"Star God, please accept your magical powers! We have proof of mining here!"

The change spirit held an illusory contract in his hand, with the words written clearly in black and white on it.

Onlookers took a closer look and discovered that the signers were two bastards, Tzeentch and the Deceiver.

"Go to the other side! Don't bother me here!" The bystander tentatively accepted the contract and threatened the barbarian to retreat in a cold tone.

The changeling received so much information that his body swelled and viscous color flowed from the orifices in his body.

If the bystander added another word, the changeling would be overwhelmed by the information.

"Okay Kalbohar, it's time for us to leave. That thing has given in, so we have to give in and go mine on the other side." The All-Changing Demon Lord said helplessly.

"The other end? That place is so close to the Sanctuary of the Blood God. Are we really not going to be rushed in by a group of brainless vampires and interfere with production?" Kalbohar was not satisfied with the results of the All-Changing Demon Lord. The supplies Forget the losses and casualties, but the time cost of rebuilding the factory is very real.

"Let's go, let's go. Now is not the time to quarrel." The All-Changing Demon Lord has never been so humble in his life. If his mission hadn't required him to report directly to Tzeentch, he would have started fishing long ago.

The factories infected with the Annihilator virus were almost like living creatures, following the tail flames of the battleship like lambs.

"It smells like mantra being 'born'." The onlookers thought thoughtfully and felt that this matter had nothing to do with him.

The onlookers returned to their houses and continued to dig out the remains of civilization in the invisible abyss.

Kalbohar was furious at the needless consumption of resources, but a message from the Black Legion dampened his anger.


The leader of the Black Legion, Abaddon the Despoiler, is reviewing his troops.

The countless Chaos warbands that make up the Black Legion claim that they still have autonomy, but they all bow to Abaddon and wear black and gold as their official mark.

Many warbands worship one god above all other three, decorating their armor with the evil god's symbols and trophies.

The phalanx of Abaddon's Hounds, Sons of the Cyclops, Bearers of Rot, and Spawn of Pain were murderous. In addition, there were other Chaos warbands rushing to this huge venue from all directions in the warp.

This is a rare stable area in the subspace. The dark red rock is firmly nailed into the disordered ocean of souls. Even if the huge waves surge into the sky, the giant rock cannot move.

Abaddon ran his legion on it. During the long years of construction, the complex fortress composed of shipyards and factories provided stable supplies to the black legion.

Here, the warriors of the Black Legion do not have to fight like wild dogs over a bottle of pure water.

Life in the subspace is not easy. Warbands who believe in the Four Gods need to avoid becoming Chaos Spawn or being annexed by other warbands. Warbands who do not believe in the Four Gods have to fight against the ubiquitous evil spirits.

Lack of supplies plagued every warband, and most Chaos Space Marines relied on looting Imperial worlds to obtain equipment and relying on daemon spells to repair their weapons.

But if it was just a material problem, Abaddon could still handle it. The most important thing was the legion's ability to organize and fight.

The beings of the Imperium fear the carapace of the Chaos Space Marines, viewing them as the end of the Imperium, the ultimate traitors who cannot be forgiven.

But to Abaddon, the Chaos Space Marines are a group of insects who disobey orders and have no overall perspective. Only the Black Legion directly under his management can meet his combat needs.

The warships of the Dark Mechanicus are approaching. These warships that integrate factories and research stations are huge and bloated, attracting everyone's attention.

"Dark Mechanicus." Some people exclaimed, and they were in awe of the production capabilities of the Dark Mechanicus.

Kalbohar and Abaddon met privately, and witchcraft with different principles but the same effect sent them to a secret room.

Some unique smells were sensed by Kalbohar, and he flashed his mechanical eyes to convey the message of inquiry to Abaddon.

"That is a witness. In front of the witness, I will not tell you any lies." Abaddon said solemnly, without explaining the identity of the witness.

Kalbohar didn't pay attention to such boring things. He directly pointed out Abaddon's needs and asked him how much more supplies he needed.

"A lot." Abaddon gave a vague answer and threw the question back.

Kalbohar knew that Abaddon wanted to test the production capacity of the Dark Mechanicus in this simple way. In this case Kalbohar was prepared to give the Predator a surprise.

This is both sincerity and deterrence.

Under Kalbohar's command, the bottom compartment of the Dark Mechanicum's factory ship was opened, and heavy containers were transported to the open space of the venue. As the binary code was entered, these containers were slowly opened.

The sound of breathing became heavy due to greed. Each container contained millions of explosive bombs and thousands of power armors.

"Because I went out in a hurry, I didn't bring too many things. If you need more, come to this place to find me." Kalbohar handed a fixed-point auspicious device to Abaddon, and then activated the technology spell built into his body. Dharma disappears.

The ships of the Dark Mechanicus depart as quickly as they come. In the eyes of others, this looks like a humiliating charity.

Abaddon was thoughtful. He sent a message to the Dark Mechanicus just casually. He did not really expect these scientific research madmen to come and help him.

"Can they be trusted?" Abaddon asked the witness.

Carlos emerged from the shadows, and he gave Abaddon a positive answer, "You can trust Kalbohar, you hope to use his strength, and he also has considerable expectations for you."

After hearing this, Abaddon quickly organized a fleet to sail to the coordinates given by Kalbohar.

In the warp, a noisy factory spewing black smoke and sparks was so obvious.

Kalbohar had been waiting here for a long time, and he showed his sincerity to Abaddon.

"This. This is really..." Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, Abaddon's eyes widened.

The pale Space Marines stood silently in the square. Just a rough calculation suggested that there were hundreds of thousands of them.

Kalbohar was satisfied with Abaddon's shock. He said in a relaxed tone, "Come and meet my friend, Amaraga."

Amalaga stood beside Kalbohar, his human form outlined in a tattered burqa. Even standing here aroused Abaddon's disgust.

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