The orcs were sharpening their knives at the bald head.

Lin Fan rode the Void Phoenix fighter plane all the way to the canteen.

Guilliman and his brothers were on the edge of the Great Mess Hall system.

The 26-kilometer-long Macragge's Glory is the flagship of the Ultramarines. Guilliman once marveled at the power and majesty of this battleship, but now this battleship looks dwarfed by the 30-kilometer-long battleship Hope. A little weak.

The armored heavy artillery of the Hope battleship gave Guilliman a headache. As a reliable man who would carry out his preparatory plans to the end, Guilliman would analyze everything.

What would I do if this battleship was captured by the enemy?

Relying on the salvo of the battleship group to forcibly destroy it?

Perhaps before the bombardment was even in position, the salvo fired by the battleship Hope had already turned the navy that Guilliman had worked so hard into into space junk.

So rely on gang-hopping tactics and let the Ultramarines carry out destruction from within?

Guilliman felt that this tactic had the possibility of success, but the hope was slim. No miracle would happen. Even the Ultramarines under his direct command would not be able to tame this war beast.

Even if you don't consider fighting against the Weeper Chapter, which has a large number of people and advanced equipment. The mortal armies from the Great Mess Hall would also make the Ultramarines' breakthrough quite difficult.

Not to mention the automatic defense system and various traps contained in the Hope battleship, these will become the tomb of the Ultramarines.

Guilliman silently stared at the Hope battleship through the window, a helpless melancholy emanating from his body, which made Calgar, who was standing behind him, a little confused.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just feel like I'm of no use."

Calgar's eyes widened, not knowing how to respond to Guilliman's heavy words.

To these Ultramarines, Guilliman is the Primarch, the Gene Father, the Emperor's Son, and the bond that unites their chapter and countless sub-chapters.

But Guilliman didn't think so. He was a humble person who was good at self-reflection. After carefully observing the mental state and daily life of the idealistic fleet officers and soldiers, he felt that his own existence was not actually so life-or-death.

It is true that he can maintain the good operation of one or even several star sectors, but he does not feel that these advancements in government affairs can be compared with the huge leaps in technology.

If Ms. Odemair, the golden scientist who was admired by Perturabo, could appear during the Great Crusade and serve the great cause of mankind, maybe the empire would not have experienced the Horus Rebellion?

Guilliman wanted to convince himself in this way, but he felt that under the plan of the four gods, the progress brought by Ms. Odemaire would only escalate the war. Oh, and now there are three gods.

Guilliman shook his head. He could not accept that the evil god who once poisoned his brother was now an ally of the Empire.

But there are too many outrageous things these days, and the state religion rooted in the empire is enough to make Guilliman feel deeply sad.

Those teachings created a fanatical and ignorant crowd, and even his brother Lorgar, who had not yet fallen, would not approve of these people's barbaric practices.

If. I mean if.

Guilliman closed his eyes and thought, if his brother had not been recalled.

Perturabo is still the sullen steel warlord, Fulgrim is still the snake-like doll whose soul is controlled by Slaanesh, and there is no news from Dorne, leaving only a statue that Guilliman can miss.

What should we do then? The entire empire is on him?

Guilliman was terrified of such a world. He had no one to talk to about his anguish, and could only pretend to be satisfied and accept the fanatical admiration of his heirs and citizens of the Empire.

"Sigh." Guilliman sighed, which made Calgar behind him feel even more uneasy. He couldn't understand why Guilliman was suddenly so depressed.

The Second Captain of the Ultramarines, Cato Sicarius, came over and told Guilliman in a respectful tone that his brother wanted to have a meeting with him.

Guilliman nodded and helped Cato Sicarius, who was kneeling on one knee, to his feet.

Calgar's face tightened with envy when he saw this scene, and Cato Sicarius was also envious that he could stare at Guilliman's majestic back for such a long time.

I envy you so much.

The two people looked at each other with the same meaning.

Half an hour later, Guilliman arrived at the conference room built by Perturabo and Dorn. They left Fulgrim to do the decoration part.

Although Perturabo had tried his best to remember the artist side of him, black and yellow safety strips were still laid out everywhere.

Dorn's design embodies the concept of solidity everywhere. The most stable support structure is firmly fixed by cement mixed with plastic steel powder.

The mixture of their two styles did not make the conference room better, but instead made it appear incompatible and abrupt everywhere.

In those days, Perturabo and Dorn often clashed over design drawings, and their way to resolve the conflict was to lock themselves in a room and fight with bare hands.

Sometimes Dorne won, sometimes Perturabo won.

Fortunately, both sides only had a few broken bones and did not come out of the duel room with more serious injuries.

Fulgan stood at the door of the conference room. He was admiring the two busts next to the door. They were originally cement blocks made by Perturabo. Later, Fulgan thought they were really ugly and carved them.

These cement blocks were so hard that Fulgen's hands hurt for several days after he finished carving them.

When Fulgrim saw Guilliman arriving, he approached him enthusiastically and opened his arms to give Guilliman a firm hug.

Guilliman didn't like but didn't resent Fulgrim doing this. He knew that his brother was just using this method to express his guilt and try to repair the friendship between brothers as much as possible.

Entering the conference room, Dorn and Perturabo were wrestling with each other. It seemed that they had a small conflict due to conflicts in some design concepts.

While the two of them were shouting about design and construction, Guilliman found his seat and sat down firmly, and asked Fulgrim what they were going to talk about in this meeting.

"We want to reform the Space Marine organization."

"Oh?" Guilliman asked with great interest, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Yes, we are going to use the Lamenters Chapter as a model to form a mixed war group. In the Lamenters Chapter, our descendants will get along harmoniously with each other, just like true brothers."

"Did you propose this?"

"Perturabo suggested it."

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