It’s really scary. A war of this magnitude has already surpassed the Milky Way by tens of billions of times, so why is there only one Milky Way left?

Many questions lingered in Lin Fan's mind, and the orcs finally got a useful tool to deal with the spread of holes.

"Okay, stranger, just stay here and let's go out." The orc patted Lin Fan's shoulder and was surprised by the texture of Lin Fan's armor. The moment he touched it, he knew it was not this. Items that the universe can create.

But he decided to deal with this magical problem later. The three orcs entered a square sealed box. Lin Fan could not see the situation inside from the outside.

The box closes, the box opens.

The orcs came out, indicating that their work was done.

"Just like that? So quickly? And then the spread of the void ends?"

"Actually, just cover up the hollow, so that it will not continue to spread. The bag is not a precious thing. The wholesale market costs six yuan for one catty and ten yuan for two catties. It is just not easy to be annihilated and pollute the universe, but the ancient saint He said, 'Pollution first, then treatment, and we will consider these issues after the war is won.'"

Ignoring Lin Fan's shock, the orc carefully touched the armor on Lin Fan's body, "Speaking of which, what kind of material is this made of? It feels quite strange to the touch."

"I don't know. It seems that I figured it out with my brain."

"Thinking? Create things out of thin air just by thinking? My dear." The orcs sighed, and before they could say anything, they disappeared.

There was only pure white left around, the planets, galaxies, and holes all disappeared, leaving only Lin Fan floating here alone.

All this happened for no reason. When Lin Fan was in a daze, pure white overwhelmed him and sent him to the next timeline.

Darkness. Lin Fan used to be quite afraid of the dark. After watching a few horror movies as a child, he always felt that there were some monsters hiding in the darkness.

But now Lin Fan is afraid of pure white. The sense of emptiness that pure white brings to him is so strong that embracing darkness has become a relaxing way to calm down his spirit.

What place could this be and what timeline would it be? Considering the span of the War in Heaven, the 40,000-year development history of the Human Empire is really not worth mentioning.

A green light spot erupted in the distance, and then a shattering sound reached Lin Fan's ears.

The space was cracked inch by inch, and turbid substances of varying colors flowed out of the scars. They looked like liquids and air masses. Some living creatures with no fixed form emerged from them, and they quickly disappeared after moving away from the cracks.

This must be the subspace of ancient times. Lin Fan struggled towards the crack and stretched his head to look, only to see the Necrontyr's Black Stone Fleet fighting against the Eldar's Ark. The sky was dark and the earth was dark.

A void tomb comparable to the size of a planet disintegrated under the psychic attack of the Phoenix Lord. The damaged tomb disappeared in the green flash. Then a portal opened and a new void tomb was sent to the battlefield.

The same goes for the Eldar, who died in the hurricanes woven by the Gaussian Arrays, only to be resurrected the next moment in the oceans of the Warp.

New troops poured into the chaotic battlefield. The tall orcs, led by the Old Saint, attacked the Necrontyr troops, and the Star God also appeared in the subspace through the rift.

While they greedily sucked the soul ocean of the subspace, they played with the laws of physics, causing the fleets of the Eldar and Orcs to fall apart amidst the drastic changes in the physical rules.

With a buzz, a figure appeared in the center of the chaotic battlefield. This outsider who did not belong to any party naturally provoked attacks from all forces.

"Your fireworks are quite interesting."

A cheerful female voice came, speaking Chinese that Lin Fan was familiar with. The next moment, Lin Fan saw the cruel scene of all the troops becoming painfully distorted after she finished speaking.

The spirit power of the Eldar is out of control and inevitably manifests itself in the form of fireworks. Their users try their best but end up self-destructing.

The distortions of the Ancient Saints and Star Gods were the most serious. They suddenly swelled up, and the moment their bodies exploded and disintegrated, brilliant fireworks were released, and they also received admiration from the figures.

"It's so beautiful, please have more."

The real universe and the subspace were churning and roaring, and together they crushed all the creatures in the area, crumpled them into a ball of fireworks, and released them in front of the figure.

Is this the first subject, Bai Huan?

Lin Fan looked at it from a distance and could not clearly see Bai Huan's appearance, he could only see a shadow.

It seems that the universe is not capable of recording Bai Huan's details, and can only leave an unruly image.

The large white threads created by death flowed into a river. They slowly swam towards Lin Fan, wrapped him up and sent him to the next timeline.

"Aren't you afraid?"

The voice sounded in Lin Fan's ears again. This time Lin Fan didn't know how to answer, so he just pursed his lips.

This time he appeared in a long corridor made of black stone. Necrontyr warriors and scarabs caught Lin Fan's fluctuations and surrounded him.

Lin Fan looked at the Gauss weapons pointed at him, always feeling that these soulless robots were afraid of his existence.

"Star God! Why is there another one!" A collapsed scream attracted Lin Fan's attention. The speaker was a Pharaoh.

"I just want to talk." Lin Fan said that he meant no harm. "I am also confused now and I need some answers."

"No. You don't need an answer. Staying confused is the best way to deal with it!" The King of France shouted loudly. He was sending a message to the Council of the Three Saints, requesting the dynasty's technological support.

"I'm just asking a few questions! For example, how did the war in heaven end?"

"The war in heaven is over?"

"In the future it's over."

"Very good."

The King of France and his men exploded again, and the flowing white thread rushed towards Lin Fan. Lin Fan tried his best to run away but could not avoid the entanglement of the white thread.

This feeling of powerlessness caused by being taken away made Lin Fan extremely angry. He picked up the white line with his hands so that his eyes could see the outside world.

The past history continued to flow before Lin Fan's eyes, like a spectator lying in a boat.

The broad white lines became narrower and narrower, and Lin Fan saw a center that was converging and spreading again. He stretched out his hand from the gap and grabbed other white lines to prevent them from flowing in any direction.

This was a more lofty perspective. Lin Fan saw the entire universe unfolding before his eyes. The star clusters had stopped expanding, and the light was getting sparser. Countless large-scale structures connected the center of the universe, and the broken space allowed subspace pollution. As it flows, this is the end of all civilization.

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