The crane arm that Rotten Tooth had was gone too. I heard Old Dead Eye said he was going to take it back and use it as a table leg.

Now his teeth are rotten and his teeth are white, and his only property is the shoe mark on his butt where he was kicked by the old man.

Although he was robbed by Old Dead Eye, Rotten Ya didn't feel too angry. He just felt that Old Dead Eye was really cool and fierce.

A qualified orc should learn from Old Dead Eye, use awesome weapons to do awesome things, and rob all the weaklings who are not as good as him without even having to wear their pants.

Rotten Tooth ran around naked for a long time. Seeing how embarrassed he was, the few grunts burst into sharp laughter.

It’s okay to humiliate me, but where do you idiots get the confidence?

With a loud shout, the grunt was so frightened that he froze in place. Rotten Tooth pounced forward and kicked, and the grunt flew backwards.

The glutton who landed on the garbage pile was gasping for breath, seeing that there was no way to survive.

The remaining farts dispersed with a whoop, shouting murder as they ran towards the garbage pile.

Seeing the cowardly appearance of the coward, Rotten Tooth's frustrated self-confidence regained a lot. He grabbed the dying coot with one hand and threw it hard against the ground twice before he felt relieved. .

He didn't spare the rags and rags that he wore on his body, and directly made himself a pair of big pants.

He was no longer naked now. As an excellent civilized and law-abiding orc, he did not want to be regarded as one of those savage boys from the Snakebite clan.

The ferocious beast-faced gate was in the distance. From here, Rotten Tooth could see the big characters spelled out of metal on the gate - Tekura!

The name was the one that Big Boss came up with. He heard the shrimps always shouting, "For Holy Terra" when they were fighting. He thought it was very interesting, so he changed the name of the orc camp to "Taikura" to let the boys fight. You can also have more roaring tricks when doing it.

According to Roan Ya's observation, when they shouted "Waaagh, fight Tai Ku La" in unison, the faces of the shocked stomachs and the exposed cans on Xiami's position were extremely ugly.

"Haha! Rotten teeth! Why did you come back with your butt naked? Your nose is bruised and your face is swollen. I'm afraid you were robbed by the racing boys?"

"Shut up! You snot-loving guy! You don't even know what I just went through! That's great news that will get you a lot of teeth in the military Waaagh!"

A boy with a big gun at the gate sneered at Rotten Tooth's words. Not all crazy things could be published in the military Waaagh.

The Military Waaagh Department is an awesome department that is directly responsible to the big boss, Punchen Tiejie. Even the bastards who work there are all eloquent and would definitely make a good mascot just by themselves.

"What do you know, you little bastard who only knows how to play with guns? What I'm about to say is the breaking news that you'll be on "Monday Waaagh"! I'm sure I can rent a hairy King Kong with the manuscripts those bastards gave me. Have fun for a week!”

"Whatever, naked one." The gun-wielding boy shot a bunch of bullets at Lan Ya, and the iron balls hit Lan Ya's feet.

Rotten Ya vowed that as soon as his manuscript arrives, he will drive the Mao King Kong to crush the head of that shitty thing who doesn't respect him.

The giant Waaagh Tower in the camp, which is surrounded by electric shields, sparkling shields, and bubble shields, is the iron-clad residence of the big boss and the location of the military Waaagh headquarters.

Rotten Tooth walked towards the Waaagh headquarters menacingly. He didn't look away. Even though there were big shiny guns placed on the roadside, he did not waver.

"Roasted spores! Delicious and cheap roasted spores!"

There was a fart waiter standing at the door of the tavern, with fragrant roasted spores in a box.

The scent stimulates the appetite of rotten teeth, which is much more attractive than the shiny luster of a big gun.

After running so far and being frightened half to death by the old man's eyes, his chest was pressed against his back with hunger.

Licking his lips, Rotten Ya felt that he had to eat something. Otherwise, what if he was not in good condition when he told the story later and gave him the manuscript?

Rotten Tooth felt that it made sense. He walked to the side of Gattling, and the aroma of roasted spores became more obvious.

To make matters worse, he even smelled the aroma coming from the tavern.

A fat Scrooge is being grilled and sizzling with oil, and there should be a steaming cup of mushroom wine on the stove.

Wiping away the drool with his hand, Bad Tooth patted Goat's shoulder. His hands made Goat's already dirty clothes even dirtier.

"Would you like some roasted spores? Five for each Big Tooth!" Knowing that the business was coming, Gotkin raised the box containing the roasted spores above his head so that Bad Tooth could see the quality of the roasted spores clearly.

They are indeed excellent spores. The right burnt yellow and red spicy foam go together so well that Rotten Tooth can even imagine the refreshing taste when he stuffs these spores into his mouth and chews them.

"Ahem, little brat, listen carefully. I don't have big teeth for you now, but I will soon. You give me the roasted spores, and I will give you big teeth after a while."

"What?" Goot's enthusiasm was dispelled by Rotten Tooth's words. He stared at Rotten Tooth's outfit carefully, and then taunted him with his high-pitched voice, "I thought it was a snake demon clan. What about the savage boy who turns out to be a stinking poor guy who can’t even wear pants? Get out of here and don’t disturb our business.”

Rotten Teeth was so angry that he had so many big teeth before that he could smash this ignorant little fart to death.

Hunger and anger hit Rotten Tooth's nerves, and he punched Goot in the face, then firmly caught the box with his hand.

It is indeed inconvenient to eat with only one hand, but Rotten Teeth didn't care about it. He opened his mouth wide, slapped the box on his face and started to eat.

This fart was obviously much stronger than the farts who picked up garbage in the wild. He received a punch and had bruises on his face. He hugged the rotten tooth in his thigh and yelled in pain to stop eating.

The busy orcs on the street noticed the chaos here. They made a lot of noise and asked what happened just now.

The security guards in the tavern heard the commotion and came out. They were armed with sticks. When they heard that Rotten Tooth wanted to eat the King's meal, they rushed up and started to fight.

The rotten tooth that had been hit with a stick in the back was grinning in pain, which also reminded him of a very important thing in his simple little mind.

Don't cause trouble in Taikuraj! Even if he is a fart, he is protected by Taikoura's law!

Not to mention that this is a big tavern and the food is delicious. Being able to have such order means that he has a bigger orc backer behind him.

Rotten Tooth threw the box at the security guard's face. Knowing that he was in the wrong, he shouted and ran, "When I come back from the Waaagh Department, I will give you Teeth!"

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