The huge mixed clumps floating in space will enter and exit the subspace erratically. The work of tracking and locking the hulk is considered impossible by the Mechanicus.

The Empire has a standard order for disposing of hulks: survey them and report their location.

The hulk contains ships and thousands of years of technology. The Adeptus Mechanicus will swarm in like flies that smell the smell, use locators to locate useful structures in the hulk, and then use surgical-grade Bombing and cutting stripped hulks.

Some of the Empire's battleships were stripped from scraps. The adamantine keels of the powerful battleships remained new for a long time. After being dismantled, they were towed by other battleships and sent to the Forge World. After undergoing repairs and a hundred years of blessing, they were restored to the Empire. Potency.

But in most cases, the appearance of a space hulk often means the occurrence of some kind of disaster.

Some space hulks are quite famous. They enter and exit the warp at random, sowing the seeds of filth throughout the universe.

But there are no seeds of filth in this hulk. The aliens living inside have been dealt with by friends who are onlookers in advance, and this will become a peaceful venue for their conversations.

"God of all possibilities!" A priest shouted excitedly. He did not see any living creatures in the oriole array.

"It's incredible. But who can say it's impossible to happen?" Drenya recorded this experience to enrich his knowledge.

The Space Wolves did not speak. They remained vigilant. During the long battle, they had seen too many strange scenes where everything was normal with the auspicious device, but their comrades were killed one after another.

If anything is trustworthy, the only things that can be trusted are the weapons in hand and faith in the Emperor.

Kaiser's White Fang clenched the handle of the Frost Battle Axe. He thought of Lin Fan's face and the Human-Tau Alliance formed in the Far Eastern Star Territory.

I really don’t know what surprises we will have next time we meet.

The beeping sound aroused a new round of excitement among the Mechanic Priests. Even Drenya, who was known for his calmness, saw precious technological relics in the locator's scan.

"Look what this is! A ship keel! Use this aspect ratio to calculate the scale backwards. My God! This battleship is at least 20 kilometers long!"

"Praise the God of All Machines!" A smile appeared on Drenya's face. This technological discovery would allow him to climb a few more levels in the Mechanicus Order, and he would also have the resources to carry out better mechanical transformations.

The bystander detached himself from Kaiser White Fang's body, passed through the barrier, and came to a closed space that was completely isolated by the remains of the ruins.

Even if the Imperial warships bombarded with Nova Cannons, they would not be able to penetrate the extremely thick obstacles outside the space.

An ancient altar, worshiping not anyone in the warp, but pointing directly to the Deceiver himself.

The messy ruins in the distance formed the outline of the Deceiver, and then a laugh came, "Oh, my dear friend, you are finally freed from their prison!"

"You bitch!" The bystander had no good temper towards the fraudster. "It's because you drove the outsider crazy that I stayed in jail for so long!"

"Oh, my good friend, don't say that. It's not all my fault. The God of Laughter also put in a lot of effort. I'm only half responsible."

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you about this, give me my reward!" the bystander spat at the fraudster.

"Okay, okay, don't worry." The fraudster asked his believers to perform the ritual. A subspace crack the size of a palm quietly opened and spit out a stone ouroboros.

"This is a chaotic artifact that can directionally open the invisible waste abyss. Do you really want to go?"

"Of course, this is the fundamental meaning of my existence." The bystander did not care about the fraudster's advice and directly activated the Ouroboros.

The ouroboros in the hands of the fraudster disappeared together with the bystanders. Before leaving, the bystanders did not forget to express their disdain for the fraudster in his own way.

From ancient times to the present, the contempt culture produced by all races and civilizations has been compressed together, and then hit the fraudsters hard.

Now the onlookers are in the invisible abyss, a place of death that no demon is willing to approach. The breath of death is like substance, distorting and noisy in the collapse and destruction of ancient ruins.

The bystander felt comfortable, relying on ouroboros to sink into the depths of the invisible abyss, exploring records in the destroyed civilization.

Only these empty reflections of the once glorious and great universe are left. Even if it relies on the special characteristics of subspace to survive, it cannot escape the fate of slow collapse.

Onlookers rejoiced in recalling the wonderful experiences of the past, but also felt sad that these histories were reduced to dust.


With a long sigh, the bystander turned the ruins of a civilization into a book and held it in his hands.

The noise coming from the edge of the Invisible Waste Abyss made the onlooker upset. He came out of the simple den he had just built and found that the Dark Mechanicum was mining the Invisible Waste Abyss.

They don't care about the precious relics of civilization at all. Perhaps in the eyes of barbarians like them, the remnants of civilization are just a resource like oil.

The bystanders were outraged, and he came to the edge of the invisible abyss to issue a warning to them.

A simple information bombing caused the brains of millions of slave workers to collapse, and the Chaos Space Marines responsible for security responded quickly.

"What kind of demon is it? Haven't we already cleared this area?" The confused voice of the Chaos Space Marines was heard by onlookers. These low-level beings who only relied on intuition and naked eyes to observe things were completely unable to catch the onlookers.

But the Warp Daemon can.

The Dark Mechanicus awakened the demons of the Cogitator array, who tacitly remained silent when they sensed a C'tan loitering around them.

I hope you know each other.

Kalbohar watched coldly as his men died one after another, and the Chaos warbands hired through arms were scurrying around like headless flies.

"It's time for you to fulfill your obligations as allies."

"Sigh. I really don't want to compete with that thing." The All-Changing Demon Lord reluctantly stood up and assigned the job to a change spirit.

"Me? Sir?" The changing spirit trembled in fear, "Why me? I didn't make any mistakes!"

"You did not make a mistake, but you have medical insurance. Those with medical insurance go first." The Changing Demon Lord said calmly, and then used a whirlwind to send the changing spirit to the bystanders.

The changeling who can cause chaos in the mortal world is no more than a frightened chicken to onlookers. He speaks fearfully and attracts the attention of onlookers with the ancient language of Necrontyr calling out to onlookers.

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