Lin Fan dragged Cozz out of the portal and happened to see the back of Chagatai busy retrieving information in the command room.

After the power of the outsiders was greatly weakened, Chagatai was finally able to recognize the words on the operating table.

When Chagatai heard the sound behind him, he quietly grasped the handle of the knife, drew his knife and turned around to strike at Lin Fan as he approached.

"Let's see what good things I brought back."

With a clang, the sword struck the crystal sealing Coze, and the tremor caused Coze inside to close his eyes in pain.

Jaghatai was stunned for a moment when he saw Coze's face, and then frowned, showing obvious confusion and disgust.

Few people like Curze, not even Curze himself.

Depraved and bloody brothers.

"Is he responsible for the situation here? I don't think my brother can have such a talent." Chagatai tapped the crystal twice.

"Actually, it was a Star God who did it, but I have already squashed him. There shouldn't be any big trouble at the border of the Tau Empire."

"Star God. Ha." Chagatai shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Without you, how many deaths would it take for the Empire to make a Star God retreat?"

Lin Fan thought for a moment, and if he followed the distorted definition shown by the outsiders when they were so far away, the Imperial Navy would probably be dead halfway through.

"Perhaps we can only rely on the emperor's blessing, relying on faith or the explosion of the small universe to crush the Star God."

"Small universe explosion?"

"Ancient Terra slang, referring to the state when a person's potential is stimulated."

"Interesting." Jaghatai wrote down this short sentence, and then asked about Curze in the crystal.

The Chogoris Eagle's eyes held a kind of civilized arrogance, which made Curze among them feel very unhappy.

But the more important point is that Jaghatai was not supposed to be in this place in the prophecy. He was supposed to be wandering the webway.

The fixed fate was powerfully broken.

Cozz glanced at Lin Fan, thinking that this guy must have done it. Like himself, he could see the pale thread of fate.

"To be honest, I don't know how I brought Coze out. It was a very abstract and wonderful scene."

Lin Fan gave Chagatai a rough description of the chaotic scene when he and Coze fought.

"Oh, I remembered, the essence of subspace!" Lin Fan slapped his head suddenly, "The mysterious power that the Emperor stole from the subspace is one of the substances used to create the Primarch. If Coze has it, then you Yes."

Chagatai's expression was not very good. He did know this dark history.

When he was dueling with Mortarion, the walking poison-spraying vehicle, Jaghatai had already inspired some of the essential power of subspace.

No matter how you think about the Legion Primarch, who is known for his thickness, and the Blessing of Nurgle, who is known for his toughness, this kind of opponent is not something that Jaghatai can defeat.

The situation was quite critical at that time. The all-pervasive poisonous gas stung Jaghatai's heart, and his sword had no effect on Mortarion. With the blessing of Nurgle's power, Mortarion was resurrected at a very fast speed. Much higher than Jaghatai's slash.

By the end of the battle, Jaghatai was riddled with holes, but Mortarion was still intact.

But in the end Jaghatai won, and the inner warp essence of the Primarch awakened, transcending the limits of the physical body.

The remnant body that had suffered numerous injuries did not show any sluggishness or weakness, but instead became more and more violent and violent.

Rather than saying that Chagatai is highly skilled in martial arts, it is better to say that Chagatai unlocked the blood lock.

Mortarion's head was chopped off by Jaghatai, and the fallen Ascendant's body was sent back to the subspace, and then Jaghatai's dead body collapsed to the ground.

"Your essence is the dying thunder, running forever in the pursuit of death."

Curze's hoarse voice came, and there was no brotherly feeling in his eyes as he looked at Jaghatai.

Jaghatai did not refute, but simply withdrew his sword. During the battle with Mortarion, he had already touched the edge of this realm. He could have gone further, but the price he had to pay was that Jaghatai could not Accepted.

He didn't want to become a powerful demon wandering the warp.

"Then what is the nature of other people's subspace?" Lin Fan continued to ask.

Curze closed his eyes and remained silent.

Since Coz didn't want to talk, Lin Fan didn't bother to press any further.

After restoring order on the vk-01 planet, Lin Fan and his team transported Cozz onto the Void Phoenix fighter and returned to the cafeteria.

"What should we do next? Are we going back to government affairs again? I really hope they've called Guilliman up."

"We'll go to the Great Mess Hall for a while, then head straight to Cadian to stop the Thirteenth Black Crusade."

"A fight? Great."

Orc warlord and great technology master - the iron-clad Big Waaagh! Still tough and ferocious, numerous orc boys ravaged the entire star region, and almost all inhabited planets encountered varying degrees of attacks from orcs.

The combat situation in the void is not optimistic either. The orcs obtained their battleships after salvaging and transforming the ruined ships. To the Imperial Navy, these ships are no different from the void fortress.

It was impossible to tell where the head was and where the tail was in the complex and chaotic structure. Rocket engines and gun barrels were piled up in a haphazard manner. They did not consider the chain reaction after the explosion at all.

"But they don't have to consider this kind of problem." A mechanical sage said seriously in the command room, "The Orc battleship is protected by numerous void shields, repulsion shields and dark deflection shields. Our macro cannons and nova The spear attack has little effect."

"Then join the gang. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the Emperor." A chapter leader has already given out his tactics. As long as he gives the order, he will lead the strike cruiser and smash it into the Ork battleship. .

Yarick is also in the command room. Although he only holds the position of political commissar, no one present will look down upon him in the slightest.

In hundreds of recent battles, Yarrick has demonstrated amazing combat capabilities, defeating orc invasions time and time again.

Yarrick's advanced understanding of the battle situation and the temperament of the Orks has also won the respect of the Space Marines. Several company commanders and chapter leaders have learned a lot about the Orks from Yarrick.

Some people say that this is a gift from the Emperor, while others say that this is Yarrick's own efforts. This respectable political commissar must have learned a lot from the orcs in private, but the Inquisition in this sector only accepts the first statement. , and seriously investigate the perpetrators who spread the second statement.

Those convicted will be whipped or directly inducted into the Legion of Atonement according to the degree of impact.

As Alex prepared to explain his plan, the command room suddenly became quiet.

"We are preparing to retreat."

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