Different from the absurd and indescribable atmosphere on the Vengeful Spirit, in the depths of the palace obscured by the void shield, a deep sense of despair and unwillingness surged upward.

Malcador stood guard in front of the throne. He watched the Emperor close his eyes and endure the pain on the throne. A large amount of spiritual energy was being violently pumped out and poured into the Emperor's body.

If the Webway had not been broken, the throne would not have such an exaggerated consumption.

The Emperor let out a breath that sounded more like a moan to Malcador's ears.

Grieving for his old friend, Malcador remained silent before the Emperor.

Suddenly, a psychic message broke into Malcador's mind. It was sent by the Emperor while he was enduring pain.

A rather wonderful perspective. It is impossible to browse all the information with the naked eye. You must use your psychic eyes to appreciate it carefully.

This is Terra, with horrific scars that dwarf the death planets bombarded by meteorites and screamed savage warlords before the Unification War that they could never be replicated.

The city was filled with eight-pointed star arrays made of fire and corpses. The laughter of the evil god was mixed into the air. The civilians who were desperately fleeing exploded to death in the corners where they were hiding because they heard these sounds.

The macro perspective showed the whole picture of Terra. At this moment, Malcador even felt that this was not a battlefield, but a huge festival to please the gods.

From a more microscopic perspective, Malcador heard the inner feelings of each defender fighting to the death, and saw how they made the final aim before the demon pounced.

And then there's the wail, the silence of death, the sickening sound of demons feasting.

Next came the roar of struggle, the trembling of physiological fear, the confusion and escape from the end of the war.

"Alas." Makado sighed. No matter how optimistic he was, he had to admit that the situation had deteriorated to an point where it was irreversible.

But the next second, the fierce battle suddenly seemed a little calm.

The besieging Iron Warriors retreated steadily back, huddled in trenches and bunkers on guard.

The most surprising thing was that the Vengeful Spirit's void shield was suddenly removed.

This is a trap.

Malcador could only come up with this result among these unreasonable changes.

Who is Horus?

He was the Warmaster of the Great Crusade, one of the greatest military strategists of their time, and a strong man chosen by the Four Gods.

Would anyone believe such a crude tactic of luring the enemy?

Malcador asked himself that he would not risk it. At most, he would let the palace's artillery fire be aimed at Horus, and then pray that a cannonball would just hit Horus's head.

This is our last chance. The Emperor said slowly that it was only a matter of time before they captured the palace. Unless Horus died, the influence of the four gods on Terra would not be eliminated.

At the same time, the leadership of the Terran garrison rushed to the throne room, and they also discovered the strangeness of Horus's command.

Dorn, Sanguinius, Vulkan, and Valdor stood before the Emperor, and Jaghatai should also stand here.

However, after his duel with Mortarion, only a corpse remained. His soul was directly exposed to the eyes of the Four Gods. It took considerable effort for the Emperor to reassemble Jaghatai's soul and transfer it to him. He threw it back into the body.

Jaghatai may not wake up for a while, but this will not affect the psychological preparation of others to sacrifice in such a critical battle situation.

"In a sense, we have failed." The Emperor looked at his sons and said calmly, "We have all been cursed by those things. Even if we can win today, the Empire will continue to survive. Hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years have not been able to change this fact. The bright path of hope has passed, and darkness remains in all directions. "

The emperor's words were very heavy, and his son didn't know how to respond. Only Malcador coughed twice.

"We can kill Horus." Waldo spoke first, his disgust and hatred for the traitor undisguised in his tone. "After the war is over, we can start over, purify the Webway, and rebuild the ruins again."

The Emperor stared at Valdo for a long time, interrupting the discussion about the future. He had to solve the current situation.

"I will go to the Vengeful Spirit alone, and Saint Leth will be the new Warmaster."

"We will not let you go alone, father." Dorn said seriously, "The only reason why I guard the solar system, guard Terra, and guard the palace is because you are here."

The next person to speak was Waldo, "The Forbidden Army is your guardian, and I am the leader of the Forbidden Army. Wherever you go, the Forbidden Army goes, and I go wherever the Forbidden Army goes."

Vulkan said nothing, and everyone could see his reluctance, even Dorne.

The opposition of the three people made the emperor have mixed feelings. Their resistance and disobedience would naturally make the emperor a little angry, but the protective will revealed in their words truly touched the emperor's heart.

But being moved did not solve the problem, and the Emperor was ready to continue to implement his tough attitude, just like a strict and over-the-top father who used roughness to make his children nod in agreement.

Emperor, they are ready to sacrifice everything for you, and you are ready to sacrifice everything for them. Regardless of victory or defeat, you should always share something and give them something in return for their unconditional trust in you. Malcador spoke to the Emperor alone.

After hearing this, the emperor calmed down his anger, and a sense of helplessness slowly grew. He pretended to be tortured by the throne and kept silent, leaving the task of persuading his child to Malcador.

He had always been like this, and he had even hired five eloquent Custodes to persuade the stubborn Sanguinius on his behalf.

That kind of aggrieved pity seemed a bit abrupt in the Emperor's body, but it also magnified his human side.

My son doesn't listen to me.

Malcador shook his head, looked at the four people, and persuaded them with a gentle voice.

Dorn, Waldo, and Vulcan all accepted Malcador's arrangement. They knew that what Malcador said was right, and they also understood that the current situation did not allow them to mess around.

But I'm just not willing to give in. Very unwilling.

Finally, there is Sanguinius, who has never spoken out. His silence made Malcador a little confused, but he had no time to ask the angel who had just killed his brother.

The ceremony of handing over the throne was very simple. The emperor stood up from the throne and watched Malcador's thin body walking up step by step.

Finally Malcador sat on the throne, looking at the emperor and everyone.

"I'll hold it on the throne, and you can use this time first. After winning the battle, you have to live a good life. I'm old and no longer useful."

"You're still energetic."

The Emperor responded gently, and left the throne room as quickly as he fled.

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