Star Gods are the rules themselves. Some rules are quite simple and solid, as clear as stones, but there are also some Star Gods who master abstract rules. Their appearance and ability to use power are extremely difficult to describe.

Even the Necrontyr, who has been dealing with the Star God for a long time, dare not simply say that he has understood the full power of the Star God.

The Void Dragon masters the concept of 'physical machinery'.

The Nightbringer masters the concept of 'physical death'.

Fraudsters grasp the concept of ‘physical probability’.

But they are broken, and their strength is gone. How glorious they were once, but now they are hiding in embarrassment under the pursuit of the Necrontyr.

But the Star God sealed in the huge mechanical ball in front of them is not their broken compatriots. It is the only intact Star God left in the entire galaxy - the Outsider.

This star god holds the conceptual power of ‘observation and definition’.

Although bystanders also have the power of observation, they are still very different from those on the outside.

The gaze of the outsider is deterministic, and there is no uncertainty about the coexistence of life and death in his gaze.

In the past, the Necrontyr also used the deterministic gaze of the Outsider to fight the Old Ones.

The Silent King recalled the past. In the early days of the war, the Ancient Saints used their tools to open up the universe to build cosmic barriers and Great Walls, increase the speed of light, and build a huge defense line that was 10,000 light years long.

At that time, the Necrontyr had not yet mechanically ascended, and sleeping in the stasis chamber of the spaceship was still the main method of navigation.

The impact of increasing the speed of light is huge. The speed of light is the base of the fine structure constant. The fine structure constant represents the intensity of the electromagnetic force. Therefore, increasing the speed of light is equivalent to weakening the electromagnetic force.

Necrontyr warships that were not anchored by the Star God in the early stages would lose control and disintegrate the moment they came into contact with an area with abnormal light speed.

At the same time, the increase in the speed of light will cause the star's gravity to exceed the pressure caused by the fusion reaction, causing it to become brighter and spin faster, eventually causing a supernova explosion.

By detonating valuable stars and attacking the Necrontyr's resource gathering areas as much as possible, the Necrontyr who are starved of resources will naturally kill each other for a chance to survive in the wilderness for one more second.

Behind the abnormal light speed zone, there are ravines formed by the fusion of a large number of low-light speed black holes. Once you fall in, you will never be able to get out. This is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome.

This is like the early anti-tank trenches on Earth, except that the deep pits are replaced by black holes, and the tanks are replaced by battleships.

However, the outsider's ability powerfully broke the ancient saint's blockade. In the area where he could see, the elongated speed of light was reduced, and the black hole ravines outside the horizon were also smoothed.

But now it seems that the gaze of the outsider is still not as advanced as the gaze of the subjective person.

Another power that the outsider possesses is definition, but he cannot reverse the definition of facts. He can only make things lose themselves, and then try to express something completely different from his essence.

If we want to give an appropriate example, it is probably to define a living person as a mud brick. A living person will not turn into a mud brick, but he will try his best to make himself look like a mud brick, even if his bones are broken and his blood collapses. No matter what.

The numerical value recording the activity of the Star God is stable, and the definition of chaos and madness is being gradually smoothed out by subjective observers.

The King of Silence looked at the values ​​and thought for a while, then asked the Three Holy Guards to guard the outside. He was going to save the life of the outsider. This complete Star God contained too many rules of the old gods in his body. If he died, the galaxy would There's going to be chaos.

A green sphere floated to the hand of the Silent King, and a very important number was displayed on it.

The Milky Way collapse coefficient is 90%

Inside this mechanical creation, Lin Fan was dragging the reluctant Coze deeper.

"It looks a lot more orderly now. It was really eye-catching just now, it was so colorful, it was like the LCD screen was leaking."

"Tsk, tsk, this thing looks like scrap metal with wires twisted together. This thing is really scrap metal, and it's even rusty!"

"This tree is quite beautiful, with fiery red leaves and purple trunk, but I don't know what it's called. The leaves taste pretty good, do you want to take a bite?"

"Can't you just be quiet for a while!" Cozz shouted impatiently. He really couldn't stand Lin Fan's nagging.

Lin Fan held half of the fiery red leaf, and he had just swallowed the other half.

"Why do you have to take two bites of everything?" Cozz looked even more distressed at Lin Fan's stupidity, "Even the most vicious lunatic will not leave his teeth marks on every object!"

"You can't say that. Sometimes I'm just curious. It's not bad to eat anyway, so I naturally have to chew it in my mouth." Lin Fan said, "Just like when I was in elementary school, the canteen sometimes sold that This kind of rubber is particularly soft and white. I always hold it with my hands. If it feels particularly good, I will put it in my mouth and chew it twice.”


Although he didn't understand what rubber was, it didn't stop Kurtz from showing disgust with Lin Fan's pica.

Seeing Koz's disgusted look, Lin Fan said angrily, "But what do you have to say! You even eat human flesh! I have never eaten human flesh!"

"It's just protein and fat. There is no difference between eating the blood and flesh of sinners and tasting the flesh and blood of beasts, just like the death world of the empire and the hive world are essentially the same."

"Is that what you think? Then does it count as cannibalism if I sometimes eat Slaanesh's tail?"

"What did you do?"

"Eat Slaanesh's tail. Sometimes she would cut it up and cook it for me. It was hard to accept at first, but considering that she is Slaanesh, she is not a heavy taste."

Koz frowned and looked at Lin Fan for a long time. He didn't want to believe that this was true. Even in the picture of Fulgrim that he predicted, he had never seen Fulgrim who was promoted to a demon qualified to receive such a gift.

The two of them were silent, only the sound of Lin Fan chewing echoed in this increasingly orderly space.

Suddenly, Koz felt that the space was being torn apart slowly. Before he could look back, the stasis field completely blocked his movements.

Koz was no stranger to the stasis field. He was once fortunate enough to be locked in a coffin-style stasis field by his brother Sanguinius, and then launched into the cold space without any care.

I still have a brain that can move, and my thoughts are clear and clear. What is it?

Koz's thoughts stopped the moment the Silent King appeared from the hyperspace portal. The Silent King did not let his left and right hands accompany him, and walked slowly behind Lin Fan with a steady gait.

The Subject is eating, and he is enjoying the madness of the Outer.

This is a good thing. An unconscious Star God is much safer than a conscious Star God.

(The official did not say what power the Outer One has, but only said that people who get close to him would rather commit suicide than face the Outer One directly)

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