It should be alive, right?

Lin Fan took off his helmet and looked at Coze's face carefully. Just as he was about to vomit some old soup to him, he noticed that the pure white dome was shaking violently.

The sky is falling, and countless white lines are plunging down like rain. Their target is Coze.

Lin Fan felt that he could not protect Curze's body among so many white lines, so he took off his armor.

Although Curze felt that the armor was extremely strong, when Lin Fan took it off, it was no different from a soft leather sheath.

"Brother, I hope you won't be muffled to death."

Lin Fan shook his holster-like armor twice, then folded it into a strip and quickly wrapped it around Curze's head.

This should be no problem.

Very satisfied with his craftsmanship, Lin Fan picked up the stiff Cozzi. From a distance, Lin Fan looked like he was holding a white refrigerator that was several times bigger than him.

The white lines came, some were blocked by Lin Fan, and some pierced the green armor leather sheath wrapping Coze's head.

They couldn't pierce through, so they simply gathered together and prepared to completely wrap Curze. The blood-colored ocean was polluted with white, and creations projected by countless old years surfaced.

The Titans, the Necrontyr Legion, the Eldar Ark, and the Ancient Orc warriors were all menacing. It was obvious at a glance that these things were heading towards Curze in Lin Fan's hand.

It's possible to beat them down, but it's not necessary. How much time will it take him to kill so many things?

Perhaps worse, these illusory projections are endless, and will disappear until they capture Curze again.

Lin Fan hugged Coze and ran away, looking for an exit to leave this area.

The pure white dome collapsed more and more violently, and the darkness hidden behind it pierced Lin Fan's eyes, attracting attention like a black hole.

In this pure white world, maybe that is the only way to escape.

Lin Fan first cleaned up the white pollution on Coze's body, and then threw the light spear into the darkness.

A flash of golden light quickly passed through the obelisk that had just emerged, sinking into the darkness in an unstoppable manner.

Lin Fan led Coze to follow the light, and Titan's macro cannon and green Gaussian arc followed behind Lin Fan.

The roar of the explosion was blocked by the darkness. Lin Fan couldn't even see where his light spear was thrown. He could only hold the second half of the light spear tightly and continue flying.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Fan felt that he was blocked by a layer of membrane-like material for a moment, and then quickly broke open.

With a bang, Lin Fan and Coze flew out of the wall.

They were back where they had come from, the vast labyrinth at the heart of the spherical mechanical creation.

But now there are no magical white threads visible on the walls that create the maze. The cracks are just cracks, as shiny and smooth as obsidian.

"Okay!" The onlookers cheered heartily and escaped from the cage.

Maze trembled for a while, then returned to normal.

Lin Fan was stunned for a while, and tentatively called the bystanders twice, but found no response.

So this is releasing a star god? Is this a dangerous thing?

While Lin Fan was thinking about this problem, the wall collapsed completely.

The obsidian-like stones transformed into various shapes during the process of collapse and scattering, like flowers, soil, magma, and the sun.

The space was distorted and stretched, and the dome suddenly became within reach and suddenly became unattainable.

This time, a new voice hit Lin Fan's ears. Compared with the bombardment of comprehensive information from bystanders, it was more like noisy gibbering.

Lin Fan listened carefully and discerned the details of the noisy chatter.

"You are fire."

"You are the naked singularity."

"You're a Pollock."

"You are the quantum state gap."

Is this a hint of not being tired? Anyone who hears it will forget their original attributes, and then try their best to express the newly given attributes?

Perhaps the strangeness of Jaghatai, Elafren and others was caused by this sound.

So what does Cozz do?

Lin Fan looked at Coze. His head was covered with green leather armor, and his pale flesh was nakedly exposed. His fingers were chewed to the point where Coze's knuckles could even be seen through the bloody wounds.

However, the original body's recovery ability is also very strong, and the wound squirms and grows very quickly. A blood scab quickly covered Curze's wound, and then fell off naturally after a few minutes.

Let Curze wear the hood for a while first, maybe he will become as weak as Jaghatai if he is exposed to the heavy words.

Patting Cozz's body, he still had the familiar hard feeling, and there was still some warmth under the cold skin.

Lin Fan held Curze's thigh on his shoulders, just like a thin undead man in Dark Souls carrying a huge wooden stick.

However, Lin Fan didn't dare to use Coze as a weapon. It was just for convenience. He couldn't grab Coze's protrusion, like holding Coze up with a T-shaped crutch, right?

No. You shouldn't even have such dirty thoughts.

Lin Fan slapped his face. He felt that his thoughts were becoming more and more distorted by Slaanesh.

Wandering among the crumbling rocks, you can watch the surrounding scenes become more and more colorful.

This is different from the chaos created by the subspace. The chaos in the subspace is the deformation and distortion of matter, such as a rough log covered with insect compound eyes. But the chaotic picture here is a complex overlay of ordinary things seen in everyday life.

Endlessly and disorderly piled together, the sinking fire, the upward surging water, the leaves of the trees support the towering buildings, and the Krieg heavy cannon is sandwiched between two huge pieces of bread.

The babble never stopped, and Lin Fan was distraught when he heard it. If a mortal came to this chaotic heart, it would be possessed by madness, with its limbs and internal organs falling apart, and it would perform the ultimate imitation according to the babble's requirements.

While walking following the sound, Lin Fan was thinking about how Cozi survived in such a ghost place.

By the way, is the Coze he has the original Coze? Or was it forcibly brought out from the historical projection?

The feel of the hand has changed. Curze's thigh is not so cold and stiff, and the original body is regaining consciousness.

Lin Fan laid Coze flat on the ground, and Midnight Ghost was struggling to hold the green leather sheath around his head with his hands.

Lin Fan helped him open it, and the gaze cast by Cozi's dark eyes was immediately fixed on Lin Fan, and then he heard the murmur coming from this chaotic space.

"What a horror!"

Cozz screamed, holding his head in his hands and trembling all over, then he stared at Lin Fan, surprised by his calmness.

Lin Fan was also surprised by Coz's reaction. The two asked questions almost at the same time.

"Why are you okay?"

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