
Endinon faithfully carried out his orders and ran deeper into the Webway.

The Emperor knew he would never see him again.

He panted slightly, recovering from the wounds Draconian had inflicted on him.

It is now the fifth year of the Webway War. The Custodes have lost all their strength. The Sisters of Silence and the Consolidated Order have suffered unprecedented casualties. The Titan Order's divine machines and broken armors lie in the broken Webway.

Under the long-term blowing of the wind of chaos, these titan remains also transformed in the direction of demons.

Fortunately, reinforcements finally arrived. Vulkan, the original body of the Salamander Legion, arrived at the palace and installed the "Amulet of the Seven Hammers" after passing many obstacles.

This device would ensure that in the worst-case scenario, all of Terra would be reduced to dust, rather than become another playground for the Chaos Gods.

After the device was successfully installed, the Emperor immediately used his power to create a barrier between the daemons and Terra.

The roar of lightning and thunder could not illuminate the darkness in the palace. The emperor's back was as heavy as a mountain, and the imperial guards following him felt a strong pressure growing from the body of the emperor they respected.

The Emperor sat on his throne, his thoughts suddenly clearing from the pain this wonderful device had caused him.

The dream has awakened.

This sigh penetrated time and illusion, and directly affected the current God Emperor.

He suddenly felt a sense of sadness and powerlessness gripping his body, affecting his ability to maintain the Star Torch.

The Emperor's Chosen who were about to throw themselves into the Star Torch felt this pain, and they shed tears.

The navigators observing the Star Torch Navigation Fleet felt this powerlessness. They stood there blankly, with psychic tears falling from their third eyes.

These tears condensed into a golden tear and fell down his face. The God-Emperor wanted to reach out and wipe it away, but found that he was too sad to do this simple action.

Could it be Tzeentch's influence?

The God-Emperor was thoughtful, and then he saw Slaanesh wandering in front of him, his eyes full of curiosity, as if he was asking what the God-Emperor's tears would taste like.

Slaanesh stuck out a tongue.

The disgust and anger that the God-Emperor had been able to suppress suddenly lost control. He slapped him hard, and Slaanesh, who was caught off guard, screamed and flew to an unknown place in the subspace.

"Ah" Slaanesh's voice sounded half in pain and half in relief, "You are so rude. So you are so good at this?"

"Shut up, Slaanesh."

Tears fell from the God-Emperor's cheeks, sinking into the warp and falling into the mortal world without a trace.

At this time, Lin Fan had seen the life of Horus accompanied by onlookers.

"The Emperor has betrayed you. He has already thought of everything! He wants to become a god! He wants mankind to suffer forever! Not only that, he also wants to clean up you bad tools that are not obedient enough!" said a shadow.

"Lies! They are all lies!" Horus roared, "Father will never let down our dedication and sacrifice!"

"Oh? Really?" The shadow chuckled and showed Horus the scene in the distant future.

That is the empire of 40k. Decay and decline are spread across every planet. The emperor's statue towers majestically. Under his feet are fanatical believers and poor people who are worse than dead.

Such a scene made Horus worried, but it was not enough to break his psychological defenses.

Churches, holy words, statues, paintings... countless religious creations brought a lot of pain to Horus. He wanted to close his eyes, but he was afraid that he would miss some key information.

Finally he saw the statues of his brothers in a huge church with a walking titan.

There is no him in the statue. No Fulgrim. No Perturabo. No Angron. No Mortarion. No Lorgar. No Magnus. No Alpharius. No Curze.


"Why else? Of course you have all been purged. You are the emperor's inferior tools. You are a stumbling block to his great cause of ascension to the gods!"

Horus' hands and lips trembled. He looked at Tzeentch and asked what he should do to prevent such a cruel future.

"We will lend you our power and let me introduce them." The shadow showed its true appearance. Lin Fan could tell at a glance that it was Tzeentch, but that was not the case in the eyes of Horus at that time.

"This is the Lord of Bravery and Loyalty."

"This is the Lord of joy and ease."

“This is the Lord of kindness and tolerance.”

"Sounds like you are good gods." Horus murmured, "What about you? What kind of god are you?"

"Me? I am the Lord of Hope and Rebirth." Tzeentch said sincerely, "Now we will give you great power."

"Then what's the price?" Horus asked alertly.

"Defeat that hypocritical guy and free the empire from his lies!" Tzeentch said seriously, "As the Lord of Hope, I long for a better future more than any god! That is the best reward! "

Horus nodded movedly. He accepted the blessings of the four gods and walked out of the temple. He felt that everything that troubled him in front of him disappeared, and the purpose of fighting for it became extremely clear.

I have made the acquaintance of four friendly and upright gods, and with their help I will win the freedom of mankind from my tyrannical father!

Looking at Horus's leaving figure, Tzeentch showed a playful smile.

"Nature is a bright future. But for whom is it bright?"

Time flies and images flow.

Horus's fleet has surrounded Terra, and the flagship Vengeful Spirit is the core of their attack, where almost all orders are given.

In the aisle leading to the main bridge, countless warriors sang the name of Horus. This was a roar and a cry, which was quite inspiring.

Horus was very satisfied with such grandeur. He walked through the crowd. No one dared to look directly at him wherever he looked. The sound of praise was mixed with cries of anger and despair.

They were just too awed and too excited.

Horus thought this way. On the eve of victory, it was normal for his soldiers to have such emotions. There was no need to get angry at such a time.

I am different from my cold father. Yes! I am different from him!

Horus stopped, causing the voice of praise to suddenly become confused for a moment. He looked at a warrior on his left and put his big hand on his shoulder.

"We are about to win! Then we can restore humanity! Restore the glory of the Golden Age!"

The son of Horus raised his head tremblingly. He could not see any rationality on Horus's face, only endless madness.

(I thought about it and updated it a bit. I am writing this just to complete the setting of this book. After all, it is really cute. I also want to refine the image of the emperor.)

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