"You bask in the gaze, Arric."

The judge's cold poker face showed an extremely obvious look of envy, and the fire of jealousy was hidden in his eyes.

He bowed, turned and left.

The movement was clean and neat, and the Inquisitor did not give Alex any chance to react.

Kosaro Khan and Captain Colvin came over, "He didn't threaten you, did he?" It was Kosaro Khan who spoke.

"No, sir." Yaric saluted the two of them, but it seemed that they were not that kind of people, and nodded to Yaric quite kindly.

The reason they spoke to Yaric was because of Lin Fan. When they worked together in the Tau Empire, Lin Fan often told them some heroic stories.

Among them, the name Yarik impressed them deeply. With a mortal body, he could accomplish feats that even the Space Marines could not achieve. This was worthy of their respect.

And considering that Lin Fan meant what the Emperor meant, there must be the silent support of the Emperor behind Yaric's actions.

"For the Emperor." Korsaro Khan and Chapter Master Colvin saluted and left.

Yarick also gestured with an eagle in return.

Now all he could think about was what the Inquisitor had said to him.

He did live a little too long. It was too long, and his power was too strong.

Take Armageddon for example. When he went to this world to recruit soldiers, Alex discovered that Governor Domicilon had been dead for a long time.

After inquiring and checking the records, Yarick discovered that the gang emperor who was born at the bottom of the hive city finally died in a meeting.

There was no conspiracy in death, it was just that Domicilon was too old. He picked up a document, yawned as if sleepy, closed his eyes and died on the chair.

At that time, Yarick suddenly felt a little lonely and sad. Everyone he knew either died in the war or died, leaving only an old guy like him alive.

In the dead of night, recalling the distant past, Alex suddenly realized that he could no longer remember the appearance of the teacher at Zhongsi Academy. The clearest thing in his memory was the savage face of the orc.

To other Imperial soldiers, Arric was basking in the Emperor's gaze, and his long life and physical strength were the Emperor's best rewards for his loyalty.

Arric would surely be able to stand beside the Golden Throne and even see the Emperor with his own eyes.

This idea was not only prevalent among the Armageddon Iron Legions, but also among the other Astral Legions who came to support.

There was an unknown hunk from the Catachan regiment. During the interview, he was using his biceps to smash the head of an orc: Commissar Yarrick? That was indeed a ruthless guy. I took a look at him from a distance. Who wouldn’t be confused after seeing that huge power claw?

A certain colonel of the Cadian Strike Force gave his evaluation: Commissar Yarrick. If he were a Cadian, our homeland would definitely build a supreme fortress facing the Eye of Terror in his name.

A certain medical sister of the Ebony Sisters: Commissar Yarrick! oh! I remember him! I once gave him a physical examination. Oh my God, that was the most glorious physical examination I have ever had in my life! Every rib and every inch of his skin was blessed by the power of the Emperor! marvelous! If I touch it for a while, I can even collect some of his saliva and...

Later, the nun was punished as a penitent nun because of her misbehavior, but she did not regret it. Instead, she attracted the envy of other nuns.

When interviewing the Krieger Corps, these taciturn and loyal soldiers were most concerned about Yarik's age. They asked over and over again how many crimes Commissar Yarik could atone for during his more than 500 years of service.

"If I can fight for 500 years, can I let my mother return to the throne with a sinless body?"

Faced with the questions of the Krieg soldiers, officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs promptly stopped the interview with the Krieg soldiers.

Soldier of the Volskania First Sons: I heard that Commissar Yarek lost his parents when he was seven years old. Their sacrifice must have inspired Commissar Yarek's life! If I can have a child, I will definitely die generously for the Emperor when he is seven years old, and pass on this great spirit.

But no matter what, the morale boost brought by Commissar Yarrick is outstanding. As long as he appears on the battlefield, the orcs will be frightened, and the most cowardly conscripts will be brave under the encouragement of Yarrick's huge power claws. Move forward and carve out the orc's heart with your bayonet.

However, Political Commissar Yarek, who holds so much honor, is not happy. He feels that the Ministry of Military Affairs has compiled a huge lie that cannot be exposed by him.

"Being watched by the Emperor?"

Looking at his power claw, Yarrick felt a little complicated.

He didn't know if he was really being watched by the Emperor, but he was pretty sure he was being watched by the greenskins.

He also participated in several eradication battles against the Chaos Cult. Facing those crazy cultists, Yarrick felt that his performance was only satisfactory.

But when he stood in front of the orcs, the feeling of being watched was extremely obvious.

He doesn't feel tired when fighting, and has no time to count ammunition when shooting. Even if the power of the laser eye is exhausted, Yarrick can still activate the fatal hotline that burns the orcs.

Yarek didn't tell anyone these secrets, and he knew there was no need to tell anyone else.

It was all worth it as long as it served the Emperor.

Closing the power claw smoothly and easily, Yarrick ordered his guards to follow his pace with great enthusiasm.

Anyone who can become a guard of Yarrick is by no means weak. His strong body often makes people wonder why this person didn't become a Space Marine.

Due to a coincidence of fate, his guard name was Ryder, and privately the soldiers also called him Tancred.

Tancred, such a familiar name, immediately brought Yarick's thoughts back to the distant defense battle of Hades' nest.

"Tancred." Yaric shouted suddenly.

"Your order! Political Commissar!" Ryder gave a standard military salute, and his answer's sentence structure and accent were also extremely standard.

This Ryder came from Loyal College, not a dark and dangerous lower level of the hive.

Alex looked at Ryder and took a breath. He didn't want to make Ryder uneasy because of his unprovoked actions.

He is great, he has done nothing wrong, it is he, a useless old thing, who always misses the past weakly.

"Ryder." Yarick called again, this time more formal than the last time.

"Your order! Political Commissar!" Ryder replied with the standard salute.

"Prepare a transport plane, let's go talk to Munchie Iron."

"Okay, I'll get ready right now. Are there any designated reserve troops?"

"No, Ryder. It's just you and me, and we'll give Punchhen Tie a kick he'll never forget."

"Yes! Political Commissar!"

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