Tzeentch once again invited the Emperor to become a god. He placed the contract in front of the Emperor. As long as he signed his name, the fifth god's spot would belong to the Emperor.

"At that time, you will exist in the past, in the present, in the future, in all destroyed and undestructed universes. In this galaxy that is about to collapse, this is the best ending." Tzeentch said meaningfully. With.

This sounded quite tempting, but the Emperor just looked at Tzeentch expressionlessly and replied word by word.

"But I refuse."

"Oh~ It's so romantic~ The god whose authority is to destroy everything decides to protect mankind? You successfully caught my attention~" Slaanesh covered his mouth and said happily, "Come to my palace? Or should I move here? We will become A good neighbor. Become a close friend who talks about everything and does everything~"

"Hahaha." Tzeentch seemed to have expected this answer. He took back the contract with a smile and said meaningfully, "You can refuse now, but how long can you hold on?"

The four gods disappeared, and the darkness that shrouded the Emperor's eyes receded. At this time, he could see Dorne, Vulkan, and Waldo standing under the throne in despair.

Dorn felt pain for his failure to help the Emperor, Vulkan felt pain for his brother Magnus' helplessness, and Waldo felt pain for having seen so many dark secrets.

"You guys retreat first. Let me talk to Waldo."

The emperor's voice is like a storm, but this is already the result of trying to control the power. Countless sufferings are making the emperor go in the direction of the gods. In order to limit the loss of control of this power, it is necessary to implement the legacy of Malcador Backup plan.

Use religion to anchor the emperor's few humanity, and create gods to protect mankind to fight against the true god of destruction.

The Emperor knew that Malcador had laid all the groundwork, and as time passed, all the seeds planted would take root and sprout.

What the seeds would grow into was something the Emperor could not see.

Watching Dorn and Vulkan leave the throne room like zombies, the Emperor said to Waldo, "Waldo."

The storm was raging, and Valdor held the Spear of the Sun in front of him and knelt down on one knee, so that he would not be blown away by the Emperor's whisper.

"You will be given a new mission. A mission to save humanity."

"My lord."

"Go find my name. Go to every corner of the galaxy and find my name. Then come back here. Kill me."

The emperor's voice disappeared, and Waldo looked at the emperor on the throne in shock.

He was the Emperor before that, but now he is no longer the Emperor. At least not that pure. The Emperor became a powerful evil god, an evil god who needed to use his true name to stifle his terrifying power.

Waldo accepted the mission tremblingly. He secretly left Terra with the Spear of the Sun and went to the corners of the galaxy to find the Emperor's lost true name.

The Emperor sat on the throne, unable to judge the passage of time on this time-imbalanced machine. He recalled his conversation with Malcador to restore his constantly broken humanity.

Others are coming.

Lion, Russ, Guilliman and the awakened Khan all came, and they entered the throne room under the leadership of Dorn.

Russ was the first to collapse. He rushed over like crazy, but was repelled by the power escaping from the throne and slammed against the wall.

Ryan was silent. He tightened the hilt of his sword. The lion was eager for revenge. He took one last look at the emperor on the throne, rushed out of the door, and ordered the Dark Angel to follow him to hunt down the traitors to the ends of the earth.

Jaghatai, who always opposed the emperor, remained silent. He drew his sword and followed Ryan.

Guilliman's emotions were further complicated, as he lost two Emperors in one day. He was a little shaky, but he still held on to take over Terra's government affairs, which were on the verge of collapse.

Later, many things happened. Mostly, the loyal party chased and killed the rebellious party, and the rebellious party trapped and killed the loyal party.

The Emperor quietly watched the four gods manipulating the universe and watching them fight fiercely in the subspace. Occasionally he would lend a helping hand, but most of the time he needed to suppress the suffering in the throne, maintain the webway barrier and Movement of the Star Torch.

"Russ." The emperor suddenly called his son, and Russ also heard his father's long-lost voice in the ancient hall of Fenris.

He immediately woke up from his drunken state of escapism and looked around with wide eyes. The Emperor could even see a big furry tail wagging behind him.


"Father, I'm here!"

"Ruth. Searching. Looking for the wolf's time."

"Father, what is that? Is that the key to saving you?"

"Time to Find the Wolf."

The emperor's voice disappeared, and Russ stood alone in the hall for a long time. Then he and his heirs had the last traditional Fenrisian reunion, and ran into the subspace alone to look for the Wolf's Hour.

Even though the Emperor hadn't told him what it was.

The story ends here, and the voices and images narrated by the bystanders are filled with broken white cracks.

Lin Fan got many clues, but also had more doubts. The moment he disappeared from this timeline, he looked towards the throne, and the Emperor was also looking at him.

"Rescue him."

Lin Fan wanted to ask who he was rescuing, but Bai He would not give him such ample time.

A hulk.

After observing the surrounding environment, Lin Fan could only give this evaluation.

There is no crew, lack of maintenance, and even the sound of the engine is so weak.

Rather than saying that the ship is sailing, it is better to say that the ship is slowly floating under the influence of the original thrust.

He will not stop completely until this thing hits some wreckage, or is directly pulled down by something with greater gravity and crashes.

Lin Fan sat down leaning on the dilapidated wall. He needed to process the huge amount of information revealed to him by the bystanders.

Not to mention, the transformation of the Emperor after he ascended the throne was enough to make him think for a long time.

The Emperor of humanity, the God-Emperor of the state religion, and the Dark King of the Throne.

Lin Fan has not yet been exposed to the dark side of the emperor. It seems that the power of faith provided by the empire's state religion has powerfully restricted the resurrection of the dark king.

So the current God-Emperor is not only fighting against the evil god in the subspace, but also against the dark king in the throne?

Tsk tsk tsk. Fortunately, Slaanesh was brought over, otherwise the current situation would have become even worse.

But what does that mean? As long as I think about it for a moment and make certain fixed things blurry, the gods will kneel in front of me, as powerful as Bai Huan!

"It's like I said I was a stone!" Lin Fan shouted with great certainty, which was completely different from his previous uncertainty.

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