Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 748 Luo Jia: Knowing mistakes can correct them

Everything about the Perfect City made the Emperor angry. He saw no value in this religious world that could be transformed in time.

Perhaps in the next few hundred years, the Perfect City will become a cultural center and a tourist destination, but at this juncture when the Webway Project is about to be completed, every brick and tile is precious.

Is that my statue? An adamantine statue thousands of meters high? Hundreds of statues surround a majestic golden dome that breaks through the atmosphere, full of scripture prayers carved by hand?

The Emperor felt dizzy at Lorgar's generosity. When he was sweating profusely while busy in the webway and the throne interface, using one brick as two bricks, and his buttocks were broken into eight pieces from exhaustion, this boy Lorgar was unable to do anything like this. Work hard on the boring details of timely realization.

"Is what you did too crude? I don't think the orcs are that good either." Malcador frowned and complained as he looked at the throne.

The emperor didn't even raise his head and said angrily, "As long as it works, does it depend on the level of cable management?"

"That's the truth." Malcador nodded, and when he turned to leave, he tripped over the throne's messy cables on the ground. Fortunately, he had strong psychic power, so he was not caught by the raging waves in the throne's cables. Energy kills directly.

Holding back his anger, the Emperor said coldly to Lorgar, "Kneel down, Lorgar."

"Father, I." Luojia stretched out his hand and tried to explain something.

I said, kneel down! The Emperor's voice was laced with psychic energy, and his rage raged throughout the Perfect City, driving the Word Bearers warriors who revered him like a god to their knees.

The sight of the Space Marines kneeling in unison was spectacular, but the Emperor was in no mood to appreciate it.

The Emperor had much to say.

He wanted to scold Lorgar angrily and ask him why he ignored his orders again and again.

Don’t you respect me as a god? Then why do my words always fall on deaf ears? As long as you were as obedient as that good boy Ruth, I wouldn't come all the way to criticize you!

I repeatedly told you to speed up the progress and not engage in religious superstition, but in the end you spent a lot of time and material resources to build a cathedral that praises my name day and night?

The Emperor rolled his eyes and looked around, feeling that every statue and every trumpet of praise was providing a steady stream of energy to the subspace, and then these energies gathered together to form a damn subspace rift.

Damn. The fist is hard.

The Emperor glanced at Lorgar angrily, causing the kneeling latter to bend down in fear and panic.

Do you want to tell Lorgar about the subspace? No, absolutely not. If the knowledge of subspace is told to Lorgar, their conversation will become the beginning of shattering the truth of the empire, and the topic will inevitably lead to those four things.

The movements of those four things recently were very obscure and secretive. The Emperor always felt that they were trying to make a big deal out of him, but he could not stop them. He could only race against time to complete the Webway system before chaos occurred.

So what would happen if he really told Lorgar about subspace?

The Emperor quickly thought over his next conversation with Lorgar.

Emperor: Third child, do you know why I don’t let you engage in religious superstition?

Lorgar: My dear father, I don't know.

Emperor: The subspace is a reflection of consciousness. The power of faith is difficult to control. Too much worship will create a false idol in the subspace, and then he will be distorted and deformed by four other bastards. No one can guarantee what you admire. Faith can definitely protect the empire, so we need imperial truth to abandon the hidden influence of religion. Understand?

Lorgar: Father? (Stupid, then reacts) My great and all-knowing father! You are truly a true God walking in this world! How could he actually know such profound and profound knowledge, and compete with the indescribable terror in the subspace! Gua! Only God can do this!

Is this possible?

The Emperor felt that this was entirely possible, seeing as the Word Bearer's armor was full of wax-sealed scriptures.

Some of them are not even scriptures, but some words that the emperor said every day.

Their fighting style has been complained about many times by other legions. Other legions spray-paint markings on their armor for quick identification, and all they use are tactical terms.

Simple, efficient and extremely efficient.

The Word Bearers will cry out for the Emperor's blessing and purge of heresy! Crushing their enemies with the same fervor as the religious lunatics the Emperor saw during the Wars of Terra Unification.

This is too bad.

If I said that every Space Marine must poop at six in the morning, these Word Bearers would definitely come up with their own theory to prove the correctness of the Emperor's words.

He could still imagine the scene, Lorgar holding the staff and preaching to the Word Bearers with a pious face, "Our true God! Our true Father! He has told us a sacred word! Every Space Marine should read it in the morning Use this extremely sacred time to empty your body of all the impurities! Complete God’s great cause with the most perfect and pure body!”

"Long live the Emperor!" the Word Bearers cheered, etching the words on their armor and creating scripture strips to spread the word to other Legions.

There are too many things going wrong. The conflict between the Terran soldiers and the Homeworld soldiers, the warrior associations within the Legion, the conflict between the pro-Horus faction and the pro-Primarch faction and the Emperor's faction, the proliferation of Grand Astartes, and now Los Angeles. Jia Yao wanted to put his religious beliefs in the open.

Maybe there are evil gods behind these things, or maybe it's just the individual's own character flaws.

Damn it. My fist is hard again.

The Emperor's face became increasingly ugly, and his psychic power surged around him uncontrollably. Lorgar gritted his teeth in pain and endured the Emperor's wrath.

After a long time, the storm subsided, and the Emperor turned away in disappointment. He looked at Guilliman who was following him, thinking about how to deal with Lorgar's problem.

Oral admonishment? The Emperor had done it many times.

That doesn't work. Lorgar is as dishonest as Magnus.

It would be better to just demolish the city and cut off his thoughts.

Under the Emperor's orders, Guilliman's Ultramarines will ruthlessly destroy the Perfect City, and Lorgar and his Word Bearers are not allowed to resist or prevent any action in the process.

The Perfect City was in ruins, and Lorgar secretly collected a cyan stone brick from the Perfect City. The Emperor saw all this and said nothing.

You have to leave some thoughts for your children.

After this incident, the Word Bearers made rapid progress in the Great Crusade.

The emperor looked at the report submitted by Malcador in the palace and smiled with satisfaction.

"The Webway is almost complete, and victory belongs to us."

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