Lin Fan originally thought that he would face a pure melee, except that the targets of the battle were changed to the Primarch and Space Marines controlled by bats.

But now it seems that this is a very magical battle, which Lin Fan can't describe or measure.

The woods suddenly surrounded Lin Fan, and there were ravens with six scarlet eyes sitting on the branches.

In the distance were two walls, which slowly approached Lin Fan, and piled up the soil, rocks, and broken wood brought up by rough movement, as if the mountain was running.

From time to time, a few heavy mines popped out of the ground. Lin Fan felt that these mines, which were about the same size as the Chimera armored vehicle, were enough to make a Titan fall to the ground.

The sound of lightning was exciting, and Lin Fan knew that Chagatai was coming again.

He turned around and used his bayonet to defend himself, just in time to see a flash of thunder quickly passing through the woods and attacking him.

The thunder bombarded Lin Fan's chest, shattered, and then ran to Lin Fan's back like a thin snake.

"Tsk. I didn't catch it again." Lin Fan said angrily, and then threw the light spear in the direction of the thunder.


A big tree suddenly jumped up, blocking the light spear, and Lin Fan directly hit it.

The fallen tree aroused the crows to fly and cry, and Lin Fan could finally see the sky.

The lightless white appeared in front of Lin Fan in an instant, and then the trees and crows covered the sky again.

"Where is Koz's dog basket?"

A landmine jumped up, and the shock wave and fragments of the explosion swept everything, leaving behind an explosion crater with a diameter of 100 meters.


Lin Fan felt that it was completely meaningless to continue to consume like this. He didn't understand why Koz could come up with these weird things.

Should I stimulate Koz? Coze's mind was not normal, maybe taunting him would expose his true identity.

Lin Fan slapped the dirt on himself and shouted, "Coze! You are a motherless bastard!"

The leaves stopped shaking, the crows stopped crowing, the walls were as quiet as the mines, and even the thunder wandering in the forest slowed down.

This seemed to work. Lin Fan stood up straight, put his hands on his waist and continued, "Coze! You are an executioner! How many innocent lives have you killed!"

"You are right, I am a sinner." Coze's voice was like the calm eve of a volcanic eruption. Lin Fan's scolding him for being a motherless just now really aroused his anger.

Lin Fan suddenly felt a little speechless. His peripheral vision found the thunder in the dark forest, and suddenly remembered how Chogoris used exquisite language to break Mortarion's defense.

Chagatai: Let the real Lord of the Legion come out, yes, I am talking about Typhons!

Motarion: I really am a ***

Coze: The real Lord of the Legion? Come on, Sevatar, put on the Crown of Night, I'm going to go crazy in the corner.

A vivid picture appeared in Lin Fan's mind. Curze was different from other Primarchs. This son of the Emperor did not agree with himself, but was extremely eager for destruction.

Just like Angron hated his child for being too obedient, if Curze saw the scene of the Night Lords hanging him, he would definitely show a relieved smile.

Think about it quickly, Lin Fan, what else can you say besides drawing circles and shooting at Curze's non-existent parents?

It seems to have.

"Hey Curze! Do you know that Perturabo has returned to the Empire and is serving the Emperor again?"

"You are lying."

"I am not lying." Lin Fan said frankly, "As a judge, you should be able to easily judge this. The authenticity of Perturabo's return to the Empire is the same as the iron rule that you have no mother."

A roaring angry roar sank from the sky, and Lin Fan knew that Curze's heart was surging with anger.

"One more thing, do you know why Perturabo can return to the Empire? Because the Empire thinks his sins are lighter than yours, and everyone in the Empire knows that Curze is an unforgivable butcher."


Before Lin Fan finished speaking, Curze's roar made the whole forest tremble, and he finally saw Curze appear in front of him again.

The huge bat-shaped black shadow exuded white light, and at the same time, it flowed with dark blood, and scarlet eyes all over the body, and they all stared at Lin Fan's body.

"My sins are deeper? My sins are deeper!?" Curze roared, "That's a lie! That's slander! Perturabo's siege can kill millions! Tens of millions of people! And my tactics will only cause tens of thousands of people to suffer."

"Ah, yes, yes, that's just your one-sided statement." Lin Fan slowly took out a portable recorder, and then showed Curze the current living conditions of Perturabo.

Perturabo is researching, Perturabo is building, Perturabo is beating the weepers, Perturabo is arm wrestling with Dorn.

These images brought a huge mental shock to Curze. He neither foresaw such a future nor believed that Perturabo could be forgiven so easily.

"Lies!" Curze roared again.

"And Ryan, do you remember Ryan? I think you must remember. He is a hero. He is loved by the people of Ultramar and written into the book for future generations to admire. Do you know why? Because the glorious and upright Lion King caught Curze, the vagrant thief!"

"Nonsense! Ryan is a famous master of whirlwind missiles! He can accurately wipe out blocks from the planet, but you lied to me that Ryan is a great hero of the people!"

"Someone is anxious. I won't say who it is. Maybe it's the person in the second grade who calls himself the Midnight Ghost? Maybe it's the person who is unwilling to listen to the emperor's advice when he appears?"

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Cozz squeezed more and more anger, and then he suddenly laughed, responding to Lin Fan's ridicule with a mocking yet relieved laugh.

"It's no use at all. You can't shake the heart of Midnight Ghost."

Lin Fan looked at Coze, and he knew that there were things that Coze had been avoiding and trying his best to hide.

This dark and profound secret is only known to him, and only people like him who come from outside the book know.

Cozz suddenly felt panicked. He ordered Lin Fan to shut up, but how could Lin Fan listen to him.

Word by word, Coze's anger was completely ignited.

"You said that you are not willing to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and you are not willing to skin sinners. But I know that deep down in your heart, you will have a yearning and desire for this kind of behavior. You like to see people suffer."

"Shut up."

"I also know that you said that fate cannot be resisted. In your prophecy, you witnessed the two fates of a criminal. One is that he becomes righteous, and the other is that he becomes evil. You can't judge what he will become. So you brutally killed him, just like you brutally killed other people. In the end, you found that there was a flaw in your prophecy. The criminal should have been your assistant, not a piece of skin you wore on your body. "

"I said shut up."

"Oh, by the way, do you know what's the most interesting thing? The real Lord of the Legion, Sevita, sees your weakness."

"I warned you not to."

Imitating Savita's tone and disgusted expression, Lin Fan said slowly, "Besides skinning children alive on live broadcasts, have you ever used other means to maintain justice? Is it possible that this is not the only way to achieve justice, but A relatively easy road?”

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