"The Star God has been destroyed. We have completed the great revenge of our race. But is it really worth it?"

The desperate voice of a Pharaoh resounded throughout the entire venue. This was an offense. The Three Holy Guards immediately flashed around the collapsed Pharaoh and held his neck with a phase blade.

The King of Silence sat on the throne without saying a word, and his left and right hands were also silent, unable to guess the King's will.

After a long time, the Silent King waved his hand and asked the Three Holy Guards to drag the King of France out of the venue and bury him in a tomb for a good sleep.

"The most desperate time has not yet come." The left and right hands conveyed the will of the Silent King, "Our race still has the opportunity to find the lost soul, the universe may still be restarted, the wall builders have bought enough time for us, we Their sacrifice cannot be in vain."

"So King, what should we do?"

"Live, keep living, and wait for the opportunity to come."

The King of Pharaoh kowtowed to the King of Silence and asked for enlightenment, but the King of Silence did not explain to them what an opportunity was.

The warlocks of the dynasty who mastered science and technology jointly sent a message to the Silent King, saying that they were ready to shape a new order.

A holographic map of the Milky Way was displayed in the sky, and a blank contract was displayed in the hand of the Silent King. The contract was also projected behind him so that the kings of all dynasties could see what was written on the contract.

"Space Emergency Maintenance Convention"

The first deals with the problem of the Orks, these war machines that went out of control after the demise of the Old Ones. They are rampaging across the galaxy today, united to find any enemy they can fight.

The dynasty fleet was dispatched, looking for the gathered orcs, and destroyed the most powerful orc kingdoms with thunder.

During this process, the weapons used by the Necrontyr and the Orcs shook the foundation of the galaxy. The Dynasty Warlocks monitored the data at all times and warned the Dynasty fleet to stop in time.

Galaxy collapse coefficient (10%)

The cold numbers are so frightening that even the Necrontyr, who has become a data slave, will have a deep sense of awe.

After paying a certain price, the out-of-control orc empire was defeated and dispersed, and the smartest orcs were killed by dynasty assassins to the brink of extinction.

But this is only temporary. As long as the orcs are given time, they will rise from the ashes again and again, and the current Necrontyr can no longer garrison every planet.

However, the Silent King will naturally use other methods to solve the problem of the orcs. The legions of the dynasty piled up the corpses of intelligent orcs. Xerath the Enlightener and his warlocks who are best at genetic engineering are extracting the orc genes and creating Targeted gene bombs.

They had done this kind of work many times before the war in heaven was over, but under the repair and supervision of the ancient saints, the results were always unsatisfactory.

But now that the Old Ones have been destroyed, the Necrontyr, relying on the Prisoners of the Star God, and the Eldar Empire, relying on the Warp, have become the two most powerful civilizations in the galaxy.

At this time, subspace and the real universe have been mixed together, and even the Silent King cannot accurately mark out which areas are not contaminated by subspace, but this facilitates the operation of genetic bombs.

The targeted gene bomb sank into the turbid universe, and through the chaotic characteristics of time and space in the subspace, it exploded in the bodies of all orcs caught in the fury of war.

"First strip away the use of regular weapons by the orcs."

Xerath's voice echoed in the venue. His body was surrounded by numerous technological runes. Each broken ring meant that the targeted gene bomb entered the next stage.

There are countless orcs in the huge mechanical structure that binds the entire galaxy together. They are huge, with strong armor and strong will. However, they still lie on the ground in pain and endure silently under the destruction of the genetic bomb.

The genes were being stripped away, like a prick of skin lifted up from a finger. The Necrontyr grabbed the prick and peeled off half of the victim's skin with a precision that even the orcs would marvel at.

Some orcs turned into a puddle of liquid due to genetic disintegration, and some orcs quickly degenerated to lower levels of life due to genetic disintegration.

The only intelligent orcs left in the galaxy reacted immediately, but before they could do anything, they were hit by the death mark hidden in the dimension that had been waiting for a long time, and turned into a ball of free particles.

More corpses of intelligent orcs were restrained, and more genetic bombs were thrown into the subspace. This efficient annihilation of civilization horrified the Eldar Empire that had sneaked into the webway. They sent messages to the Silent King again and again, trying to Ask them about their purpose.

"You destroyed the entire universe! Now you won't even let go of this small puddle?" The Phoenix King of the Spirit Empire smashed the black stone array with spiritual energy as huge as a tsunami, and his angry face was displayed in the venue.

The Silent King had already expected his performance, but he did not expect that the Phoenix King's situation would be so bad.

The elegant and confident Phoenix King was completely gone, leaving only a pale face with dark eye circles and high cheekbones. The scene behind him was filled with concentrated spirits mixed with hallucinogens and lethal agents.

"Instead of asking me these questions, you might as well deal with the issue of the Pantheon Civil War. Oh? I remember Asuryan hasn't replied to you for a long time, right?"

"Szarak!" The Phoenix King called the Silent King by his true name. All the Pharaohs in the venue entered the extradimensional state, and weapons made from the remains of the Star God and the ancient saint were being warmed up.

Facing the threat of the Silent King, the Phoenix King gritted his molars and warned, "If the galaxy shrinks again, we will perish with you no matter what."

The psychic communication disappeared, and the Archon asked the Silent King for permission to mobilize his legions into the Webway.

"It doesn't matter, they don't have the guts. If they were willing to use genocidal psychic storms to rescue the last Old Saint when the enslavers were overflowing, we wouldn't have won the Battle of Heaven just like this. Now Xerath, against the orc genes To what extent has it been deleted?”

"My great king." Xerath respectfully saluted the Silent King. Only the last few technological rune rings around him were left. "We have successfully erased most of the orcs' knowledge about regular weapons. It's just that They are also countering our genetic attacks. They have set up a dimensional blockade network, and our death mark cannot break through the defense. This time the genetic blockade may become very long."


Xerath felt frightened by the Silent King's meaningful rhetorical question. He forced himself to calm down and continued, saying that he could definitely complete the task assigned by the Silent King.

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