"Is this your seriously injured brother? He looks pretty good, like a normal person." Odemair took a sip of coffee, and Guilliman and the other originals sat across from her.

"Don't we look like normal people?" Perturabo complained quietly, and Odemair heard it, but she didn't point it out.

These genetic primarchs, sons of the Emperor, etc., once the halo is removed from their bodies, there is nothing worthy of Odemair's admiration and admiration.

"Ultramar is your realm, right? Let's talk directly about the issue of the union of sectors, the trinity of the Great Mess Sector-Tau Empire Sector-Ultramar Sector."

"There are also regulations regarding the passage of the titanium trading fleet. I don't want your people to kill all our people because of some issues left over by the empire."

"These are the fine print of production regulations, which basically talk about how long factory workers can work on low-power Geller stands."

Paper documents and electronic documents were all piled up in front of Guilliman. Guilliman just weighed them with his hands and fully felt the weight of the knowledge.

"Do you have any more questions? If you do, please tell me immediately. I will go to the Golden Core to supervise the reconstruction work in half an hour."

"Uh. I don't have any problems at the moment."

"Very good. If you have anything to do, talk to Strong Logic System first. We'll meet next Sunday."

Odmire clapped his hands and left. Guilliman blinked twice and asked, is Ms. Odmire usually in such a hurry?

"She's been busy." Perturabo shrugged.

Guilliman nodded, his first impression of Odemair was quite good.

Although her hair lacked care and her clothes had many wrinkles and marks, it was the energy emanating from her body that attracted Guilliman's attention the most.

In the days that followed, Guilliman took Calgar and the others on a tour of the customs and customs of the Great Dining Hall while reading the documents Odemair gave him.

"These people lack respect for the Space Marines. The way they look at us is not so noble? I can't quite describe this feeling."

Strolling along the wide and neat streets, Calga expressed his feelings.

"Don't you like it?" Guilliman said with a smile on his face. He liked the feeling of prosperity exuding from this planet.

"But it would be better if we didn't have these." Catosikarius complained dissatisfiedly. He didn't like the Tau people on the street.

These blue-skinned and noseless guys made Catosikarius' hands itch unbearably. Perhaps these short-lived aliens had forgotten the bloody conflicts on the border of Ultramar, but Catosikarius remembered them clearly.

These abominable aliens.

"That's in the past, let's not talk about it now." Guilliman walked towards a Tau trader, slowing down to make himself feel less oppressed.

Even if a Primarch means no harm, their sheer size can still cause mortals to unnerve.

"Hello, what is this?" Guilliman asked, pointing to an aqua blue stone on the stall.

The Tau trader replied. He spoke Low Gothic, the language more commonly used by civilians, with rudimentary grammar and a stiff accent.

"This is a kind of snack, sir." The Tau merchant put the aqua blue stone on the fire and roasted it for dozens of seconds. The stone cracked and a silver-gray viscous liquid dripped out.

"We call this stone blood."

Guilliman took the stone blood. The thing that took up the entire Tau trader's hand was not much bigger than a quail egg to him.

Not bothering to stick out his tongue to lick it, he threw the stone into his mouth and chewed it. After easily crushing the shell of the stone, the stone blood exuded a faint bitter taste.

This bitter taste is very thick, and after staying in the mouth for a long time, it reveals a refreshing fragrance.

Dorn would like this small snack that looks like a stone, and he doesn't know if his other brothers will often hang out in these corners.

Guilliman took out the coins commonly used in the Great Mess Hall. These were not throne coins made of metal, or banknotes issued tied to some precious items.

From the outside it is just a rectangular sheet, with values ​​divided according to color depth and weight.

Unlike banknotes that can only be burned as waste paper after the value system collapses, these currencies are quite useful.

You can eat it, but you must limit your intake. You cannot swallow more than thirty tablets a day.

It can provide energy, but it must be packed into a bundle of ten kilogram cubes and filled into the reactor and material conversion engine.

It can stop bleeding and prevent wound infection, and even purify sewage.

This is mainly because the raw materials of these currencies are the pulped leaves of the Tree of Life. Considering that the Tree of Life can occupy a huge canopy that is half the size of the planet, the currency-producing factories will never worry about the problem of raw materials.

Guilliman used the money to buy a few bags of stone snacks. He distributed a few bags to the warriors traveling with him, and he planned to take the rest back for his brothers to taste.

Calgar took the bag from Guilliman and breathed softly, feeling uneasy.

What a sacred bag of snacks. Touched by the Primarch himself.

Such treasures only deserve to exist in the Chapter's Hall of Glory, not...

"Eat," Guilliman ordered, not liking his son's excessive adoration for him.

"We are finally back. It's great. You can also see Fulgen. Do you miss your good brother?"

"Your tone makes me feel sick. Why do you talk like this?"

"Because I know that you and Fulgrim have a very good relationship. He may be one of your favorite brothers. You love him and he loves you."

"Shut up."

Coze closed his eyes and pretended not to hear Lin Fan's words. Lin Fan had been staying next to Coze during the past few days of the voyage, and then recited Coze's dark history and complicated and long mental journey.

Like Perturabo, Cozzi was provoked by Lin Fan's words several times at first, but he couldn't do anything but stare at Lin Fan with cold and gloomy eyes.

Later, Coz's reaction became much smaller, maybe because he had listened to it for a long time and gradually got used to it.

But no matter what, Lin Fan was looking forward to other people's reactions when they saw Coze.

Perhaps Fulgrim would rush over and give his brother a warm hug; Perturabo might give away his treasured gifts; perhaps Dorne would apologize to Curze.


Dorn apologizes to Curze? Lin Fan felt that this was really a bit mysterious.

The Void Phoenix fighter sent a signal to the canteen, then found an apron and landed.

Because the Void Phoenix fighter was too fast, no one came to greet them.

Lin Fan dragged the crystal out, and then punched Curze to free him from his prison.

"Haha. You made a bad decision." Cozi smiled sinisterly, and then disappeared in an instant.

The latest masterpiece from an external fan, Cat Lady Primarch, the good sister of all Primarchs (very interesting, but can’t be included in this book)

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