
Seeing that Shanbentie had misunderstood, Tiechi hurriedly reminded the grief-stricken Shanbentie that Lao Siyan was not dead.

His mood fluctuated greatly, even Shanbentie could not bear it. He looked at Tiechi confusedly.

"Not dead? If he is not dead, what did you say?"

"Lao Siyan felt that fighting with us was boring, and he was going to fight with others."


A long silence.

In stark contrast to the painful wailing just now, Shanbentie stared at Tiechi blankly, his heart pumping blood to his brain, and then he finally figured out what Tiechi's words just now meant.

You are too weak, fighting with you will not make any progress, you should commit suicide! —— Lao Siyan.


Shanbentie screamed, his hands tightly grasped the welded table.


The table was pulled up, and the ornaments and draft blueprints on it were scattered all over the floor.


The table was lifted above his head, and Shanbentie threw the table towards the window in a venting manner.


This cry was not from All-round Iron, but from the tavern security guards waiting for Rotten Teeth downstairs. They were hit hard by the table and died on the spot.

"Hu. Hu." All-round Iron panted heavily, his eyes red. If an orc cannot find an opponent is the greatest pain in his life, then being looked down upon by an opponent he recognizes is hundreds of thousands of times stronger than this pain!

"Why do you look down on me, old dead eyes! Tell me!"

The shout scared Iron Teeth so much that he almost wanted to leave. He responded with a strong breath.

"How would I know?"

Iron Teeth was hit by All-round Iron and flew out of the room directly. His clothes were torn after rubbing against the ground.

All-round Iron passed the groaning Iron Teeth and smashed all the way downstairs. The orcs below felt that the rage of being despised was slowly sinking like the eye of a storm.

"May Brother Mao bless us." The fart spirit prayed silently, then shrank under the table and dared not even show his eyes.

Iron appeared at the stairs.

Wow! What a fierce orc! He was despised by Old Dead Eyes, but his strength increased, increased, and increased wildly!

Iron was 50 times stronger than all the orcs in the entire Taikula camp at this moment! The congested muscles were burning and terrible. What else in the world could stop this war beast!

"Who brought this news back!" Iron roared, and all the orcs trembled under his fury.

Rotten Tooth still looked confused, raised his hand and said impatiently, "I brought it back. Old Dead Eyes said you are a weak chicken, a rookie, and a boneless snot. He said he was going to fight with the more powerful boss!" Iron's blood rushed up, and his skull was about to be opened by anger. There was also a bloody sound of iron blocks colliding and rubbing in his ears.

"What a fury! Take the power!"

"Get lost!"

The Iron Man kicked the rotten tooth against the wall with a flying kick, and then he grabbed the microphone and roared.

"Listen to me, all of you! All rush to the position of the shrimp! Pull out the old dead eye for me!"

"Pull it out and then what?" A fart asked weakly.

"Then tell me his location! I'm going to ask him for an explanation! I want to see what kind of power the boss has that can be stronger than me!"

The orcs in the entire camp quickly moved, running around in a mess, and the dust and stench stirred up even formed a dust cloud above the camp.

The weapons in the warehouse of the big tyrant were transported out like a toothless, and the garbage mountain and modified tanks that had not been repaired were hurried out, and the black smoke from them made the sky a mess.

"The orcs are crazy." Yarick put down the telescope. He could see the movements of the orcs from this sturdy watchtower.

There will be a fierce battle next, but Yarrick has other ways to make the orcs powerless.

Seeing the Inquisitor approaching with a sealed relic box, Yarrick knew that what he needed had arrived.

"I hope everything you do is useful. In order to transfer these things from the warehouse and transport them to this world, I have violated too many prohibitions." The Inquisitor said unhappily, and then handed the relic box to Yarrick and told him how to open it.

There is all information about the Chaos Rebels here, and powerful and blasphemous images such as the Planet Killer, the Spirit of Vengeance, and the Terminus are all here, as well as battle records of the past twelve Black Expeditions.

"Thank you for your efforts." Yarrick saluted the Inquisitor, turned around and left quickly. The orcs were about to reach the front line, and every second was precious.

Looking at Yarrick's back, the Inquisitor was thoughtful. The authority of these files was extremely high. Let alone hard work, even if the Inquisitor's head was chopped off, it would not be enough.

The only effort the Inquisitor made was to report Yarrick's request, and then the Inquisition gave the green light all the way and transported it to the front line quickly.

"He is really bathed in the Emperor's gaze."

The voice of envy was drowned out by the war roar of the orcs, whose armored troops had already arrived at the front line of the position with the whole body of iron.

"Stop!" The whole body of iron ordered, and most of the orcs stepped on the brakes obediently. The orcs without brakes crashed into the heavier mobile fortress, because they couldn't hit it anyway.

Some racing boys were so crazy that they didn't even care about the boss's words and rushed all the way to the imperial army's position.

Full Body Iron was very dissatisfied with the disobedience of these boys. Before the imperial army could take action, he asked the big tech master to activate the heavy magnetic force wave and dismantle these loose and unarmored express trains to pieces.

"Boss, why did we stop?" The big tech master in the War Fortress asked Pushi Tie. The War Fortress was able to stop only because the fart underneath killed the transmission structure with an iron rod. If it stopped longer, the war would The hearth of the fortress is about to explode.

As a warlord and a powerful man with great skills, Full Body Iron naturally understands this truth, but now he has a more serious problem to think about.

Why is there no Xiami's boom cannon attack? In the past, when they drove to find Xiami, their boomerangs never stopped, and their fleet would lose 20% of the stick boys in the process.

But now, the battlefield is quiet.

Not to mention the booming cannon, they didn't even see much of the weak little red light shot out.

Standing on the top of the fortress covered in iron, he roared loudly at the empty battlefield.

"Old dead eye! Come out here!"

The position was quiet, and his face was ashen. He ordered the convoy to continue moving forward.

A few unlucky ones were blown up by mines on the road, but the mine density was pitiful compared to previous weeks.

Is this guy really going to leave? Even the landmines were picked out and taken away!

He felt panic all over his body, and he didn't know how to spend his days without old age.

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