Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 760: Deducing the Battle Situation

Abaddon did not speak. He knew that Kalbohar must have a reason for saying this. These robots would not speak rashly without any certainty. This was inconsistent with their scientific pursuit of truth.

"With our full assistance, the Cadian defense line will be weak. We are deducing the future through the meditator cluster. We predict that the false emperor will never sit still and wait for death, and reinforcements will be sent from the direction of Terra."

"Terra will also be invaded. The Blood God's legions will soak the land of Terra with blood. They will have no time to care about the war in Cadian." Abaddon added.

"They have energy." Kalbohar shook his head in disapproval, "The power of the false emperor will come to an end, and his presence will give Terra's defenders a chance to breathe."

"Then it's impossible for him to airdrop the Legion directly to Cadian!" Abaddon's voice slightly increased, and he felt that Kalbohar's speculation was nonsense.

"He can drop his legion into Cadian, and the Phalanx fortress guarding the solar system will be sent to the sky above Cadian by the false emperor using spiritual energy. Are you sure your battleship can collide with the legacy of this golden age? As far as I know I know that your exploration rate of Blackstone Fortress is only a pitiful 15%, and the machine soul is resisting your control. "

"He teleported the Phalanx Fortress? How is that possible! His power is also blocked by the curtain and the black stone array. It is impossible for him to break through so many obstacles to achieve such a powerful teleportation spell."

"You are thinking too narrowly. The Blood God's legions will wreak havoc on Terra, and the souls of the dead and blasphemous rituals will slam against the veil of Terra."

Abaddon wanted to say something more, but Kalbohar did not give him a chance and continued to deduce the direction of the Cadian war situation to him with a cold mechanical voice.

"The same is true for the invasion you launched in Cadian. The curtain of this world will become equally weak! And these two weak points can be connected by psychic spells. By then, the false emperor will directly control the Phalanx fortress. Hit you in the face while you watch this behemoth create a no man's land in the middle of your fleet."

Abaddon pursed his lips tightly and said nothing. Karl Bohar's deduction was too reasonable for him to make any strong rebuttal.

"But don't extinguish your ambitions because of these small problems. It's just a Phalanx. My friend can infect the Phalanx and make him use it for you."

This refers to Amaraga, and Abaddon also understood what he meant by the road to Mars during a heated discussion with Kalbohar.

These robots will take advantage of the Black Legion's deadly battle in Cadian to escape and follow the line transmitted by the Phalanx straight to Mars.

"I thought we would be allies."


"Then how much effort can you make to shake the Cadian defense line?"

"You'll know when the war starts."

Abaddon thought gloomily for a long time before agreeing. Before leaving, Kalbohar also gave him several boxes of explosive bombs.

After Abaddon boarded the battleship, he secretly cursed Kalbohar as a bastard, and then one of his wizards approached him respectfully.

"The great plunderer, the destroyer of empires, the only warmaster of the Black Legion." The wizard saluted Abaddon, eager to press his body to the ground.

"Stop saying these compliments! If you have anything to say, please tell me immediately." Abaddon coldly interrupted the wizard's praise.

"In the far Eastern Sector, I received a vague message. I think it is very important."

"tell me the story."

"Be careful of the big cafeteria."

"What does it mean?"

"I don't know, my lord."

The Vengeful Spirit left, and Kalbohar took Amaraga deeper into the factory.

Wails and screams came from a hall. The mechanical arm was skinning the Tau who were born from clones. After one skin was completely removed, the remaining parts of the Tau would be thrown into the grinding machine. Beat it into a paste, then pour it into the clone bar to develop.

"These Tau people are really amazing. After being immersed in the subspace for a long time, I forgot that there are so many secrets in the real universe that need to be explored."

Kalbohar adjusted the output frequency of the sounder. This high-frequency sound could well cover up the wailing of the Tau.

"The universe is so vast that it contains all kinds of wonders." Amalaga responded calmly, "If it weren't for the damn Star God and Tzeentch, you and I would never have had any interactions in this life, and you wouldn't be qualified to witness my tens of thousands of years. research results.”

"Haha." Kalbohar was not angry. He respected people with knowledge. Even though he was not worthy of respect as an alien, his scholarly side could not be blasphemed.

"The Thirteenth Black Crusade is consistent with our purpose."

"Only part of it. I'm very interested in the content of the Crimson Road, but rebuilding the Human Empire? Forget it. What Abaddon's father couldn't do, it's even less possible for him to do it."

At this point, Amalaga complained in her heart, especially since those genetic primitives were now working under the Subjective Ones, it would have been an epic victory if the Black Legion had not been completely defeated in Cadian.

"It doesn't matter if he can't do it. The most important thing is that this is a good opportunity, an opportunity to meet Omnisiah and to eliminate traitors and heretics." Kalbohar said slowly, "The false emperor is hiding everything. Mek-god's skin deceived us, and he needs to pay the price with blood."

"But I see that you have no preparations. You are just digging for knowledge here, and then producing garbage for these stragglers that has been eliminated by the human empire for a long time."

"They are a bunch of poor people. Giving them too good weapons will only make them lose money. The best equipment is a sacrifice to pay tribute to the God of All Machines."

Kalbohar stood on the teleportation platform with Amaraga, and they disappeared in an instant.

Taking a few seconds to get rid of the discomfort caused by long-distance teleportation, Amaraja saw that he was in a dark space.

The walls and floor are made of cables of different thicknesses. Every time you walk along the way, you can see a maintenance servant welded into the cables. They are responsible for the transmission and maintenance of cable energy.

It was cold and dry here, and after walking with Kalbohar for a long time, Amaraga's eyes suddenly opened up.

The light shines down from high above the eye's reach, casting the standard cog-skull shadow after being blocked by cables and mechanical structures.

Because the full angle is 360 degrees, there are also 360 giant doors with a height of 360 meters and thunder roaming on the surface. These giant doors are engraved with chemical reaction formulas, mathematical axioms, and physical formulas. When combined together, There is a tinge of deep secrets.

Kalbohar stands in the center, where is engraved a diagram of the celestial movements of the solar system centered on Terra.

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