Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 771 I’ve thought about it all

Perturabo suggested it?

Guilliman frowned. He really didn't expect Perturabo to make such a bold and innovative move.

After Perturabo and Dorn finished fighting, Guilliman was finally able to ask Perturabo what he thought.

Rubbing his stiff and sore arms and silently cursing Dorn for being such a stone, Perturabo distributed several thick documents to the other Primarchs.

After turning the first page, Guilliman understood why Perturabo came up with this interesting plan.

The joint strike system composed of the Tau, humans, Eldar, and Space Marines gave Perturabo a lot of inspiration, and he felt that this tactic should be carried forward among the Space Marines.

Fulgan recalled: "I remember that the Empire already had this kind of organization. I remember it was called the Death Watch? Each battle group would recruit veterans to join the organization that is responsible for fighting against aliens."

"It's not just veterans. In fact, some chapters will also send in thorns that are too difficult to manage." Guilliman added.

"Stinghead? If this is really the case, I think the wild wolves must be able to provide a lot of soldiers. They are notoriously difficult to discipline." Fulgan complained.

"This reminds me of a diplomatic incident. Russ wanted to send several people as diplomats. None of his sons wanted to do it. They would rather fight with their father than go down." Guilliman continued.

"I'm curious how you know about the Death Watch?" Dorn looked at Guilliman.

Guilliman was a little embarrassed. He knew so much thanks to the Ultramarines' excellent record-keeping and preservation of documents.

Not only that, as a Space Marine chapter with stable recruitment sites, the Ultramarines have relatively abundant manpower, enough for them to dispatch personnel to join the Death Watch.

In the previous Tyranid Wars, the Ultramarines had received support from the Death Watch. Although the number was small, the anti-alien combat experience they had was quite valuable.

During the free time during the battle, everyone would occasionally chat, and these conversations were recorded and compiled into a book and stored in the library.

"This is what Calga told me."

"Then do you know anything else?" Perturabo asked.

"Hmm." Guilliman thought for a while, and then told a rather interesting little case.

You are an Ultramarine who was deployed to the Death Watch by the Chapter Master in response to the call of the Inquisition. The Chapter Master promised you that he would let you return to the Chapter when the next wave of recruitment missions comes.

You join the Death Watch with the idea of ​​​​contributing to the Empire and defeating the aliens, and then you find that your comrades don't seem to be normal.

The guy on the left is probably from Salamander. His skin is so scary that if he stood in the shadow and closed his eyes, you would think it was the machine spirit of the power armor appearing.

The buddy on the right is from Dark Angel. He is mysterious and never speaks human words. You always feel that every time he communicates with you, he is just telling you lies.

There is also a brother you only see by name, but you never see where he is. Sometimes the drunk Space Wolf will point to a shadow and tell you that he is squatting there.

You asked him how he knew, but he just pointed to his nose proudly and didn't say much.

You originally thought that your comrades were all unreliable guys, but you didn't expect that on the battlefield, these people all have unique skills, and you finally met the brother you had never met before.

With his face as white as snow, he emerged from the shadow where there was less than a mortal hiding at the base of the wall. The loud sound of rocket launches rumbled behind you. The iron-hand brother you used as a heavy-duty machine servant coldly told you not to block him. ballistics, and then talk about how your armor should be strengthened.

No matter what, your team's overwhelming success in dealing with the aliens finally comforted your somewhat depressed heart.

Later, a new member came to your team. I heard that he was from the Blood Angels. His beautiful face and elegant manner made you unforgettable for the rest of your life. You finally felt that there was a normal person in the team who could communicate well.

"Brother, what is that on your waist?" You asked, pointing to the eight blood bottles on his waist.

"You mean this?" Blood Angel smiled, "It's just a medicine."

One afternoon, two howls suddenly came from the quiet team channel.

A voice shouted, "Repent! Repent!"

Another voice shouted, "Horus, you bastard! I'm going to kill you ten million times! No! That's enough!"

After Guilliman finished speaking, he asked his brothers what they thought.

"I don't think this is a problem. They just lack some supervision. If they can be directly under our training and management like the Weeper, I think they will get along harmoniously." Perturabo said optimistically Said.

However, his optimism is indeed well-founded. The Weeper Chapter is now a hybrid war group that basically meets Perturabo's vision.

Sanguinius, Perturabo, and Fulgrim formed the Chapter's gene pool.

The reason Dorn didn't join was because he had to deal with the Black Templars issue.

Now Perturabo extended an olive branch to Guilliman, asking his brother to support him with a few buckets of blood to strengthen the Lamenters Chapter.

"I really don't think this is a good idea." Guilliman shook his head. He wanted Perturabo to give up this idea.

"No, we have to try. Even if this path is indeed wrong, the existence of the Weeper Chapter will become a platform for each Chapter to communicate and understand each other."

Guilliman felt that what Perturabo said was quite reasonable. Space Marines should have a platform to communicate together.

Just like this conference room jointly made by Perturabo and Dorn, although it is a bit crude, maybe one day in the future their descendants will show true brotherhood, regardless of each other?

Guilliman nodded, agreeing with Perturabo's plan.

And he also has another idea that needs to be verified by this mixed battle group. Although the Space Marines are super warriors with unparalleled skills, their genes will eventually give them an advantage in taking certain tactical actions.

For example, the Salamander's excellent control over the flamethrower, the White Scar's speed, and the Raven Guard's stealth.

If Perturabo's mixed battle group can further amplify this advantage, it may improve the combat efficiency of the Space Marines by several levels.

It is as efficient as the joint combat system composed of Tau, humans, Eldar and Space Marines.

The second edition of "Code of Astartes" has begun to take shape in Guilliman's mind. Perhaps he will need to take the time to have an in-depth exchange with Perturabo in the coming days.

The meeting ended, and Perturabo happily announced that they had finally returned to the dining hall.

He had already calculated all this clearly.

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