The center of the universe is a white spot that cannot be ignored, and immeasurable superclusters are connected to the center. Not all of them are barred spirals and ellipses.

Lin Fan was deeply impressed by those leaf-shaped super-galaxy clusters, with countless capillaries scattered in the middle, and small galaxies shining on them.

There are also structures that exceed the leaf-like superclusters, with spiderweb-like filamentous structures running from one end of the universe to the other, like the Great Wall dividing the universe in half.

The most conspicuous thing in the Great Wall is a smiling arch-like structure. The peculiar area contains an astonishing number of galaxies, galaxy clusters, gas clusters and interstellar dust. It looks like someone deliberately gathered them together.

Correspondingly, the number of galaxies that can be observed in the area outside this arc is very small, and large voids surround the arc.

A green laser shot out from the edge of the universe, its speed has exceeded the limit of the universe by hundreds of millions of times.

The areas that the laser passed through were extinguished one after another. No matter how prosperous civilizations had been around those shining stars, they were all reduced to nothing under the concussion of the laser.

This is like the giant trees that make up the forest being cut down by saws. No matter whether they have experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain, or witnessed the rise and fall of several generations of dynasties, they will all be meaninglessly annihilated in the fluctuations of this laser.

The laser shot straight into the center of the universe, and in Bai Huan's cheering voice that made Lin Fan's scalp numb, the white dots that could not be ignored were completely shattered.

The supercluster of galaxies associated with the white spot is also rapidly dying, and the entire universe is rapidly shrinking inward.

The death of the high-order infinite-level multiverse, the death of the multiverse composed of infinite observable universes, the death of the first-level universe, and the death of the observable universe.

Lin Fan's vision is shrinking with the demise of the universe. The huge galaxy structure he saw from a distance has become the entire universe, but the demise is not over yet, and the huge galaxy structure is also heading towards inevitable destruction.

Total galaxies, quasar supergroups, giant gamma ray burst rings, galaxy plates, supercluster complexes, the Great Wall of the Universe, and large-scale fiber structures.

Things beyond the limits of Lin Fan's knowledge and imagination were destroyed, leaving only the leaf-shaped Laniakea supercluster.

This huge astronomical structure spans up to 520 million light-years, has 500 galaxy groups, and contains more than 10,000 galaxies. It also houses the Milky Way.

However, it is not very clear from here. The Milky Way is just as insignificant as a grain of sand to this last supercluster.

The Laniakea Super Galaxy Cluster was also shrinking. Lin Fan reached out to stop it, but found that he could do nothing.

To the universe, this is a miraculous place composed of stars. To Lin Fan, this is a vague existence that exceeds his knowledge base.

Maybe the same is true for Bai Huan, even more ambiguous.

After seeing the familiar star arms, which was what Lin Fan often saw from scientific illustrations, the Milky Way looked like it, and the contraction of the universe finally ended. Now there was only a shining Milky Way in front of Lin Fan's eyes, and the outside was filled with pitch-black holes that could starve the Star God to death.

"I defeated the villain, this is the best ending."

Bai Huan's voice resounded throughout the galaxy, and a locked click also reached Lin Fan's ears.

"Yes. This is the best ending." A bitter voice catered to Bai Huan, and the metal palm made a desperate snapping sound.

Bai Huan disappeared.

Lin Fan didn't know how he knew this. All his perceptions told him that Bai Huan disappeared after the applause.

The universe ushered in a new round of death. This time it was no longer an annihilative contraction, but cracking from areas that Lin Fan could not reach. The white cracks were so dazzling that Lin Fan felt flustered.

The crack is extending towards the last galaxy in the universe, and the spiral arms of the Milky Way are slowly moving with large clusters of shining light.

They were the remains of dead C'tans and Old Ones, dragged across the galaxy by the Eldar battle arks and the Necrontyr pyramids.

These transport teams plunged into the dark void, keeping the bodies of the Star Gods and Old Saints as far away from the galaxy as possible.

In the end, they exhausted all energy in the vast darkness of nothingness. The all-pervasive coldness and the torment of the border darkness stopped the transport team from moving forward.

They couldn't see anything going forward, and they couldn't see the light bursting out from the stars when they looked back. If it weren't for the guidance of the absolute coordinate axis, they would have lost their way on the long journey.

They unloaded the huge corpses and laid them out in a line. After understanding that they could not return to the galaxy, they chose to sink into the corpses and kill themselves.

The walls composed of arks, pyramids, and corpses are connected in a circle, and the white cracks are also blocked by these walls, preventing them from advancing an inch further into the Milky Way.

After an unknown number of years, the corpse of a huge ancient saint decayed and withered, and the powder sank into the metal body of the Star God and countless Necrontyr bodies and Eldar corpses, and new life was bred.

These are the oldest Tyranid swarms, numbering only a few hundred at first, and they survive by digging up the corpses of Eldar and Old Ones within the walls.

The biochemical building filled the void of the corpse, preventing the wall from collapsing and allowing white cracks to penetrate.

The insect swarm that occupies the entire wall is aimless, all biomass has been searched out, and they can only rely on the energy sucked from the Star God's body to keep the insect swarm from freezing to death in the void.

Later, I don’t know how many years passed, but light burst out from the direction of the Milky Way. It was only for a moment, but it was enough to make the Hive Mind living inside the wall remember it for a long time.

Driven by hunger and curiosity, the Hive Mind headed in the direction of the Milky Way. Along the way, he discovered that this dark space was not as lonely as he thought.

Beyond the dying star gliding lonely in the cold night, past the shattered world long ago and the fragments of meteorites left behind billions of years ago, past the detectors launched by unproven extinct races. Beyond everything, he is about to reach the distant place A sea of ​​netherworld dotted with islands of dazzling light from star clusters.

The natural light of distant stars intoxicated the Hive Mind. He inherited the psychic qualities of the Old Ones and also inherited the insatiable appetite of the Star God.

Following the instinct of the genes, the Hive Mind spread out countless insect tentacles and took the entire galaxy into its mouth.

This is all that the observer can observe of the past.

Lin Fan, who was immersed in the grand history, woke up with a long sigh. He looked around in the darkness and saw only a damaged black library looming.

The Laughing God of the Eldar clan gently knocked on the door, quickly slid into the crack of the door with a funny movement, and only stretched out one hand to say hello to Lin Fan.

It was a metaphorical gesture from the Eldar.

"Please stop thinking."

The door of the library opened, and white light swept over Lin Fan, who was in shock.

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