Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 758 Scientific Research Results

Abaddon felt that there was a damn alien underneath the robe, but he couldn't just draw his sword and kill someone in front of Kalbohar.

Abaddon suppressed his murderous intent. He looked at the neat and pale Space Marines standing there and asked whose army they were.

"It can be mine, or it can be yours." Kalbohar replied, "Why don't you come and see me closely?"

Abaddon frowned and approached. He found that these pale Space Marines had no paint or decoration on them, and the armor was more like bones than metal.

"Try this." Kalborhar handed over a bolt pistol, and Abaddon pointed it behind the head of a pale Space Marine and pulled the trigger.

The skeletal helmet was similar to a cracked marble statue after being hit by a bomb, but the bones were not scattered on the ground. Blue and black substances flowed out of the gaps, covering the broken cracks again.

"This is not a Space Marine!" Abaddon looked at Kalborhar angrily. He raised his voice and his armor buzzed. "You are blaspheming our Legion! You are blaspheming our original body!"

Kalbohar was not afraid of Abaddon. He straightened his rickety body. In terms of momentum, he was not half inferior to Abaddon.

The Forge General who could trigger a civil war on Mars and a split in the Mechanicum was only loyal to the former Wolf Shepherd, not to a small company commander under the Wolf Shepherd.

"Blasphemy?" Kalbohar's tone was full of sarcasm, "You are the fruits of science and technology, so how can you say blasphemy? You are just biological weapons of the false emperor, and you are lucky enough to have your own independent consciousness."

"What did you say?"

With a clang, Abaddon drew the Draconian Demonic Sword, and the veterans of the war who traveled with him also formed a battle formation, their Terminator armor thirsting for blood and killing.

Kalbohar sneered twice, and with a signal, hundreds of thousands of pale space warriors at the venue surrounded Abaddon.

Not only that, Abaddon also saw Titan figures wandering in the streets surrounded by huge factory walls.

Don't mess with those who control production!

Abaddon shed an imperceptible drop of sweat. No matter how brilliant the Space Marines were, they would still be unable to confront the Titans.

The sound waves charged by the heavy ion fusion cannon impact Abaddon's armor, and there will be no solid matter in a circular area with a radius of 500 meters.

"Hahaha. You still have some backbone, so it's okay." Kalbohar said meaningfully. He sent another signal to let the Titan Army lift its alert, and then stretched out his hand to Abaddon to show that the misunderstanding was resolved.

Abaddon hesitated for a long time, then withdrew his weapon, took hold of a mechanical tentacle stretched out by Kalbohar and shook it twice.

"Now that you have calmed down, come and witness the great science with us."

Kalbohar walked in the front, Amaraga followed him, and Abaddon had no choice but to move forward with the veteran of ten thousand battles.

The factory opened its doors, and the scene inside made Abaddon feel physically disgusted.

A huge sealed tank with a length, width and height of 10,000 meters became the core of the factory. It contained the dead remains mined from the invisible waste abyss, but Abaddon did not know this. To him, it was just a mass of black filth. .

The dead remains are discharged from the dense pipes after reaction.

Each pipeline is connected to a production line, and each production line has thousands of automatic robotic arms to ensure production.

Abaddon watched helplessly as a black gelatinous substance was discharged from the pipe, and then developed after being kneaded and stitched by the mechanical arm. The black gelatinous substance now had the humanoid outline of a Space Marine.

This process only took a short 8 hours, and even the Demonic Womb of the Iron Warriors would bow before this efficiency.

The sound of sewing suddenly rang out, and large pieces of blue cloth were added to the production. The robotic arm roughly and quickly cut off the cloth, and then covered it on the black human figure.

The sight of these blue-skinned monsters made Abaddon's scalp tingle, but this was not the end.

The blue-skinned monsters are sent to the infection room in batches, where they will be inoculated with the Destroyer virus.

Abaddon is no stranger to this virus. Many Space Marines in the warband will be infected by the Obliterator virus and transformed into living weapons, able to create different weapons from their twisted flesh.

The bone pulp slowly overflowed from the seams of the sutured blue skin, and then formed a skeleton and bone plates that seemed to be intelligent.

A company of pale Space Marines stood before Abaddon. They had no emotions or pity, and were the purest fighting machines.

"How about it? Isn't it great? It's low-cost, not afraid of life and death, and doesn't even require logistical maintenance. Our legion can focus all its energy on destroying the empire instead of boringly rebuilding production to meet the needs of the legion."

Kalbohar's voice woke up Abaddon, who was immersed in shock. He suddenly looked at Kalbohar and Amaraja beside him.

Two voices collided in Abaddon's mind.

A voice shouted: They are blasphemy! They have tarnished the honor of the Space Marines!

Another voice shouted: They are powerful weapons! With their help, the Thirteenth Black Crusade will be extremely smooth!

Focus on Terra and rebuild the empire.

Abaddon swallowed and asked Kalbohar for more details about the pale warrior in front of him.

"Why don't you let my scientific research friend Amaraja answer your question?"

Amaraga reluctantly walked out from behind Kalbohar, and he answered Abaddon's question.

These warriors are called degraded combatants, and their combat performance is far inferior to that of the Space Marines. However, their large number and difficulty in killing will also make them a very difficult opponent.

However, it is not impossible that the degraded body can continue to mutate and grow by devouring corpses and the remains of other degraded bodies, and eventually grow into a giant titan in the style of a degraded body.

"So given enough time, we can even mass-produce Titan?" Abaddon asked in shock.

"We have already produced degraded Titans." Amaraga snapped his fingers, and the huge creations that Abaddon thought were factory sculptures suddenly moved.

The pale bone structure is strange, and the buzzing holes spit out the hot breath. These eyeless titans give Abaddon a terrifying feeling.

"With the degraded body, we can flood the empire with legions." Kalbohar's voice was full of temptation.

Abaddon nodded imperceptibly. He also knew that the Dark Mechanicum was definitely not showing mercy in providing these weapons, so he continued to ask, "Then what do you want?"

"Opening a path to Mars for us, it's that simple."

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