Horus disappeared completely, his body, his soul, his Warp essence.

Everything disappeared completely under the burning of the flames. Maybe he finally regained his senses, but he no longer had eyes that could show his guilt.

The Emperor was scarred, coughing up blood and unable to move. He won the duel and completed the last part of the Ascension Ceremony.

All the suffering accumulated in the Ascension Throne rushed towards the emperor. This suffering mixed in the emperor's heart, making him feel despair.

The Four Gods are congratulating them on having a new friend join the Eternal Game.

"Hey! Open the champagne!" Slaanesh shook a bottle of wine brewed from extreme joy and happily poured it onto Terra.

But it is not just humans who are involved in the complex situation on Terra. The Laughing God of the Eldar is observing from the edge of the solar system. He has summoned all the troupes to prepare to stop the Emperor when he loses control.

Tzeentch had long been aware of the Laughing God's preparations, but he knew that the Laughing God was just doing useless work.

It took more than ten thousand years of indulgence to nourish Slaanesh in the Eldar Empire, and it was only then that Slaanesh had its first heartbeat. And the emperor's promotion to the fifth god is not a simple decision made with a slap on the head.

The Great Rebellion lasted only seven years, and the Great Crusade lasted just over two hundred years. For the original body, this kind of war that could destroy the world and burn the city is far less superficial than the Iron Man war.

All the energy for ascension to god was fully prepared during the Terminator's reign and the Age of Strife. The Great Crusade and the Great Rebellion were just an indispensable means to complete the ascension ceremony.

And who knows all these rituals? Nature is Tzeentch who controls knowledge. Even in the subspace, there are some fixed rules in the eternal game without moral standards.

This is the origin of the existence of the universe, the fundamental logic of how everything operates, just like the four rules in the game of life that cannot be violated.

Tzeentch will take the initiative to use these rules and deliberately let him stand on the side of the rules. Even if Khorne is fooled by him and loses his mind, he will grit his teeth in front of the supreme rules and swallow them.

Give hope when there is darkness, give despair when hope breeds, and finally crush all the good things to pieces.

This is the essential logic of ascension. The last Terminator who ascended the throne was unable to bear the suffering, but Tzeentch knew that the Emperor could, and he would continue to bear the suffering and let his destiny move forward.

"Accept your fate! The fifth position has been prepared for you!" Tzeentch cheered to the Emperor, who ignored him.

He looked at the place where Horus disappeared, at the cold body of Sanguinius, and at Dorn rushing to his side in panic.

"Donne. Help me back. Let me see Malcad one last time."

The emperor's voice was weak and broken, and Dorn felt collapsed the moment he heard it. He resisted the urge to cry and howl, helped the heavy emperor up, and walked step by step.

"And your brother," the Emperor said again.

Dorn nodded sadly, he would place Sanguinius properly.

Waldo also came, holding the Spear of the Sun. He had obtained too much horrific information in the killing of the Vengeful Spirit. He looked at the Emperor, and the Emperor saw him.

They returned to Terra, to the Imperial Palace, and even as the tide of Chaos receded with the death of Horus, the war-torn planet still trembled in the dark power of the Emperor's suffering.

The sky was dark, and unnatural clouds dropped dark raindrops, which stained the Emperor's armor and obscured the golden light.

Dorn and Waldo were not affected by the black rain. They tried to erase the darkness on the Emperor, but found that they were unable to do anything. They could only watch the Emperor continue to sink in the darkness until there was no human form.

The news that the Emperor was seriously injured and on the verge of death also spread across Terra through this rain. The surviving civilians and tenacious warriors all collapsed and knelt in the direction of the Emperor, praying with his most disgusted prayers that the Emperor would be safe.

These sounds reached the emperor's ears. Logically speaking, he should not have heard them so clearly before he was on the throne.

The huge throne is in front of him. Only the Emperor can see that this miraculous creation is losing control, and all the suppressed suffering and torture in it are trying to break free from the shackles of the throne.

Malcador was sitting on it, he was skinny and his eyes were dull. An old and blind body was taking its last breath from the suffering of the throne. The Emperor felt his eyes wet with tears. His old friend did not deserve such a fate.

The Emperor touched Malcador's body lightly with his psychic energy, trying to awaken him from his nightmare of suffering.

"I'm here! I'm awake!" Macado shouted, trying hard to get up from his seat.

The Emperor tried to help Malcador up, just as Dorne had done.

"I can do it! I'm still energetic!" Malcador muttered dissatisfied, and the emperor's hand stopped in mid-air and did not reach out.

Rather than saying that Malcador stood up, it would be better to say that Malcador turned into a ball of ashes and was blown away by the wind.

The Emperor sat on the throne, and the familiar yet unfamiliar pain filled his senses. His eyes were dark. Dorne could not be seen, Waldo could not be seen, and Vulkan could not be seen.

Only the shadows of Malcador and the Four Gods were more obvious. Malcador floated forward in a direction unknown to the Emperor.

"I will face the four gods, I will triumph, I will return to my throne, and sit here for thousands of years and thousands of years."

"Then you must do it, my old friend. Because by then, I will no longer be able to witness you fulfill your promise."

Malcador continued to drift forward, and the Emperor reached out his hand to hold him back, his voice laced with anxiety and panic.

"I can't fight alone!"

Malcador looked back at the Emperor, a comforting smile on his old face, "But the battle will continue."

After saying that, Malcador disappeared, as if he had never existed.

The Emperor was choked with pain and grief, the emotional pain far outweighed the physical torment of the throne.

The four gods are whispering again, and they are promising the emperor that as long as they join forces with them, they will be able to obtain great pleasures unimaginable in the eternal game in the eternal game.

"You two are really interesting~ Tsk, tsk, tsk, if Malcador had been born as a girl, you would probably have a family full of children~" Slaanesh said cheerfully, which attracted the disgusted eyes of other gods.

"Shut up! This is a glorious sacrifice, you can't blaspheme him like this!" Khorne said fiercely.

"Khorne is right," Nurgle said in agreement.

Slaanesh curled his lips indifferently, calling Khorne and Nurgle prudes.

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