"I will become the nightmare of your planet. Hehehe." Koz's laughter echoed in Lin Fan's ears. Chagatai was horrified by the bloody meaning in his brother's laughter.

He knew that nothing good would happen if he let this damn lunatic out!

"Let's go and catch him back!" Chagatai said in a deep voice.

"I don't think Koz would do such evil things. He is a very principled person. He only kills those he thinks are guilty. We are doing so well. The more he kills, the more his principles will become pale."


"But what? Koz would rather starve to death than steal other people's things in his early years, although he survived by eating dead people and dead rats."

"What I mean is."

"He thinks he is not a good person, and human nature cannot withstand severe tests, but deep in his heart he still hopes that human nature is kind and just, and he also hopes that he is kind and just."

Chagatai looked at Lin Fan who was talking eloquently helplessly, and then he asked a very critical question, "In his moral concept, did he consider the problem of aliens? Even if he didn't kill people, it would be reasonable for him to skin the titanium people, right?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly pulled Chagatai and Irafren to follow the smell of bloodlust left by Koz in the air.

Koz wandered in the shadows under the building, staring at the pedestrians coming and going and examining their conditions.

He needed some time to understand the situation of this planet, and then customize a unique set of punishment methods.

This is a dirty world. Even if it is covered with an orderly appearance, it cannot cover up the fact that the senior leaders are colluding with the aliens.

Relying on intuition, he walked to a place. The building in the distance should be the administrative building. The stench of aliens emanated from it. His brother not only tolerated the existence of aliens, but also divided the political power.

He saw a woman walking out of the administrative building. Although her clothes were not gorgeous, judging from the attitude of the people around her, this woman must have a high status.

It seems that this is a hateful bureaucrat.

Koz hid in the shadows and slowly approached.

Odemeier, who finished a meeting in just 20 minutes, frowned. She felt that something was looking at her, and this look was not good.

Taking a deep breath, judging from the smell, this should be another gene original body. The smell is very new and different from others she has seen.

What is this? Surprise?

Odemeier asked the officials of the Administrative Council to go back to deal with the documents first, and she strode towards the shadows where Koz was hiding.

Koz watched Odemeier walk straight towards him, and he was also confused.

Can she sense him? Just like that guy named Lin Fan?

Really interesting. Is this the help of alien technology?

Koz was a little excited. He felt that this would be an excellent hunt. He would slowly peel off the woman's skin, and then hang her on the building with tendons. As the wind blew, the blood in her body would splash all over the street.

Next is the others. All the guilty people who colluded with the aliens should pay the price for their actions.

His brothers are also guilty. They should have prevented this from happening. When this planet is gone, the guy named Lin Fan will definitely give him the death he wants, a pure, ultimate death that is not affected by the nature of the subspace.


Koz attacked Odemeier and grabbed her head in one go.

"Hmm? What are you doing?" Odemaier felt his head being slightly pressed. The strange Primarch in dark blue armor in front of him controlled his power very well. This was a subtle force that could lift a mortal up without squeezing his head.

Is this a greeting?

Maybe? I remember Lin Fan said that some Primarchs have different minds from ordinary people. If he didn't use the power to crush a person's head, this should be the way of greeting on their planet?

This is really weird.

Odemaier resisted the urge to complain, and then said calmly, "Why didn't your other brothers introduce you to me? Is this a surprise?"

Coz tilted his head. He was surprised at the calmness and ignorance of the woman in front of him, and then he pulled out a self-deprecating smile.

"My brothers regard me as a shame, but they are not much better, they are all butchers."

Coz didn't want to waste time. There were too many sinners on this planet who needed to be judged, and then he gently waved his claws, just enough to cut through Odemaier's clothes without hurting his body.

But as a scientist who has been exposed to dangerous environments for a long time, the scientific robe on Odmaier's body is not made of simple cloth.

The feeling of the power claw surprised Coz, and before he could make any further reaction, Odmaier's anger had already descended on him.

"Young man, you are a bit too much. You want to tear someone's clothes as soon as you meet? And you use the power claw? I need to teach you what etiquette is."

Odmaier grabbed the finger of Coz that was pinching her head, and forcibly relied on the strength of the flesh to pry Coz's fingers apart.

Coz wanted to compete with her, but found that his fingers could not withstand such great pressure at all.

The finger suddenly broke into two pieces, and the pain pierced Coz's scalp and bounced. He pinched Odmaier's head with the remaining fingers, trying to pinch her to death directly.

The resistance in his hand surprised Koz, he had only experienced this feeling on an iron ball made of fine gold.

Odmaier became more and more impatient, no matter who it was, no one would like the feeling of having their head pinched tightly.

She opened one arm and fired a shot at Koz's abdomen.

The gravity wave increased Koz's physical consumption, he gritted his teeth to resist the huge pressure from his whole body, and stabbed Odmaier's body directly with his power claws.

Odmaier increased the output of the gravity wave, and Koz's attacking arm became too heavy to be lifted by muscles and power armor.

"Okay young man, I don't know why you are so aggressive, but I will get the answer from your brother." Odmayer said coldly, and Koz also refuted with gritted teeth, "Young man? Are you much older than me? Haha, you are just a person who uses technology to take advantage of others."

He kicked Koz's abdomen directly, and the powerful force penetrated the power armor and directly acted on Koz's internal organs. The pressure brought by the gravity wave and the different experience brought by the severe pain in the internal organs almost made Koz kneel down directly.

Odmayer broke Koz's remaining fingers one by one, then slightly tidied up his messed up hair, and dragged Koz away with the gravity wave.

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