"This is the current situation of the war, great Wolf Shepherd." Agnes said respectfully to Horus.

"The battle situation? Isn't it just a submission battle? You are my best sons, please leave me alone."

Agnes was silent for a long time. He looked nervously at the other senior generals around him, and then he continued in a deep voice, "Great Wolf Shepherd, this is Holy Terra."

Holy Terra Horus' thoughts suddenly returned to the right track. He had just thought that their fleet was still working hard to achieve the goal of the Great Expedition.

"Oh. Terra." Horus nodded, and then he saw Angron fighting fiercely on Terra.

Angron. He is a brother who is too brave and irritable because of the Butcher's Nail.

Horus felt a little emotional, and then he saw a golden figure with wings on its back rushing toward Angron.

That was Sanguinius, his brother Sanguinius.

Horus suddenly felt excited. It was a good thing to see his good brother with such vitality. Many precious memories of the two of them together emerged from the depths of their souls.

That's when the two of them went to find Mortarion.

Sanguinius was behind him, his lips curled up as Mortarion dealt with the planet too aggressively.

Horus chuckled a few times, marveling at Sanguinius's humility and kindness.

Before he became the war master, he had also thought about this question, how would he feel if other brothers became the war master?

Well, I will bless my brother. This is what it should be. But after all, I feel a little disappointed.

But my brothers deserve justice! Horus suddenly turned around and shouted, "Ms. Ouliton! Lady Ouliton, the Chronicler! Come here quickly!"

"Recorder Ouliton? Who is that?" The senior generals in the battleship communicated with each other with eyes and gestures.

"Reporters sent by the Emperor to record the words and stories of the Primarch in a book and so on." A Son of Horus shrugged, his helmet sprouting horns due to Chaos corrosion.

"So that's a mortal? So how can she still be alive? There are those things everywhere."

An emergency communication reached the command room, and Chief Company Commander Abaddon was requesting support from them.

But their attention was now focused on the dangerous and cold Horus, so naturally no one would be in a hurry to reply to Abaddon's message.

Abaddon stood there tiredly, dangerous shells passing by him from time to time, but he had no intention of avoiding them.

Just beat me to death here.

Abaddon thought with some resignation, there were no brothers or reinforcements around him, only corpses and ruins.

There are no normal people in the attacking force, and the mutated company commander does whatever he wants.

Commands, orders, rules were all thrown out the window.

"What's the point of all this?" Abaddon asked himself.

Next, the questions of everyone on the ship were answered.

A hole suddenly opened in the doorway that was blocked by the shadow of the tall demon, and three Nurglings stacked in a tower quickly rushed in through the hole.

The Nurgling at the top held a piece of wet paper and directed his brothers to come to Horus.

No one could understand the chattering voice of the Nurgling. Only Horus smiled and nodded, and let out hearty laughter from time to time.

"My brothers! They have their own advantages! And they have the precious ability to unleash these advantages to the maximum extent!"

"The power of Ferrus! The unwavering focus of Perturabo! The cunning of Alpharius!"

"I admire them all! But there are always those who are more prejudiced. After all, I am a living person."

"Rogal Dorn is an excellent military strategist, but he is a bit too boring and lacks imagination. My father has an unusual fondness for Magnus. I think it is because of Magnus's certain qualities. Very similar to my father.”

Having said this, Horus smiled again, feeling that he had thought of a very appropriate joke.

"Magnus was immersed in his imagination and stayed in his study for a lifetime. Think about my father too! He huddled in the palace of Terra and remained silent. Even if you said hello to him, he would just say hello. Nodding stiffly."

"Guilliman is also very good. His achievements are so extensive, and we all envy our father and mother. Curze is a poor guy, and his fate is indeed a bit unfair to him."

"But you know who I love the most? Of course it's the Angel, my brother Sanguinius! I'd be a little insulted if someone passed me over and became Warmaster, but I would love Sanguinius becoming Warmaster from the bottom of my heart. happy!"

"Sometimes I envy Sanguinius. When you meet him, you will know that no one can hate him. He makes people forget to breathe and makes people admire them from the bottom of their hearts. If I had some of his dexterity The energy will be good."


The ground glowed with golden light as Sanguinius seized the Butcher's Nail on Angron's head during the battle.

Horus's eyes lit up, and he stared closely at Sanguinius' figure.

Sanguinius' face was smeared with blood, and he was breathing heavily, his hands grasping the spike on Angron's head.

"Quick! Angron! Kill him!" Horus shouted, seeming to have forgotten how he praised Sanguinius before.

Angron naturally heard the voice of Horus, and this demonic psychic voice echoed in his little sanity.

The spirit that was tortured to the point of collapse by the Butcher's Nail regained some clarity, but Angron just wanted to use this last chance to scold Horus for his cowardice.

"Kill him! Quick!"

Angron could see the anxious look of Horus stamping his feet on the Vengeful Spirit from this voice.

Oh shit! You're a scared loser and you're still commanding from a distance!

But before Angron could roar, Sanguinius pulled out the Butcher's Nails from Angron's head.

This was real pain, and even though Angron had been half-demonized by the influence of Chaos, he would roar in agony at the pain of pulling out the Butcher's Nails.

This roar shook the void shield, causing it to flash with illusory ripples. He twisted and pushed desperately, feeling his skull being pulled apart with a creaking sound.

The Butcher's Nail was completely pulled out, Angron's head exploded, sparks and blood flew, and his brains spurted out in all directions.

Angron was temporarily dead, and Sanguinius's hands were stained with his brother's blood.

Regarding such a tragedy, Horus, who was observing in the battleship, only said something half emotional and half regretful.

"Gee, what a shame."

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