"The Omniscient Council begins."

As the sound fell, three hundred and sixty doors opened simultaneously, and a heavy roar came from far and near, creating a storm of sound.

One Emperor Titan, two Emperor Titans, three Emperor Titans.

These Emperor-class Titans are of different heights and equipped with different weapons. Their paintings and flags describe the glorious history of their families. Below them, there are more Warlord-class, Warlord-class, and Predator-class Titans. Sleeping in the mechanical tomb.

"If you have so many, then the Martian Order must also have hidden a lot, right?" Amaraga asked curiously, and Kalbohar answered all his questions in just one sentence.

"Mars is a library that was burned down. We took away the books and they guarded the ashes."

Mars gained their god, but lost their freedom.

Kalbohar opened the omniscient meeting with these words, which also aroused the common hatred of the Titan captain.

The captains of these Titans were once high-ranking members of the Mechanicum of Mars, such as the Forge Master, the Forge Master, the Guard Master, the Great Sage, and the Forge General.

They remembered the promises the Emperor made to them, and how shamelessly he broke them again and again.

Once upon a time, the Emperor's servants brought massive orders to Mars, bringing with them materials, technology, blueprints, and slave labor. Countless STCs were transported back from the front lines, and the most vicious orders from Mars also rushed to the front lines to fight against the enemies of mankind.

Forge worlds were found and technology restored. Amid this prosperity there are dangers.

Although the massive orders have brought unprecedented production growth and prosperity to Mars, they are also rapidly depleting Mars' production potential and technological reserves. Just building their Glory Queen-class battleship Bladestorm for the White Scars consumed 4.5% of the entire productivity of Mars.

Overdrafting the productivity of Mars brought many consequences. The Foundry General rushed from one factory to another. In order to satisfy the insatiable hunger of the Great Crusade, the Martian Order was too busy to care.

In this busyness, the Emperor betrayed Mars' expectations!

Many of his newly surrendered forge worlds signed secret treaties, and most of these actions were carried out behind the back of Mars' envoys. The Human Empire was systematically intervening in the internal affairs of the Mechanicus. At the same time, fleets and garrisons were sent to various forges in the name of protection. world.

What's this? This is betrayal! This is doubt about Mars!

After using the Eternal Power as a witness to his oath, Kalborhar could not accept the Emperor's betrayal!

Countless evidence also points to the Emperor's search for a replacement for the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The First Legion, the Dark Angels known for keeping secrets, dispatched countless fleets to collect dark technology and forbidden relics with ulterior motives.

The Gene Cult still occupies the moon, producing the Angels of Death for the Emperor.

Maldor, the Hand of the Emperor, was a gloomy schemer and spymaster. His Order of Clarity held countless mysteries of the old night, and those who dared to set foot on the knowledge of the Warp were rumored to have fallen to the backs of these men.

Even the new forge world far across the galaxy, Shana, is so unsettling. This technologically advanced world is like a replica of Mars.

What will the Empire do when Mars loses its value?

And according to the covenant, these technologies should have belonged to the Order of Mars.

Kalbohar fired lightning with excitement, and his voice mixed with the Titan captain's dissatisfaction, creating a non-stop echo in the circular empty room.

"But that liar is not the only one who is hateful! There are also our weak colleagues! Look at their endings? It is simply the best irony!"

++That’s right! Their weakness brings bitter consequences! But their fate also deserves our sympathy! Who would have thought that these lackeys sent by the Emperor had to escape from Mars after a narrow escape, and then fight side by side with the Custodes on Terra, only to end up with the cunning rabbit dead and the lackeys cooked. The Council of High Lords actually wants to disband the Mechanicus, which has been operating independently since the Age of Strife, with just one decree! He also attempts to put political power above all the Gods of Machinery! ++

++I still remember Arkan Rand’s helplessness! How proud had he been? In the end, he was not much better than a slave worker in front of Malcador. He pitifully asked Malcador to rescue Mars, but he forced to withdraw his troops and then plucked a team of Imperial Fists from the hands of the Imperial Prime Minister! ++

++Haha! I still remember that day! The Imperial Fists were driven all over the ground by me! They had no power to fight back, they just died in vain. ++

"That's it, my colleagues. The Emperor and the Empire owe us so much, and we will ride the waves of the Thirteenth Black Crusade to Mars to get what is rightfully ours."

++Is there anything else on Mars? I thought we had emptied the treasure trove of knowledge when we evacuated. ++

++Of course not, the Eternal Night Maze is still a mysterious existence, and all the preparations made during the thousands of years of immersion in subspace are to explore the Eternal Night Maze. ++

"That's it, colleagues! Swear in the name of Omnisiah! With the never-ending power of the source as a witness, we will give everything we have!"

++Long live Omnisiah. ++

Amalaga looked at the Titan Legion's oath and felt that the days ahead were getting more and more interesting.

"Is this enough?" Lin Fan flexed his hands twice, and an amorphous and complex substance seemed to have a square outline.

"That's enough. For outsiders, certainty is the biggest weakening." The King of Silence contained the grouped outsiders in the throne.

"How about letting me eat it? My stomach should be quite safe."

The Silent King's body stiffened slightly. Lin Fan had already made the dynasty warlock who was repairing the universe busy by eating the Skinner Landugal alive.

Fortunately, the Skinner mastered infected flesh and blood, which was not an indispensable and important attribute for the galaxy.

If Lin Fan eats the outsiders alive, many of the Necrontyr's equipment will be destroyed.

Some materials are extremely rare in the universe, and only a few kilograms may be found in an entire star region.

The compulsory definition of the outsider can make up for the shortcomings of this precious substance. Although it is not as powerful and efficient as the original, it is barely usable and can meet the needs of the Necrontyr.

"I think it's time for you to go and take this midnight ghost to meet his brother." The Silent King pointed his finger at Coze sealed in the crystal. He only blocked Coze's movements, but not his mind.

Seeing the actions of the Silent King, Coze looked expressionless and watched Lin Fan drag him away.

"Brother? I'll give them a bloody hello."

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