Ohm 3, this forging world filled with furnaces and factories, has been half in the hands of the orcs. Because of its high importance in production, this planet has naturally become one of the battlefields where the human empire and the main force of the orc army fight. .

Every morning, as the factory whistle releases a long and loud sound, the factory door will be opened, and a large number of weapons and ammunition will be sent to the front line together with the soldiers newly recruited from the hive.

Parents in the hive have worked hard for decades to raise their children, and all it takes to blow their heads off is an iron nail that an orc can grind out.

The life of the entire world was quickly devoured and squeezed by the war. Without external help and relying solely on the resistance of the native people of the planet, they would be completely submerged by the ever-expanding number of orcs in three hundred years.

The soil on the front line was blown up here and back by the artillery fire. The scavenger boy only needed to bring a big magnet to suck out a considerable amount of broken metal from the soil.

In the 8133 Basin, the scavenger boy Rotten Tooth picked up the big magnet that had absorbed the broken metal.

This magnet is already heavy, and the weight becomes even more exaggerated after it is adsorbed with broken metal. Even if Rotten Tooth assembles a mechanical arm equipped with a diesel crane from Big Tech Master Black Mind, he still needs to be fully prepared to move it.


Rotten Tooth opened a wine bottle made of a human skull. The gaps and holes in the skull were sealed with something like cement. Inside was a liquor made from mushrooms and rust.

The smell is pungent, and the taste is like a knife cutting the throat, but this thing nourishes the body and can make the bones of the orcs shine like metal, and even spike-like bone spurs can grow on the joints of the fingers.

After taking a sip of strong wine, Rotten Tooth shook his head and swung his lips. Even by the standards of the orcs, this wine was quite unpleasant to drink.

Feeling that he had gained a lot of strength, Lan Ya raised the big magnet with both hands and placed it on the metal plate on his back.

Slowly and leisurely walking towards the camp, Bad Ya suddenly couldn't hear the sound of cannons.

There is a high ground on the edge of the basin, which is occupied by a group of demolition boys who like to play with firecrackers. They do nothing all day long except light fires and watch bombs take off. Occasionally, they are also responsible for setting off fireworks to enhance the atmosphere.

When some orc bosses go to fight with Xiami, they will ask them to add some atmosphere. 500 teeth can let them explode for half an hour.

"Why is there no sound today?" Lan Ya just muttered and turned back to glance at the high ground, and saw the spire of a Waaagh Tower flying towards him.

I’ll give it to Brother Mao!

Rotten Tooth was so frightened that he sobered up for three minutes. He even saw the ridiculous face of the ass announcer screaming at the top of the Waaagh Tower.

But he didn't have time to clap his legs and laugh, so he ran forward with the magnet with all his strength, begging Brother Mao to bring him blue good luck.

I can't hang up now! I haven’t saved up enough for the down payment to buy the Death Tutu! I haven’t had a good time in the car with the shrimps yet! I haven’t even gone to the Animal Flow Hotel to try a delicious grilled human steak!

The roar and impact of the tower tip falling to the ground knocked Rotten Tooth off the ground. He felt that the pressure on him from the magnet on his back became much stronger as he lay flat on his back.

Rotten Tooth was in a daze for a long time before he felt that his brain could operate flexibly again. A voice came from his ear, which sounded very old.

Hey! Shrimp!

Rotten Tooth is worried about not being able to loosen bones today. It would be great if there is a shrimp that can let him play with it casually.

Standing up with all his strength, Lan Ya saw a red power claw dangling beside his head from the corner of his eye.

Rotten Tooth's eyes lit up, and his envious gaze drifted all the way up the power claw.

What a powerful power claw, the clicking and shining claws, the thick red claw body, and the owner who holds it. The dark coat is in line with the current fashion trend of the orcs. An orc with such an outfit must be amazing. Bar?

Rotten Ya finally saw a red one-eyed man. He was sober now. The person standing behind him was not an orc, but an old dead eye who was even more orcish than an orc.

Rotten Ya lay back down again, lying on the ground with his hands holding the dirt and covering his head with it, silently thinking that he could not be seen with his eyes.

Ryder reminded, "There is a living orc here."

Yarrick looked down and found a dirty orc lying in the dirt and the remains of the tower, with many metal parts piled on his back.

As Arrick approached step by step, the buzzing of the power claws became louder and louder, and Rotten Tooth's heartbeat became faster and faster.

"You can't see me. You can't see me."

"I see you, you weakling, stand up!" Yarick used the language of the orcs to break through Rotten Tooth's fantasy.

Rotten Tooth was so frightened that he almost cried. He held his arms tremblingly, feeling that the strength he was proud of was leaving him.

Alex narrowed his eyes, grabbed Rotten Tooth's shoulder with his good hand, and lifted him up.

Rotten Ya knelt on the ground in shock, his body leaning slightly backwards due to the magnet behind his back. He needed a certain amount of strength to maintain his balance.

"Okay, you weakling! Newbie! Skinny slug!"

The rude curses made Rotten Ya unable to hold his head up, and he did not dare to make any more mistakes in front of the legendary old dead eye.

Not being frightened to the point of shitting his pants under the old man's deadly gaze, Lan Ya felt that he was strong enough.

"Listen up, you weakling. I have a word for that bullshit little brat of yours. I, Alex, don't think he's a worthy opponent anymore. I'm going to find someone else to play with now." ,do you know?"

Rotten Tooth nodded, and Yarick asked him to repeat what he said.

"Uh. You don't like our boss anymore. You think he is useless and redundant. Are you going to find other bosses who are more powerful and awesome to fight with?"

"You can get out!"

Finally, let me bless you!

Rotten Tooth was ecstatic, and just as he was about to leave, he heard Yaric speak again.

"Leave your stuff behind."

The rotten-toothed tiger's body was shocked. This was all his wealth, the big teeth in his crotch, the magnet on his back, and the armor modified from the armor plate of a Chimera. This set was the trash he had dug for five months.

Click, the power claw made a sound.

With trembling hands, he took off the things on his body. Lan Ya felt that he might as well die in the hands of the old dead eye. It would be a shame to go back naked like this.

"You're pretty good at this, too."


Yarrick punched Rotten Tooth in the face and took away the two largest, smelliest and sharpest teeth in his mouth as the latter howled.

"Go back and cry! Useless snot-nosed guy!" Yarick roughly kicked Rotten Tooth's ass, crushing his dignity into the mud.

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