
Lin Fan finally landed. He looked around and felt that it was much brighter here than outside.

This place seemed to be a maze, a maze with no exit. The tall walls were so smooth that Lin Fan could clearly see the reflection of his body as long as he leaned up.

Lin Fan rubbed his fists, he didn't have the patience to navigate the maze.

If there is no road, just hit one.

He aimed at the wall and was about to punch it when he heard the sound again.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"You're very annoying." Lin Fan responded impatiently.

His fist hit the wall hard, and the cracks expanded rapidly with Lin Fan's fist as the center. The cracks revealed a dull white color, as if there were a few extra threads drawn on the dark canvas with a fine pen.

There were some familiar scenes in the white lines. Lin Fan curiously reached out and touched them. The next moment, he appeared in a strange world.

Artillery shells filled the sky, tearing up the smoke clouds again and again, and then leaving exploding fireballs on the ground.

The air was so hot and suffocating that one more breath could choke someone to death.

In front of him was a huge hive city. The towering steel walls were full of shooting holes and automatic turrets. Under the wall were piles of broken corpses and minced meat, with mutated flies and bugs feasting on them.

Lin Fan was no stranger to war scenes, but he was quite curious as to why he came here.

"What the heck is this."

Beep beep beep!

The sharp and long whistle interrupted Lin Fan's soliloquy. When he looked back, he found that an entire legion of Astra Militarum troops and heavy armor were charging forward. It seemed that their purpose was to conquer the armed forces in front of them. To the Fortress of the Teeth.

A Leman Russ tank spotted Lin Fan's unfamiliar green armor. The gunner asked the commander what he should do, but he only got a simple order.

"Eliminate all traitors who do not comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Military Affairs manual."

The heavy bolter machine gun fired briefly at Lin Fan. Lin Fan knew he could dodge, but he was too lazy to do so, so he withstood the heavy bombardment and threw the light spear.

"Sir! That thing is flying towards us!" Before the operator of the heavy bolt machine gun finished exclaiming, Lin Fan was already standing on the top of the Leman Russ tank.

The surrounding imperial soldiers also discovered this problem, and they fired accurate volleys under the orders of the political commissar.

"There are Krieg Legions here? How weird." Lin Fan sighed, lightly knocked on the armor of the Leman Russ tank and said loudly, "For the Emperor, loyal soldiers, may I ask where this place is?" ?”

When he didn't get any response, Lin Fan sighed, held the two anti-tank missiles fired at him with his backhand, and then threw them towards the open space.

"Why don't you die! Damn traitor!" a political commissar roared at Lin Fan, emptying two magazines of his bolt pistol at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes lit up when he saw the political commissar. There must be something like a mission briefing on him.

He jumped off the Leman Russ tank and rushed towards the political commissar.

The political commissar showed no fear. He loudly ordered the surrounding soldiers to attack Lin Fan and not to embarrass the emperor through cowardice.

Lin Fan stamped his feet vigorously, and the violent shaking of the ground caused the tight formation of these soldiers to scatter.

Walking through the gap, Lin Fan threw himself in front of the political commissar.

The loyal political commissar was shocked by Lin Fan's speed and the strength and flexibility of Lin Fan's armor, but he did not forget his knowledge at Zhongsi Academy and the cruel battlefield. He shouted for the emperor while slashing the chain sword at Lin Fan. .

I'll let you chop me down!

The shattered chain sword stunned the political commissar for a moment. Before he could react, Lin Fan grabbed the collar of his coat and thrust his hand inside.

The cultists of the lustful sect! ?

The political commissar felt a chill in his heart. His soldiers were also well-trained and pointed their laser guns at the political commissar and Lin Fan who were gathered together with heavy expressions.

Feeling the hostility coming from all around, Lin Fan protected the political commissar in his arms as much as possible, stroking him with his big hands.

The political commissar tried to resist, but unfortunately he could not do anything. He could only let his body suffer the humiliation of Lin Fan.

"I will not embarrass the Emperor like this!" the political commissar roared and fired the grenade. Before it could explode, Lin Fan snatched it away and threw it into the sky.

It's over. The political commissar was heartbroken.

But Lin Fan was very happy. He finally found a piece of paper from the inner coat pocket of the political commissar.

When I took it out, I saw several large characters written on it.

"The 177th Assault Order on Vraks Hive"

Siege of Vraks?

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he was hit by an armor-piercing bullet on his head.

The armor-piercing bullet didn't even shake his head. The weapons team, who thought they had succeeded, acted as if they had seen a ghost, and called the melta team to move closer to them.

"In the name of the Emperor, Commissar! What time is it?"

The political commissar looked at Lin Fan blankly. After a while, he slowly spoke out a number.


It was really when the Siege of Vraks happened, so you say you have traveled through time?

Completed time travel without passing through the subspace?

This is so strange. How should I go back?

Just as Lin Fan was thinking about this problem, the sound of several violent engines came from the distance.

Lin Fan could tell upon hearing this that this was a commando equipped with an engine backpack among the Space Marines.

Three Red Scorpion assault soldiers flew towards Lin Fan. Their heavy bodies were so deadly under the acceleration of the engine that they would create a powerful impact force comparable to that of an artillery bombardment the moment they landed.

Lin Fan saw a Red Scorpion warrior adjusting his body at high speed, trying to crush Lin Fan's body with his feet.

Lin Fan dodged for a moment, and he did this entirely for the fragile body of the Space Marine.

Bang, bang, bang!

The ground was shaken again, smoke rose, stones flew, and several unlucky soldiers were hit by these stones and immediately lay on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

The buzzing sound of the chainsaw sword and the roar of the explosive shooting came at the same time, and the Red Scorpion warriors launched a swift attack on Lin Fan like a roaring lion.

Lin Fan raised his foot and hit a Red Scorpion warrior in the abdomen, and the blessed and baptized ceramic steel armor broke inch by inch, sending him flying.

Only a few dozen meters away, the Red Scorpion warrior rushed forward again with the engine backpack, and cooperated with his two respectable combat brothers to launch another attack.

"Okay, I have a lot of questions now, please be quiet for a moment."

Lin Fan grabbed the arm of the Red Scorpion warrior who attacked from the left, and the powerful force left a groove suitable for Lin Fan's grip.

Then he threw this powerful warrior to the ground and sat on him, making him unable to get up again.

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