"Military Waaagh Department? Stop being ridiculous, you poor guy! Do you think you will accept any of their articles?" the security guard sneered, chasing after the rotten teeth.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the military headquarters under the shield, and Rotten Tooth was running faster and faster, he forced the door of the general Waaagh headquarters open, and then said that he had big news to report!

"Head, he's in!" A security guard shook his stick and rushed in immediately, but was stopped by his captain.

"That's the Military Waaagh Department. If you go in and don't speak out, you'll be beaten. Wait until the little kid who eats the Overlord's meal is beaten out with a stick. It just so happens that his meat is still quite firm. After roasting, he'll probably be able to pay off his debt."

While the security guard outside was thinking about how delicious the piece of meat on Rotten Ya's body was, Rotten Ya finally saw what the Military Waaagh looked like.

The rectangular stone wall is covered with helmets, military ranks, medals, etc. that were seized from Xiami, some of which were missing.

An orc wearing a black trench coat strode over. He pulled the rotten tooth up and looked at it carefully.

Hmm. Is this a wild boy from the Snakebite clan? It doesn't look like him either. His body is quite clean and he doesn't have any tattoos.


The butt feels nice and tight, I must have practiced it a lot in private.

"Okay! Stand up straight, you weakling! My iron teeth will shock your stomach! If you can't tell me one, two, three, four, five, I will remove your ribs and fix the door!"

After Tie Chi finished speaking, he dragged Rotten Tooth all the way inside.

It was busy inside, with uniformed farts busy with pens made from finger bones hanging from their ears, and covered in ink and paint.

"How many copies of the 137th "Every Monday Waaagh" have been printed? Fifteen thousand copies? Not enough! We need more! Keep printing!"

"Quickly draw you idiot! Can't your claws grasp anything but food?"

"Big Boss needs more "Daily Waaagh", hurry up and collect submissions!"

"Take these and send them to Xiami's position. They should also receive the influence of excellent culture."

Rotten Tooth looked around, feeling that the work here was really new, and then he was roughly pushed on a stool, wearing a black iron tooth shock and called a fart employee who could write and draw.

Tie Tooth shook his stomach and lit a Waaagh brand cigar, blowing a puff of smoke straight into Rotten Tooth's face.

"Say it." Iron Teeth pursed his lips.

Rotten Ya calmed down for a moment, and then recalled carefully, "I've seen old people die."

The sound of "rotten teeth" was not loud, but the word "old dead eyes" was like a curse, quieting down the lively military headquarters the moment it was spoken.

Grots and orcs, big and small, listened intently to see what Rotten Tooth had to say.

"Old Dead Eye is indeed as ferocious and cunning as the rumors! His power claws are simply bigger than mine, and the red Dead Eye is as dazzling as the sun. If it weren't for Mao Blessing, I wouldn't be able to come back."

"He took away my magnets, my big teeth, and beat me severely. Did you see my mouth? My two biggest teeth were just taken away by Alex."

Listening to Rotten Teeth's description, Tie Teeth shook his stomach and nodded naturally. Lao Shiyan should be like this.

The iron-clad man is the most Waaagh orc, and the old dead eye is the most Waaagh shrimp.

The big boss will definitely like to hear this story next, and the spineless orc boy should also listen to the old and dead-eyed awesome story to boost his ambition.

Don't crush a few shrimp's heads and then feel so confused that you don't know how much you weigh.

"Old Death Eye told me. He said that our big boss, Iron Body, is a good opponent, but not good enough. He said that Big Boss, Iron Body, is a bit weak, and he didn't feel as happy as Waaagh."


"Old Death Eye also said that he would take all the shrimps and cans to find another awesome opponent. He said that awesome opponent would be ten or even nine times stronger than the big boss!"


The more Rotten Tooth talked, the more excited he became. Tie Tooth, who was sitting opposite him, was shocked, and the other bright-headed orcs from the Waaagh Military Department all shouted that something was wrong.

Old Dead Eye is very strong, really very strong. The last time Old Dead Eye went out in person, he directly killed half of the Big Boss's life. A dozen garbage mountains and hundreds of super-heavy-armed bosses all died in front of the Big Boss.

No one knows what the big boss saw. They only know that the big boss screamed with joy as soon as he woke up from the operating table, and then conveniently crushed to death the little bastard who wanted to take his position as the big boss.

In the culture of the orcs, meeting a good brother who can fight happily is the first of the three greatest blessings for an animal.

The other two blessings were sitting on the mushrooms after a fight and not thinking about anything, and having sizzling grilled squirrels to eat when I got hungry.

They can look down on them, so what should they do if they can't look down on them?

Iron Teeth is a little panicked. He doesn't know how to face a boring battlefield without old eyes. Should he go back to his hometown and start a movie with those mindless orcs?

Iron Teeth shuddered in his stomach, and he hurriedly got up and ran upstairs. Along the way, he knocked away many Goats who couldn't get out of the way.

Bang bang bang!

The door was smashed open by an iron-toothed fist, and the melodious Waaagh music composed of whittled sticks came from inside.

Big Boss inspires inspiration in this kind of music to make this big Waaagh more and more interesting.

Iron Teeth raised his head. He was very dissatisfied with someone interrupting his creative pleasure. He had just been flooded with thoughts and had even finished half of the sketch. Now because of Iron Teeth's recklessness, he needed to find inspiration again.

"I hope you have something important to say, otherwise I will throw you out of here!" He said with an iron face.

"Big boss! What's wrong! I'm so blind to him."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He. He. He's leaving."

"What kind of shrimp stuff?"

He stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, because he heard the shocking news, his chest rose and fell violently, and even the heavy armor on his body was pushed open with obvious gaps.

Old dead eye. Gone?

How is this possible?

How is this possible!

Old Death Eye is so strong, so healthy and strong, how can he walk?

The drawings on the table were obviously designed for him. How happy he would be if he could see the twenty-meter-high anti-old dead eye armor.

As a result, he can't be seen now?

His eyes went dark, his head hurt suddenly, and a fishy smell came up in his throat. He suppressed the feeling of sadness all over his body and continued to ask.

"Where did he die, Old Death Eye? I must see him for the last time."

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