"Sigh. You have to learn to compromise and share, and don't always huddle in a corner alone."

"Although your former partners either died or left you, I am still here? Right?"

When Malcador saw that there was no movement in the dark corner for a long time, he rolled up his sleeves and grabbed the double-headed eagle staff and walked aggressively towards the shadow-shrouded corner.


A sigh echoed in the palace. The Imperial Guards all stopped and listened carefully to the tension and worry in the sigh. They hoped to relieve the emperor's worries, but after realizing that they were powerless, they could only stay with guilt and sadness. Continue working in the network channel.

The Sisters of Silence who worked with them were very dissatisfied. They were naturally anti-psionic and could not hear the Emperor's sighs. In their eyes, this was the Custodes taking advantage of their work.

"Work hard!" Sister Silence expressed her thoughts in fast and powerful sign language.

"come out faster."

At Malcador's urging, the Emperor reluctantly stepped out of the shadows. His brows did not relax because the Webway was about to be completed.

Malcador knew what the Emperor was worried about, so he asked Waldo to temporarily retreat, used psychic energy to isolate the room, and created a chessboard.

The two began to play chess again, and this time Macado spoke first.

"Is it because of the prophecy?"

"Half my children will betray me." The Emperor said, rubbing his brow with his hand. "That bastard Tzeentch is walking around the edge of the webway, reminding me of this."

"We should have made preparations long ago to deliberately marginalize several of the original bodies, or even abandon them directly." Malcador said expressionlessly.

"No. I don't believe in any bullshit prophecies. They are my children and they will do their best." The emperor left again.

"Sometimes things don't go as you want. Maybe they are not as strong and brave as you think. They are also fragile, and they also need help." Malcador couldn't go on because the emperor raised his head and used his eyes. Look into Malcador's eyes.

"They need help, so who will help me? I have limited energy and can't do everything myself."

"I refuse to believe in the prophecy." The emperor took another step. "The prophecy is just a cowardly way of escaping reality. I don't believe that everything woven by the four gods will come true."

The Emperor was silent for a while, adjusted his mood and tone and then said, "When the Webway can operate stably, humans will no longer rely on subspace, but this is not the point. One day we will have to find a way to escape from the Webway. We must also free Angron from the trouble of the Butcher's Nail. In the days of peace, we will forge ahead, we will correct the mistakes, and we will bring order to the future. In short, we will achieve justice and a hopeful future."

The emperor said with some joy, and spiritual sparks bloomed from his fingers, sketching vivid pictures in the air.

"It's really good." Makado sighed.

"When the time comes, you can sit on the throne and watch how we travel around. We will hold a family movie party every Sunday, and then send you a video to take back." The emperor suddenly smiled and looked at Macado Here he looks like he deserves a beating.

But this was just a joke. In the plan of the Emperor and Malcador, the two of them would take turns keeping the throne running. Although Magnus could also do this, the Emperor was not willing to give up his child. Locked in the throne for hundreds or even thousands of years.

He is just a child after all.

"I won."

Malcador suddenly woke up from the scene weaved by the Emperor. He looked down at the chessboard and found that he had been defeated.

This guy is using his psychic powers again.

Malcador didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He coughed and laughed several times. The emperor also came over and held Malcador's back with his big hands.

For a long time, Malcador looked at the emperor meaningfully, with advice and sadness in his eyes, "You are too greedy."

"I know." The emperor smiled and said nothing more.

Lin Fan couldn't stand it anymore when he saw this.

The better their vision for the future was, the warmer the scene where they interacted, and the greater the sadness they brought to Lin Fan.

"Speaking of which, do subjective people cry?" Onlookers were curious about this.

"Maybe if you keep broadcasting it, I will cry."

"Okay." The bystander decided to give it a try.

Things suddenly took a turn for the worse when Magnus's psychic communication shattered the barriers of the Webway.

"Horus has rebelled!"

Psionic communications drifted across the webway beneath the throne, the shattered space cracks and twisted remains of marvel machinery becoming a monument to ridicule.

The Custodes and Sisters of Silence stationed there are in danger. They not only have to survive the natural disaster of the collapse of the Webway, but also fight their way through the demonic ocean.

They cannot be killed. The demons are endless. They can overwhelm the Webway in one moment and Terra in the next.


Laughter ripped through the air and reached the Emperor's ears. He looked towards the huge hole left after the shattering of the Webway, and saw Tzeentch's playful smile in the vast ocean of warp where demons emerged.

Chaos had won, and the Great Crusade was failing.

I overestimated the capabilities of my sons and underestimated the extent of the warp's interference with reality.

I thought Terra's defenses were impenetrable, but Tzeentch only gave Magnus a gentle push in the back to make the entire defense line fall apart.

"You're too greedy."

This time it was Tzeentch who spoke.

The Emperor blinked his eyes and clenched his fists. He released all his anger and led his army to cut off the waves of demon attacks again and again.

When a demon is banished back to the warp, ten times a hundred times more of his kind will swarm upon him. Even if the coordination between the Custodes and the Sisters of Silence is flawless, and the web of firepower woven by the mortal legions and the Titan Order is airtight, they can resist the demon. Strength inevitably weakens due to fatigue and casualties.

There are also twists and unspeakable horrors among demons. These ancient evil things are almost the aggregation of certain concepts in subspace.

Draconian, the end of the Empire and the resurrection of humanity's first murder, appeared to destroy a combined force of Custodes, Sisters of Silence, and Warhound Titans.

He controlled a Reaver Titan and then destroyed a seriously injured Warlord Titan. He captured a Dominator Titan and then destroyed an unreplicable Custodes Dreadnought.

Draconion, transformed into a Stone Age chieftain, impaled the Emperor, laughing wildly that today was the day the Emperor would die.

The Emperor tore the demon from his body, threw him to the Praetorian Tribune Endinon, and sealed the demon within his body.

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