"Sometimes I always think about this question. The taste of these things is really very similar to the taste of things I have eaten before. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are exactly the same. Could it be because I can't think of that at all? What about the unique taste?”

Coze didn't reply for a long time, and Lin Fan also looked back, only to see the King of Silence standing quietly behind him, and Coze once again stood motionless on the spot with his body stiffened.

"Uh, hello?" Lin Fan greeted the King of Silence.

He felt that there should be no conflict between him and the Silent King. Maybe the Silent King came here to talk to him about some more interesting issues.

Such as eradicating bugs, sealing subspace, and engaging in interstellar unity.

"Hello, Subjective. Or I can call you the name you use to stay here, Lin Fan." The Silent King spoke, the deep middle-aged male voice was quite sexy, without the echo of metal.

However, there were some details that made Lin Fan a little concerned. Whether it was Olican or Trazin, the pores in their mouths would light up when they spoke, but the Silent King did not behave like this when he spoke just now.

What's even more strange is that Lin Fan feels that the Silent King is looking at him, instead of conducting cold data analysis and three-dimensional imaging.

There must be a lot of good things in this guy. As the supreme leader of the Necrontyr dynasty, there are countless artifacts hidden in his gorgeous cloak.

"I don't really care about the name. You can just call me by my name." Lin Fan said casually.

"Lin Fan." The Silent King paused, "I don't want to interrupt your joy, but in order for the galaxy to continue to exist, I must prevent you from continuing to explore deeper."

"Galaxy Collapse Coefficient?"

"Exactly that. It seems that the bystanders have told you enough information." King Silence said somewhat relaxedly. The subject can have a clear concept of his own power, which is excellent for anyone. Condition.

A single move can affect the whole body, especially since this galaxy is so fragile.

The Silent King felt that this place was not suitable for formal conversation, so he shook his scepter, and the living metal flowed out to construct two comfortable stools of suitable size.

The two sat face to face. The Silent King felt that it was inappropriate for Curze to be naked next to him, so he casually covered him with a soft metal sheet.

Lin Fan asked the Silent King, his curiosity revealed in his tone, "I have seen the power of the subject. If Bai Huan can make the universe disappear to the size of the Milky Way with one sentence, can I make the universe regenerate with one sentence?" recover?"

After a long silence, King Silence sighed, "It's very difficult, quite difficult."

He took out a whiteboard and prepared to talk to Lin Fan about the difference between subjectively destroying things and being in charge of creation.

"Look at the white board carefully and close your eyes after 10 seconds."

Lin Fan obediently complied. He closed his eyes, and the King of Silence thrust a smooth-cut black stone into his hand.

“Think carefully about what this white slate looks like.”

think carefully.

Lin Fan frowned. He held the black stone in his hand and thought about the details of the whiteboard in his mind.

How long is the whiteboard? How wide? How thick is it? What does the border look like and how white is the white?

Lin Fan found it a bit difficult. He could create a hazy virtual image of a whiteboard, but he could not determine the details of the whiteboard.

As long as he took a gentle breath, Lin Fan felt that the shape of the whiteboard would change slightly.

These complex thoughts acted on the black stone through Lin Fan's hands. The nature of the black stone was changing, and the huge energy and necessary materials required to do this were ignored.

Then the black stone turned into a hazy white slab, roughly rectangular in shape and roughly white in color.

So what is a whiteboard viewed from a microscopic level?

The Silent King doesn't know this, maybe what makes up the tabula rasa is the tabula rasa.

"Now try filling the whiteboard with a narrow line of black."

Black lines appeared on the whiteboard Lin Fan held, some straight and some slanted, sometimes sparse and sometimes dense, sometimes solid and sometimes illusory.

Traceless erasures and additions occurred at the same time, and the Silent King reduced his ability to enter information to prevent his core from overloading and burning out.

"Maybe you should look at your results."

Lin Fan opened his eyes. He was holding a whiteboard in his hand, which was simple and a little dirty.

"I think it's okay."

"You can break it open and look at it first, and then think about it."

Lin Fan tore open the whiteboard and found it was empty. The terrifying emptiness was in great contrast with the surrounding environment.

"I don't know what it should look like inside. Maybe it's a piece of iron or a wooden board?"

"Then why don't you think about what the iron and wood look like."

Lin Fan closed his eyes again, thinking about what metal should look like.

Cool, shiny, hard but also flexible.

The whiteboard turned into metal, leaping in size and thickness, and the Silent King's eyes were unable to capture any detail of the changes as they occurred.

Lin Fan opened his eyes, looked at the metal piece in his hand, and thought it was okay.

The King of Silence also applauded appreciatively, "This is already quite good. Bai Huan almost wiped out our laboratory when he made his first thought creation."

"Does that mean this method is feasible?" Lin Fan was a little surprised.

"It is much more difficult to build a thing than to erase it." The Silent King said meaningfully, "It takes patience and talent to build a sandcastle on the beach, but it only takes a few seconds to destroy these finely crafted gadgets. Rolling it around twice is enough. A famous painting that has been passed down for thousands of years requires the artist to work hard for decades, but to completely destroy the painting, just spit on it and throw it on the ground and step on it a few times. "

Lin Fan didn't refute, he just looked down at the metal block in his hand.

"What about a planet? Which planet do you think you are most familiar with?"

"I think it's the Earth. I've only wandered around the Imperial Palace in Holy Terra, and I've never set foot in other places. For example, the Wall of Bones, I only know one name for the Imperial Fist headquarters."

"Wait a moment, let me check the situation first." King Silence interrupted Lin Fan. He contacted Orikan, who was in charge of the Brilliant Star Map, and asked if Holy Terra still existed.

Holy Terra is no different.

King Silence breathed a sigh of relief and did not continue to guide Lin Fan to think in this direction. Instead, he showed Lin Fan a hologram of a planet on the edge of the Milky Way.

A beautiful planet, with thick green and deep blue chunks intertwined together.

"Tell me about your first feelings."

"Uh. A sphere, with seas, trees, clouds, and maybe life."

"Very good, what else?"

(No prizes for guessing, what ideas will Lin Fan use to create a world?)

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