle.

The far-sighted drone suddenly received a message. After browsing it, he was shocked and told Lin Fan that there was another red alert from the VK-01 galaxy.

"The bugs are here again?" Lin Fan sighed, feeling a little tired.

"I don't know." Looking at the disturbing garbled characters on the message, he looked solemn from afar.

On the planet VK-01, Volani's command headquarters fell into unprecedented chaos.

"I can't understand! I can't understand anything! There are only black squares in front of my eyes!"

"Did you speak? You didn't? How could you not speak? Then what sound did I hear?"

"I'm a doctor. I won't harm you. You just need to learn from me and split your head with a knife to cure the disease."

Volani grabbed the arm of Nonsense Kravos, and for the first time he discovered that his subordinate had such tremendous strength.

A kick hit Kravos's knee, forcing him to kneel down, and Volani dislocated Kravos' arm.

The severe pain caused Clavos to break out in a cold sweat. He gasped and his consciousness gradually became clearer.

"Fucking Emperor Heshan Dao."

After giving Kravos a stimulant, Volani's eyelids became heavier and heavier. He had not slept for two weeks in a row, relying on the stimulants in the warehouse to survive until now.


Warani let out a breath, feeling that the sleepiness still hadn't subsided.

The effect of stimulants on him is getting weaker and weaker.

"Did we issue...■■■?"


Volani and Kravos were stunned. They began to not understand what the other party was saying, and the noises coming from outside the door became increasingly strange.

What the light bulb emits is not light, but chaotic lines, which are woven together to form abstract color blocks.

Everything in the field of vision is being simplified, eventually turning into dark and intoxicating whirlpools.

"I began to understand everything." Volani blinked, the left half of his face pulled down, the right half of his face raised up, and his tongue grew in reverse, blocking his throat.


The greeting was accompanied by pain. Worani screamed, and a burnt hole appeared on his arm.

An ion pistol was pressed against the wound, and Kravos spoke illogically.

"Stay awake! Colonel!" Volani roared, and his spirit, which was so easily awakened by pain, began to fall into chaos again.

Damn it. What the hell is going on?

Volani recalled carefully a few months ago, when people began to suddenly lose their cognitive abilities.

Their understanding of the world became confusing and abstract. At first they thought it was the psychological trauma left over from the end of the war, but now it seems that is not the case.

Is it Chaos Corruption? But it doesn't make sense. There isn't a shrine or a rune in this place. How can the Chaos Demon influence the world?

The pain was fading, and sleepiness weighed on Worani's fragile nerves, pushing him deeper into the water.

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