Opening a path to Mars?

This requirement is too broad. Fighting all the way to Terra is considered to have opened the way, and directly opening a subspace rift can also be considered to have opened the road.

Abaddon didn't think Kalbohar was referring to the former. No matter how much he looked down on the decaying empire, he had to admit that it was a behemoth that needed all his strength.

If it weren't for the aliens dragging the Empire's forces from all over the galaxy, the defense power of the Cadian sector would have continued to swell.

Facing a giant beast, the smartest thing to do is to bleed him, make him exhausted and panting, and then let the hunter kill him with a single blow.

This is why Abaddon organized twelve Black Crusades, each of which triggered a fierce response from the Empire.

The High Lords Council of Terra, the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were all busy, and they urgently mobilized the troops guarding all over the galaxy.

This is a huge consumption of materials. Each operation of the bloated machine crushes several gears. These gears add up to many, and then become a fatal flaw that prevents the empire from continuing to operate.

All the Black Legion has to do is seize these flaws, show the hunter's cruelty and cunning, and pull out the barbs that have been pierced into the body of the imperial behemoth, leaving it bruised and bleeding.

Another purpose of the Black Crusade is to please the gods. Although Abaddon does not like these dark evil gods who made his father Horus a madman, the huge power they possess is what Abaddon desperately needs.

Each expedition satisfied the four gods. The ambition to destroy and rebuild the empire pleased Tzeentch. The wars of the expedition pleased Khorne. The large number of slaves and torture made Slaanesh gasp. Those who suffered from famine and war in the war People suffering from illness also attracted Nurgle's compassion.

The satisfaction of the gods turned into a gift, filling the bodies of the Black Legion warriors and repairing their ancient weapons that had endured thousands of years of wind and frost.

During the First Black Crusade, Abaddon killed Lord Marshal Sigismund of the Black Templars and found the eldritch sword Draconion, which could kill the Emperor, in the crypts of the Silent Tower of Ullanor.

During the Gothic War, Abaddon's crusade crippled an entire sector, and the Imperial Navy was decimated by Planet Killers and two activated Blackstone Fortresses.

If those damn Eldar hadn't intervened, the Gothic Sector would have become the Black Legion's main position against the Empire in the real universe.

It is the eve of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, Abaddon's final crusade to drive the Empire to its grave.

Thinking of this, Abaddon was a little excited and proud. Only he knew how much effort he had put into the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

The attack on the Blackstone Spire in the Cadian sector weakened the anti-warp stance that blocked the Eye of Terror.

And those idiots in the empire don't even know this. They only think that black stone is just a kind of alien building material!

Now there is only one anti-subspace node that suppresses the Eye of Terror, which is the Cadian Fortress World. The official symbol of the start of the Thirteenth Black Crusade is the crushing of Cadian.

Over the past few decades, Abaddon has dragged large numbers of hulks to the Cadian sector, using these dangerous space debris to distract the Cadian defenders.

Not only that, even the leadership of the Cadian Fortress World has followers who are devoted to Abaddon and the Force of Destruction. They will serve the Black Crusade wholeheartedly as long as Abaddon gives the order.

With the destruction of Cadian, the Eye of Terror will flow out unhindered, creating a scarlet road leading directly to Terra in the real universe. At that time, Abaddon can indeed fulfill Kalbohar's request: open a way to The path of Mars.

After thinking for a long time, Abaddon gave Kalbohar a clear answer, "The Black Legion can open a road to Mars for you."

Kalbohar nodded, and then ordered the slave workers to start working, "That's great, then I will let these degraded bodies enter the cargo hold first."

"But I will never accept this filthy and profane garbage."

There is no concealment or modification in this sentence. The words and sentence patterns used are so simple and crude, and the voice of the speaker is full of disgust.

"Are you kidding me? Doing this will only make you lose the friendship of the Dark Mechanicus." Kalbohar's tone was cold, his mechanical body suddenly rose several meters, and the weapons under the rags buzzed. Hibiki, if he wanted to, he could give Abaddon an unforgettable memory.

Holding a magic sword, possessing the power of the four gods and the blessing of many chaos artifacts, Abaddon has no confidence in winning against Kalbohar.

Abaddon knows that these robots hide many good things, and these robots must have a lot of hateful intelligence that caused the Luna Wolves heavy losses.

The Titan sounded a warning flute, and the pale, degraded bodies lying on the assembly line also showed strong hostility.

But Abaddon did not back down under the pressure of Kalbohar, and he continued to speak in a steady voice.

"I will not accept these creations to join my legion, but I will not refuse these creations to join the Thirteenth Black Crusade."

"Oh?" Kalbohar tilted his head slightly, "Are you treating them as auxiliary troops who can be sacrificed at will?"

"Aren't these degraded bodies just cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at will?"

Hearing that Abaddon had lowered the combat status of the degraded body by another level, Kalbohar was not angry, but instead let out a mechanical laugh in agreement.

The two people smiled and stopped in a tacit understanding. Kalbohar said, "The Great Astartes Doctrine is one of the ties that connects the Black Legion. These degenerates will violently impact the bond of your brotherhood."

"They will create rifts of doubt in the united legion. How we once viewed the false emperors will be how they view these degenerates now."

"Then the Church of the Dark Mechanic God will form an independent army, and you will be responsible for commanding it. As for the name of the promotion, how about the Pale Auxiliary Army?"

"Are you remembering the Terran Auxiliary?"

"That's your idea." Kalbohar waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to talk more about this boring topic. He was very interested in how Abaddon opened the road to Mars.

"As long as Cadian is destroyed, our road to Terra will be clear." Abaddon said confidently, but Kalbohar was not satisfied.

"We still have to conquer Cadian first? It's a waste of time, how about we just open a rift to Mars."

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