"Forget it." Horus clapped his hands and turned back to smile at his children, "Let's continue chatting. We can't let this kind of thing affect our good mood. Mallowhurst brought up the combat situation. ”

Horus pointed at Agnes. The generals meeting here knew that Malohurst had been dead for a long time, and his first seven years were almost five years old.

But what else could Agnes do? He softly muttered that he was Agnes, and then called out the battle situation.

"Sir," said a certain commander, "there are some issues we need to deal with."

"Let me see the battle situation first."

"Sir! The problem is serious now, we must."

"Really? Sejanus!" Horus snapped, horrifying the commanders. "But I don't mean to blame you, Hastor. I must understand the situation while we discuss the details."

The Wolf Shepherd God said the names of two more dead people. Some commanders closed their eyes tightly, some sighed helplessly, but others wanted to struggle for Horus's little sanity.

"Of course, my lord. But we."

"Are you still talking back? Captain Sejanus! I would like to know what the Council of Four Kings will think of your behavior?"

"The Council of Four Kings? Sir, they."

"Can't they speak for themselves?"

The conference room was silent. Everyone understood that the Council of the Four Kings had fallen apart. Those highly respected warriors had long since died. Only Horus was still immersed in his own fantasy.

"They are not here." A commander replied timidly.

Horus did not dwell on this issue. He looked at the war situation on the image with great interest.

Some troops assaulted too deeply and appeared impatient, which is not good. Horus criticized.

Some troops advanced too far, and their bold attacks achieved astonishing results. Horus nodded with satisfaction. Who else but him could teach such exquisite tactics.

Horus's opposition and approval made everyone in the conference room feel numb, but they continued to fulfill their obligations as a warrior and a son, and briefed Horus on the battlefield situation.

A horde of demons wreaked havoc on Terra, reinforcements summoned through ritual.

"What kind of army is this? Who commands them?" Horus asked, pointing to the screen.

Everyone looked at each other, even the warrior in charge of the summoning ceremony could not answer Horus's question.

But what does that mean to Horus? His mind was filled with all kinds of useful knowledge, and calling out the names of these demons was a simple task.

Horus announced the devil's name quickly and accurately, as smoothly as a long-practiced oral performance.

When the last word symbolizing the devil's filthy name fell, the commander of the conference room fell into deep fear. The shadows of the devil standing behind them were also cold and suffocating, but in the eyes of Horus, this was a good thing. of excitement.

"And I have this ring!" Horus showed the old gold ring on his little finger and told every detail of his relationship with the Emperor.

This is like a way to show off that his father is very kind to him and that he is also a filial son.

"Oh! One more thing, lower the void shield." Horus said optimistically.

This was a shock to other commanders. Terra's anti-air firepower had not been completely removed, and removing the void shield now meant that the Vengeful Spirit would be exposed to the palace's firepower.

The Vengeful Spirit is a powerful ship, and the demons wandering within it have twisted the warship into a kind of supernatural den, but this does not mean that the warship can survive the salvo of macro cannons without any damage.

"Sir, it's time for us to rise."

"Shut up! I am the Warmaster! This is my right! And you have no right to question it!"

The commander lowered his head. They didn't say much, but Perturabo's message came through, and no one dared to ignore the message from a primarch.

"Horus!" Perturabo was full of anger as soon as he spoke, "What the hell are you doing? Shouldn't your legions be cooperating with my flank? And why did you lower the void shield?"

Listening to Perturabo's noisy voice, Horus felt a little upset.

Perturabo is really useless. If only Dorne was under my command, he would be able to break the palace's defense in two weeks.

Horus curled his lips in disgust and hung up the communication.

Perturabo's roar was interrupted by the beep of communication interruption. He gritted his teeth and stared at the group of battleships above his head, then threw the communication device to the ground and crushed it with his feet.

Lions Gate Port has been retaken by the White Scars, and Mortarion prides himself on being tenacious and unyielding, but he can't even hold a position.

Fulgrim and his Emperor's Children huddled in hives and cities to enjoy themselves, and when they were short of supplies, they would attack the supply lines that Perturabo had managed to establish.

Angron advanced furiously, and the corpse pits and huge defensive gaps left by him and the World Eaters warriors gave Perturabo a headache.

damn it!

Perturabo stamped his feet a few more times. He really couldn't stand the wanton behavior of these nobles, and ordered all the troops besieging Terra to prepare to retreat.

"It seems that my brother has encountered trouble on the ground, but these difficulties will be solved after the void shield is lowered." Horus said confidently.

"What is a master-level battle? Does it mean that you have to fight this one and then fight the next one? No, of course not. A master-level battle should be that after you finish this one, you don't have to fight the next battle. Because the enemy’s will to fight has already collapsed.”

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand."

"Of course you don't understand, because you can't see the problem from my perspective. It's like you don't know that Guilliman and Lion's reinforcements are very close to us, and they may be behind us in a few days."

"What?" Others were a little panicked. God knows how many people these two original bodies would bring to support.

Two hundred thousand? Or even three hundred thousand?

When the time comes, Terra's defenders will work together with the reinforcements to crush them like a forging hammer and anvil.

Horus saw their panic, and he was a little annoyed, but something beside the table nodded to him and said something.

He's right.

Horus was convinced and smiled towards a blank and uninhabited area.

A terrifying coldness enveloped every living person in the conference room, and Horus decided to reveal all of his plans.

"If we lower the void shield, my father will definitely lose his patience and bring people to join us."

"So this is a strategy?"

"Of course. Then I killed the Emperor who jumped over to help. Guilliman and Lion must have been so frightened when they saw me stepping on the Emperor's corpse that they surrendered on the spot."

Looking at Horus, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally said in unison.

"Goodbye, Warmaster."

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