
Choose to retreat when faced with orcs?

This is nonsense!

Those beasts will happily take over the land where the imperial army retreats, carry out rough and simple but extremely efficient reconstruction, and then lead more troops to attack other worlds.

Facing the greenskins, the only effective strategy is to resist them mercilessly, then defeat them in a war of attrition, and finally use blazing flames to roast every inch of the land rooted in spores.

"Political Commissar, we are very surprised and admired for your understanding of the orcs." The inquisitor standing in the shadow said softly, and then his tone suddenly changed, "But your remarks are the behavior of a coward. Wasn't it that during your retirement years, you were so confused by the relaxing pastoral life that you forgot the teachings of Zhongji Academy?"

Facing the Inquisitor's threat, Yarrick remained calm, as if what he just said was not something to be ashamed of, but a practical and excellent tactic.

"Instead of doing a traditional retreat, we're going to do an Orc-style retreat."

At this time, the veteran generals of the Astra Militarum could no longer suppress their anger. These generals were cold, loyal, and ruthless. They could let millions of people attack an impossible position without any psychological burden, and they could also attack the most difficult positions in the most difficult situations. When the time comes, he personally takes up the gun and goes into battle to show his loyalty to the Emperor.

They were able to listen to the first half of Yaric's words all thanks to Yaric's outstanding record. Now Yaric even made the heretical statement that the imperial army learned from the orcs to retreat. How could this not make them feel humiliated.

Seeing that there was another quarrel in the command room, two highly respected Space Marines stopped the unnecessary quarrel in their own way.

Chi! Buzz!

The crackling sound and the magnificent blue light of the master-class fine-work power sword activated made everyone calm down. The Inquisitor silently remembered this daring Space Marine with a cold face, but did not continue to question Commissar Yarrick in a harsh tone.

The high temperature released by the activated rocket backpack suddenly heated up the command room. The occasional puff of tail flame also consumed a large amount of air. The pungent smell of burning had a wake-up effect. The angry old general made a gurgling sound of dissatisfaction from his throat, and then reluctantly stretched out his hand to signal Yaric to continue speaking.

The white-scarred Corsaro Khan retracted the power sword and said softly, pretending to be relaxed and surprised, "Huh? Why did it suddenly start? It seems that the machine spirit doesn't like your noisy appearance."

"That's right, the machine spirit is displeased." Korvin, the leader of the Raven Guard Chapter in black armor, said calmly, and then quietly disappeared into the shadows.

The Great Sage of the Mechanicus did not speak immediately. He could tell that Corsaro and Colvin did it on purpose, but the question was why did they do this?

How could Arikhold get the secret support of the two original warbands? Unless there are hints from other forces behind them.

Tyra Grohe Club? Or those mysterious forbidden troops?

When a person has an unusually large amount of information, the way he or she thinks becomes more complex. This great sage of the Mechanicus is this kind of person. He knows that Terra has been undergoing violent political changes recently. Many old families have been shuffled and wiped out, and even the deep underground nests have been excavated and re-explored.

Maybe? Maybe not?

The Great Sage is not sure, but if he gives face to Corsaro Khan and Colvin Chapter Leader, he will not lose much. He can even use this as an excuse to ask them to help recover some technology from a scrap ship. .

The Great Sage thought everything through in just a few seconds. Almost as soon as Chapter Master Colvin sank into the shadows and his words still echoed in the command room, he had already performed the gear salute and used a hymn to appease the machine spirit. Qualify the deterrence just now.

The machine soul is displeased.

The judge's face turned even darker. He stood aside with squinted eyes, looking at the great sage with a scrutinizing gaze.

Are great sages afraid of him? It was obvious that he was not afraid, and his cold mechanical eyes glared at the Inquisitor. If he did anything offensive, the Great Sage would have no choice but to store the supplies provided to them in the cargo hold for 500 years before sending them out.

The command room was quiet, and Commissar Yarek's tense face finally showed a hint of relief. He looked at Kosaro Khan with some gratitude and continued to explain his point of view.

He actually wanted to express his gratitude to Chapter Master Colvin, but he really didn't know where the elusive Dark Crow was, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

Yarrick's retreat plan was made clear. He was not trying to withdraw the entire Imperial Army from the sector, but rather the main force.

He told everyone that the warlord was like all the orc warlords before him. The biggest purpose of fighting was to fight happily and have fun.

Today's war situation has indeed satisfied the need for iron. He is active on the front line and even lost half of his army in the encirclement set up by Corsaro Khan, Chapter Master Colvin and the Armageddon Iron Legion. Life.

Even so, it didn't make the orc feel the least bit afraid. As soon as he woke up from the mad doctor's operating table, he became very passionate about poetry. He crushed the mad doctor's skull to pieces, and then dipped his brains and blood in to write pictures and orders. The frightened fart nurse on the side published what he had just written.

The orcs specially dispatched special operations boys to slap the brick-thick "Collected Works of the Boss" on the faces of their security guards.

"The orcs only want an opponent, but if the opponent they can fight happily doesn't fight them, what will happen to these orcs?"

"They either chase after him relentlessly, or they smash everything within reach like a child having a tantrum." Corsaro Khan answered Yarrick's question.

"So how do you guarantee that the orcs won't go crazy? Instead follow you? Gambling with a 50% chance?"

"No, the probability of the orcs keeping up with us is 1000%, because I will talk to them personally."

At the end of the meeting, the command room tentatively agreed with Yarick's operational opinions.

The Inquisitor stopped Yaric. He stared at Yaric's face and his tone was still cold, "I hope you really know what you are doing. The lives and deaths of hundreds of billions of people in the entire sector are tied to your plan. "

"But you could have voted against it. You have that power as the Inquisitor."

The inquisitor did not answer Yarick's question directly, but took a few steps closer and carefully stared at the white hair and wrinkles under Yarick's political commissar's hat.

"You have lived too long, Commissar Yarrick. You should not have lived so long, nor should you have the power to compete head-on with the orc warlord. Even Corsaro Khan cannot stop the iron-clad fierce man head-on. But you blocked it, and this can only mean one thing. You were chosen by the emperor. What I believe in is not you, but the vision of the great emperor."

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