Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 774: Being led astray since childhood

After searching for people with Chagatai to no avail, Lin Fan had no choice but to ask Odemeyer for help, asking her to rely on the global surveillance network to find traces of Coze.

"Koz? The rude one attacked me. I'm taking him to find the others now."

A crisis ended so lightly. I don't know what kind of luck Coze had, but he hit the ceiling of this planet's combat power as soon as he left the house.

Lin Fan and Jaghatai went to find Odemair again, and on the way they met Guilliman who was returning from shopping.

Guilliman was very interested in Lin Fan. He learned about the special nature of the man in front of him during the conversation with his brother. The meeting between the two began with a friendly handshake.

Curze was brought back to the laboratory by Odemeyer and tied to a chair. He did not struggle and just asked who Odemiel was. Even his brother who turned into a devil could not have such incredible power.

Odemeyer was too lazy to pay attention to him, just drank coffee and postponed his trip to the golden core for a while.

Delia has been studying with her for so long, and she can handle the reconstruction work of the golden core.

The footsteps of the original body are very recognizable. The two duller sounds are those of Dorn and Perturabo, and the slightly lighter ones are Fulgrim's. Guilliman's steps are steady and steady, between lightness and heaviness. between.

As for Chagatai?

The guy moved forward like the wind, his footsteps making the sound of rushing wind.

"So many brothers? Ha!" Koz screamed strangely. He relied on the special connection of the original body to determine who would visit him in the future.

Lin Fan really didn't lie to himself. Perturabo and Fulgrim actually returned to the empire, and they didn't carry any stench from the subspace with them.

Curze suddenly panicked. He didn't know how to face Fulgrim.

Fulgrim was his older brother, his mentor, and the only friend he could confide in during his epileptic seizures.

The door opened, and Curze immediately saw the phoenix walking straight towards him.

Fulgrim's appearance has changed drastically, and Perturabo beside him also feels strange to Curze.

The Purple Phoenix, who once regarded perfection and art as more important than life, now only wears a simple set of white armor. Although it is full of exquisitely carved patterns, it is not decorated with any treasures.

In the past, Fulgrim's armor would be coated with fine paint made from powdered gemstones, and extremely pure gold would be used to trim edges and fill in flaws.

After a severe battle, Fulgrim will always take the trouble to spend a lot of time and energy to make his armor look new again. He is the most dazzling presence on the battlefield.

do not come.

Coze begged through his eyes. He didn't think he was qualified to be treated so sincerely by Fulgrim.

Fulgrim first stood still, knelt down on one knee to Odemair, and sincerely asked Odemiel to forgive his brother's offense.

Odemeyer waved his hand and told Fulgan to stand up quickly, "This guy will pull my clothes off as soon as we meet."

The gravity wave was removed by Odemeyer. Fulgen walked over and gave Cozz a tight hug. "I'm sorry, my brother, I misunderstood you. If we could have listened to your opinion, maybe the situation would have been better." no the same."

Curze's body stiffened as he was hugged. He didn't know how to react to Fulgrim. He just pushed his hands forward, hoping to free himself from Fulgrim's embrace.

Fulgrim didn't hug his brother for too long. He pulled Curze up from the chair with a smile and patted him on the back encouragingly.

Except for Fulgrim who showed kindness to Curze, the other brothers welcomed Curze's return in a stiff and awkward tone.

They had little contact with Curze, and they only knew that he was a man skilled in torture and abuse. Everything about his flagship Nightfall was designed to arouse the fear deep in the intruders' hearts. He would place mutilated bodies in corners. and flesh and blood, making Nightfall a dark and rancid prison.

The reputation of the Midnight Haunter is so terrifying that Curze only needs to release the news of his upcoming arrival, and the resisters on the planet will be frightened into surrendering all power, hoping that they will die happily in Curze's hands. Law.

"Are you willing to re-establish the empire with us?" Seeing that no one else spoke, Guilliman asked, because Curze had caused a lot of murders in Macragge, and his tone was questioning. mean.

"Haha." Coze smiled and answered Guilliman's question with only attitude.

He won't help anyone, and he has no qualifications. As a butcher's knife stained with blood, Curze seeks only one being who can give him the ultimate judgment.

The cold exchange between the original bodies created a suffocating atmosphere. Odemeyer walked up to Lin Fan and touched him with his arm.

"Is the situation normal in the Tau Empire?"

"We defeated a wave of bugs and a Star God. The situation there is very stable. The fleet we arrived later made up for the deficiencies in the Tau Empire's defense line."

"That shows that this kind of third-level navigation is still very effective. If there is an emergency somewhere in the future, we will launch you through the webway." Odemeyer smiled softly.

"Of course. Next we have to go to Cadian. We need to bring enough troops. One Void Phoenix fighter is not enough."

"We can ask Bietan's Ark to give us a lift."

"Then by the way, we will block the Eye of Terror and focus our attention on the internal rectification of the empire, the orcs, and the bugs that are eagerly watching outside."

"Perfect." Odemair clapped her hands, and then she brought the topic to Coze, asking him what his situation was like.

Lin Fan and Odemeyer talked about Coze's growth process. After listening to it, Odemeyer felt that Coze seemed like a guy who had never experienced the so-called childhood life.

Take a look at a few of the Primarchs here.

Perturabo had a sister and adoptive father who loved him, Dorne had a grandfather who loved him, Fulgrim was raised by a large family, and although Chagatai grew up in the tribe, those tribesmen also taught him His concept of bravery and integrity.

But Coz, this unlucky kid went to the super-double Gotham City plus as soon as he landed. In front of him were only atrocities and prophecy illusions. No one had guided him since he was a child about what integrity and kindness are. Only boundless atrocities continued again and again. Let him be disappointed with humanity.

The indiscriminate trials and executions gave the disordered Nostromo a hint of civilization. The surviving nobles were in the company of a demigod who was sometimes gentle and sometimes harsh.

Curze is satisfied with the order he has forged, and feels that his art of fear can make any fool who tarnishes the rules think about the consequences.

"Let's go and seek justice!" said the leader who looked fierce but had a clear sense of justice, and then he left Nostromo.

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