Coze stared at Lin Fan, then he laughed wildly, and the bat-shaped black shadow shed more blood.


Amidst maniacal laughter, Cozz flew towards Lin Fan fiercely.

Lin Fan retracted his bayonet and prepared to reach out to catch Coze, but when his hand fell into the shadow of Coze's attack, he only caught three or two little bats that had been skinned off.

Darkness enveloped Lin Fan, and countless pale hands with sharp blades emerged from the darkness. They couldn't wait to scratch Lin Fan's body.

"You are useless." Lin Fan kindly reminded him. Although Coz did not reply to him, Lin Fan did feel a helpless feeling of hatred coming from the darkness that enveloped him.

Alas, a person who is good at sadistic executions encounters an absolutely rigid body. This emotion is exactly the same as the frustration of the futile torture of the Dark Eldar.

Lin Fan didn't resist, he just stood there and let Coz carve pictures on his body.

The hatred could not be vented, and more helplessness and melancholy piled up, making Kurtz's spirit more and more unstable.



Why are you a stinky rock harder than Vulcan! You hurt me! Bleed me! Make me suffer and scream!

Then Lin Fan grabbed Cozz's hand. The Midnight Ghost had exposed his body at some point. The emperor's heir was naked, and his sharp teeth were tightly closed together, preventing Lin Fan from seeing him. Scarlet tongue.

"Did I say you haven't had enough fun?" Lin Fan yawned, and the hand coming from the darkness finally stopped.

"Amazing. Hehehe."

Curze just laughed and continued his work.

Even if Coze wasn't tired, Lin Fan still felt a little troubled. He directly took out the compression nuclear bomb, intending to throw it into the darkness, but he was not sure whether the compression nuclear bomb would be lost.

Just detonate it once and see if Koz is killed directly.

With a flick of Lin Fan's finger, the outer shell of the compressed nuclear bomb and the space gap inside were completely broken. As long as Lin Fan pulled out his finger, the violent force compressed in it would be spit out in an instant.

Although Coz could not predict Lin Fan's own behavior, he knew that the nuclear bomb was not something he could withstand head-on.

The darkness retreated, flying in all directions. The forest was also trembling uneasily, but they could not imitate Coze's quick and agile movements. They could only twitch the branches and roots slightly, and move tremblingly little by little.

The next moment, energy is released from a pore the size of a finger. Everything became blurry, only the colors like fireworks were dancing, the forest was shattered in an instant, and even the tall walls with mountains on both sides in the distance were within the scope of the explosion.

Jaghatai's thunder was suppressed by the blazing light, and then was helplessly shattered by the storm composed of heat.

There was nowhere to hide in the darkness, because the sun was rising in Lin Fan's hands.

When the explosion ended, Lin Fan had a cold round shell in his hand, with only a small piece of thin land left where he stood.

The forest was gone, leaving only the dim dome and the blood pool so vast that it was impossible to see the end.

The blood pool was not calm, and ripples were exposing Curze's position. The tattered black figure stared at Lin Fan from a distance, and his heavy breathing caused a lot of mist to evaporate from the blood pool.

"How on earth did you get these things? You don't know magic." Lin Fan asked.

"Haha. Why don't you ask my father."

As soon as Curze spoke, a spear pierced his side. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been hit by the light spear.

However, in previous battles, he found that the power produced by this light spear was very limited, and it was more like a vehicle used by Lin Fan to move around.

He is about to appear, and the location is right here!

The blood claws attacked the position where Lin Fan was about to appear. The thick blood hung on Lin Fan's mask, blocking his vision.

Lin Fan sensed that Coze was about to run away again, so he took out the nuclear bomb that had made a hole and smashed it into the blood pool.

A repulsed water column directly sent Lin Fan high into the sky, and he could also have a better field of vision to observe Coze's position.

Curze struggled in the huge waves like a broken leaf. Lin Fan pointed his spear at Curze, and then ducked to the side of Midnight Ghost.

"Stay away from me!" Coze screamed. He punched Lin Fan's helmet directly with his fist. He did not stop even though the terrifying sound of bone cracking came from his fist.

Is he supernatural or physical?

Lin Fan felt a little strange, but he thought it was better to control Kurtz first and then ask questions slowly.

The bayonet was retracted, the arm was raised, and a holy big slap that could cure madness was ready, and then it slapped Cozi's face quickly and violently.

Curze was stunned for a while, and the black shadow covering his body faded away, just like the King of the Night taking off his cloak.

Lin Fan once again saw that Coze's brain without a skull was covered with white lines. These white lines were connected directly to the dome, controlling Coze like a puppet's strings.

Lin Fan suddenly remembered Angron's Butcher's Nail. This cruel device controlled Angron's mind and gradually turned him into a irrational beast.

Perhaps the same is true for Kurtz. These white lines pierce his brain, showing him endless details of the dark history, and then letting Kurtz lose himself in an immersive experience that does not distinguish between true and false.

After all, not everyone has the ability to accept the bombardment of information from bystanders without going crazy. This is like a USB flash drive with only 1GB being filled with a "T" file by the server and suddenly crashing.

Maybe if I pull out these white threads, Coates will be freed from the pain of prophecy.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and tried to grab the white thread on Coze's head.

Cozz shook his head and tried to avoid Lin Fan's hand, but received another slap on the face.

Coz was even more confused. He watched blankly as Lin Fan completely grasped the white thread, and then said with surprise and fear, "Can you see it too?"

"Me? You can understand it that way." Lin Fan answered simply, and then thought about whether it would hurt Coze to death if the line was pulled out.

He should be able to be saved, but if it doesn't work, he just needs to vomit more.

Lin Fan gritted his teeth, his heart skipped a beat, he clenched his hands and pulled hard in his direction, and all the white lines on Coze's head were pulled out.

To be honest, Lin Fan thought this process would be more difficult, and then he looked at Coze's condition.

I don't know if Lin Fan pulled it out too fast, or if Curze was still in a daze. When these white threads were scattered in the air and floated upward, nothing strange happened to Curze.

This calm lasted for three seconds, and then Coze rolled his eyes and lay back stiffly. Lin Fan hurriedly grabbed the hard Coze to see if he was still alive.

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