After a long time, Lin Fan said that he really couldn't think of anything else that a planet should have.

Lin Fan felt that his thoughts were very messy. What came to his mind was not even a complete picture, but a few keywords. As Lin Fan imagined a keyword, the images that could correspond to the keyword were formed in Lin Fan's mind. In Fan's mind.

He could conceive of a white picture or even a simple cube, but Lin Fan could not make a planet solid and visible.

Just thinking about the concept of a diameter of kilometers gives Lin Fan a headache, let alone the countless soils, water sources, creatures, and steel that the planet carries.

This was beyond his imagination. In the end, a world could only be pieced together into a very simple mental diagram based on information such as "the whole is roughly an oval", "mostly oceans", "this continent is this shape".

Lin Fan opened his eyes. The information he received through his eyes overwhelmed the composition in his mind, making it more blurry and abstract.

For a long time, Lin Fan could only sigh, "This is indeed a very difficult thing. Creation is much harder than destruction."

"That's right." King Silence responded calmly.

"Then what should I do? What if I become like Bai Huan one day, opening and closing my mouth and breaking several worlds."

"What do you think we should do?" King Silence continued to ask, with anticipation and uneasiness hidden in his tone. He had asked this question once before, but he asked it through Trazin's body.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Fan shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Lin Fan felt that this was not a good answer, but for the King of Silence, this answer was truly perfect.

have no idea.

For a subjective person, certainty is the most dangerous. The more confused and confused he is, the smaller the scope of his power can reach.

King Silence was a little excited, but he still controlled his voice and said in a calm tone, "That's enough. Bai Huan also answered this question back then."

"what did she say?"

"She doesn't care."

Lin Fan looked up at the King of Silence and didn't speak for a long time.

Onlookers are floating in the void, the way he moves is magically fast.

The onlookers plunged into the past history and discovered that a meteorite passed through here 110,000 years ago, so the onlookers locked their sights on the meteorite.

The meteorite continued to float. Ninety-nine thousand years later, the meteorite was hit by a macrocannon shell. In an instant, the meteorite fell into pieces, while onlookers traced the history of the macrocannon shell and retreated all the way back to the battleship.

The owner of Macro Cannonball is an Abyss-class battleship. Under the watchful eyes of onlookers, this battleship has made great achievements in fighting in the east and west.

Powerful battleships swim in the void and will perish in the void. The wolves of Horus attacked the Abyss-class battleships and used various blasphemous rituals to force the machine souls into submission.

This process is actually quite interesting. Although the bystander, as a star god, does not like the emotional tides in the subspace, he will also admire the creativity of the emotional tides in the subspace when looking for fun.

The captain of the Abyss-class battleship would rather die than surrender, but despite the rapid strikes and sorcery interference of the Chaos Space Marines, he was unable to overload the ship's engines and self-destruct to gain final glory.

The captain was brutally killed. His death aroused strong dissatisfaction from the battleship's machine soul. The pressure relief pipe was blocked, and all automatic turrets were aimed at the Chaos Space Marines who jumped in.

Facing the resistance of the machine soul, the wizards gathered together. They decomposed the captain's corpse and filled the bloody skin with the demon's soul.

But this alone was not enough to make the machine soul submit. The wizard collected the filthy blood and poured it directly on the cogitator array.

The battleship's engine was humming violently, which was the machine soul crying for being tainted.

The formation was engraved on the deck of the battleship, and the chains tied the battleship tightly. When these spiked chains were tightened, they rubbed against the armor of the battleship, and the squeaking sound never stopped.

The machine soul was panting, and at the most desperate moment, a demon disguised in the captain's skin took advantage of him.

Later, the battleship was destroyed and swallowed by the subspace rift and condensed with other space junk. Orcs, subspace demons and other strange and dangerous creatures wandered in the darkness.

When time passed and the battleship was spat out by the rift in subspace, it was already an insignificant part of the structure of the huge hulk, and bystanders also completed a huge distance voyage in the passage of time and the jump of historical fragments.

Onlookers came directly from the edge of the galaxy to the vicinity of the Eye of Terror. A technological archaeological team from the Adeptus Mechanicus crashed into the hulk. Along with them were the Space Marines stationed in this star field.

The onlooker lowers his perspective, and all he can see is what the possessed Space Marine can see.

This is the limitation of power. The bystander has a comprehensive perspective of observing the past, but when observing the present and the future, he only waits for the passage of time and is attached to one person to witness fragments of the future.

"Huh!" Cather White Fang exhaled sharply, and he felt something crawling up his back.

"What's wrong?" Wodehouse came closer. He checked the condition of Kaiser White Fang and did not find any suspicious chaos corrosion.

Cather White Fang moved a little, "I don't know, but I always feel fuzzy."

Wodehouse did a simple divination with animal bones, then opened a clay pot, cut out a finger of pale powder, and applied it to Cather White Fang's helmet.

"The beasts of Fenris's ice ocean will scare those tiny void creatures." Wodehouse nodded after doing all this.

A huge void city was buried behind the wreckage of the battleship. There was only fluorescent light like a will-o'-the-wisp. The ground was covered with bones and shabby clothes. Stepping on it would create a distinct crunching sound and dust mixed with bone meal.

The priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus simply set up a station here, and amid the songs praising the God of Machines, the communication base station equipped with wetware was activated.

"It's running well, and the soothing work is excellent." Drenya, the captain of the technological archeology team, nodded with satisfaction, and then he saluted Kaiser White Fang.

"Dear Sir, I hope you can protect us and successfully recover the gift from the God of All Machines."

"Of course." Wodehouse responded lightly. This was not the first time they had done this with the Gear Boys of the Mechanicus.

In the past few years, more and more hulks have floated out of subspace in the Cadian sector. These huge and ferocious space ruins are treasures for the Adeptus Mechanicus, because they can find technological heritage in the ruins.

But to the Cadian garrison, these hulks were a plot by traitors from the Empire to attract the attention of the defenders.

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