He plunged into the depths of the empire-controlled area with all his strength. He saw no resistance along the way, as if these shrimps had disappeared in an instant.

The Iron Legion, who fought so happily with them, didn't even see their hair. Only the shoe prints and track marks on the ground that had not been flattened by the wind could be missed by the orcs.

The panic of not being able to find an opponent spread among the orcs. Those orcs who hurried out of the camp finally began to understand why the big boss was anxious.

The old man couldn't look down on them anymore, and the ferocious shrimp who was with him couldn't look down on them either.


The orcs roared together, but this time the battle cry was much less exciting.

The special operations boy who was dispatched finally found Yarek and reported the news to Full Body Iron immediately.

The Armageddon Iron Legion, an iron army that had fought hundreds of battles with the iron-clad orcs, was standing scattered in front of a dismantled factory. This was specifically requested by Political Commissar Yaric.

Show your contempt for the orcs in your own way, because they are weaklings, and we are going to Cadian to beat up the Black Legion!

It was a rather strange order, but the men and women of the Iron Legion were willing to obey it simply because it was what the invincible Commissar, Yarrick, asked for.

The noise made by the orcs was getting closer and closer, but the soldiers did not show any panic.

They are just orcs. Even if they do not rely on their positions, they can show these beasts the tenacity of the imperial army with just the bayonets in their hands.

Being covered in iron, I could sense the disdain released by the Iron Legion from a distance. As a strong army recognized by the orcs, the Armageddon Iron Legion, like Yerrick, had been strengthened by the power of my thinking.

For example, other Astral Legions cannot use Orc weapons, but the Armageddon Iron Legion uses them very well. In an emergency, it can also operate the Orc garbage truck.

Looking at the laziness and looseness of the Iron Legion from a distance, his whole body was filled with iron smoke, but he still maintained the reserve of an orc general and asked Old Dead Eye Yerrick to come forward to confront him.

Yarrick appeared in the Imperial Baneblade super-heavy tank 'Arrogant Fortress'. This dark Imperial Baneblade tank was studded with golden rivets. This legendary tank smashed many defense lines set up by the orc tribe.

"Huh? Who did I think it was? It turned out to be you."

As expected, just like the name of the chariot, the first sentence Yarick spoke showed extreme arrogance.

"Old dead eye!" He roared with anger and dissatisfaction suppressed all over his body, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find a stronger opponent, much stronger than you. It's too boring to fight with you. My soldiers are tired of you weaklings."

"A more powerful opponent? Hahahaha!" He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "I don't think there is any opponent stronger than me! I have swept away more than 180 stone balls of yours and destroyed countless little shrimps! It's not much easier to break your battleship with the Breath of Hair battleship than break a bone! I want to see what bastard can be better than me!"

Yaric silently mourned for the people of the empire who lost their lives. His eyes that looked at the iron body were more cold and less contemptuous.

Alex took a deep breath, and then took out the documents stored in his coat. This was the total casualties of the twelve Black Crusades. He knew that the iron in front of him could understand these things.

With a strong body, he took a heavy notebook thrown by Alec. He opened it and looked carefully, and could only read the shadow of a powerful enemy between the lines.

The destructiveness displayed by each Black Crusade far exceeds that of the iron-clad Waaagh! , Not only that, the planet killer who can shatter the planet and destroy an entire fleet with one blow also amazed everyone.

He understands science very well. Such a huge battleship requires an extremely powerful engine just to drive it, not to mention the huge energy cannon on it.

Rather than saying this is a battleship, it is better to say it is an artillery piece flying into the sky.

"Is that him? Is he just this bastard or what?" Although his tone was not angry, he felt that this dark canned guy was indeed a good opponent.

"It's time for us to go, Commissar." Ryder called out to Alec with a loudspeaker so that he could hear what he was saying.

"Don't leave, old man! If you leave, I will blow this ball into ashes!"

The Arrogant Fortress slowly retreated backwards, the dismantled and packed factories were launched into the sky by rockets, and the Armageddon Iron Legion turned and left without looking back.

Seeing them walking and talking and laughing in a relaxed manner, all the orcs present were severely mentally attacked.

He was so confused that he didn't know what he was thinking. He just watched the old man die and left. He couldn't say a word, and a sense of frustration made him lose energy to do anything.

"Big boss, what should we do?" A heavy-armed boss asked quietly. Seeing that his body was in a daze, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​replacing him.

This coward just thinks too much. He sits in the house making things every day and makes his brain go crazy. If he is the boss, he doesn't care what he is going to do. He will definitely kill whoever he catches and beat whoever he catches. beat? It's really low-level to have to keep a blind eye.

Standing quietly behind the body of iron, the power fist is running at full power. This fist will definitely smash the head of the body of iron! Jie Jie Jie!


He was punched all over his body, and his body didn't even move. He turned his head and just cast a glance, which frightened the heavy-armed boss who was attacking him.

"I, I see that the big boss is not happy, and I want to give you a massage." This is the peak of the heavy equipment boss's IQ, but he is not an orc who is easy to talk to.

The orcs who can stand at the pinnacle of the orcs are all the embodiment of strength and savagery. Although the iron in his body is filled with the intelligence and cunning of many great masters, it does not make his body weak in the slightest.

Sensing the danger of his life, the heavy-armed boss immediately turned around and ran away, but his iron body moved faster. He tore the armor of the heavy-armed boss to pieces with one hand, and rushed in with his fists to beat him to pieces.

A heavily armored boss who could tear apart an Astra Militarum armored company like cardboard fell to the ground with a crash. The crackling electric sparks steamed the blood, and the fishy smell frightened other thoughtful orcs.

"What should we do? Haha. Let's go back."

"Go back? But"

Another orc had his throat crushed by iron, and he didn't want to hear any objections.

The orcs came and left in a mess, leaving nothing behind except traces of their march all over the ground and the unlucky ones who were hacked to death by their companions out of boredom.

After a few days, all the iron was gone, and he summoned the big Waaagh! All the big tech masters in the game ordered them to directly make a device that can teleport warships.

"What about the position? Big boss?"

"Go to Kadian, let's smash the head of a man named Aba Dan, and prove to the old dead eye that we are his strongest opponent."

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