Most of the scenes when the Primarch and the Emperor met ended in warmth and enthusiasm. Among them, only Curze, whose brain was tortured by the Butcher's Nail and had powerful prophecies, felt negative emotions about the Emperor's arrival.

Surrounded by psychic energy, the Emperor was particularly god-like. He and his fleet pierced the gloomy sky of Nostromo. Many people saw the natural light from outside the planet for the first time, and some were blinded. , but Coz saw it very clearly at that time.

The tragedies of the future unfold before Curze's eyes, and he only has to glance at them to understand their endings.

He started his Great Crusade with the Night Lord Curze, because Nostromo was too valuable, and Curze also developed his own set of rules of conduct.

"The reason why hatred and resistance arise is because the fear I create is not enough. As long as I kill enough and scare people, no one will dare to challenge the red line of order."

"If the tragic death of a thousand people is used to obtain the effect that can only be obtained by the death of millions of people, doesn't it mean that I am the one who is merciful?"

"And the Emperor has never stopped me, which proves that what I'm doing is a necessary evil!"

According to this logic, Curze conquered world after world. Because he only carried out terrorist massacres on a large scale, the industrial facilities on each planet were not damaged, so he could quickly restore productivity to the planet.

Just the rumor of the Night Lord's imminent arrival can make an entire galaxy pay more than the regular tax, and criminal activities in the entire galaxy will stop instantly. No one dares to cause trouble under the nose of the Midnight Lord.

However, it is obvious that Curze does not have the ability to manage the legion. Perhaps he is genetically defective, or perhaps because he is troubled by the prophecy and is completely unable to maintain his mental stability for a long time.

As another representative of prophecies, Sanguinius complained that Curze was too cowardly in obeying the prophecies, but the strength of Sanguinius' prophecies was far less than one ten thousandth of Curze's.

He only predicted that he would die, but Curze could predict how he would die, down to every brick of the scene and every minute of time. This prediction ability even allowed Curze to be immersed in the scene. Experience the real future over and over again.

The last straw that broke Curze's spirit was the fall of his homeworld once again. The evils of the Nostromo returned, and they celebrated Curze's presence on the far reaches of the galaxy, replacing the new recruits who had filled the Legion with a group of death row inmates filled with crimes.

Coze was mentally disturbed by the prophecy, and when he discovered that the legionnaires he was responsible for executing were all damn criminals, his mentality suddenly collapsed.

"If the judges themselves are full of evil! What qualifications do they have to be judges and symbols of the law! They deserve to be just as damned! And even more damned!"

Curze hates his Legion, seeing them as criminals he must eradicate.

Later, Coze's mentality continued to decline. When he predicted a serious illness, he accidentally killed an imperial entourage. That was a blameless and innocent person by Coze's standards.

So Curze felt that he was no longer clean. His hands should have been stained with the blood of sinners, but now they were stained with the blood of innocent people. Then Curze found that there was no difference between himself and his children. He hated his own children. At the same time, he hated himself and the Emperor who had created him to suffer.

Later, Curze fell ill again. He accurately predicted the beginning and end of the Horus Heresy. He discovered that Fulgrim, whom he regarded as a white moonlight, had degenerated into a disgusting space eel.

Then Dorn rushed in, loudly reprimanding Curze for disrupting the morale of the army with his nonsense. The words uttered by a stone in anger are extremely offensive.

Curze went crazy while attacking Dorn. When others arrived at the scene, they found Curze squatting on the fallen Dorn in a daze. Then he was imprisoned in the prison. As a primarch, he could judge His fate was only shared by other Primarchs.

Coze understood that the day of civil strife was coming, so he and his children went back to his hometown to take a look.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

Nostromo murders in eleven seconds and rapes in nine seconds.

Curze sighed and blew up Nostromo.

Later, there were stories like the Great Rebellion, the Second Empire, Curze Alone, and other stories where Imperial assassins killed him.

After Odemeyer listened, she felt that Coz was quite miserable. He had no good guidance since he was a child. All he saw when he opened his eyes was a group of precious things, and then he formed a set of extreme logic.

The only one who accepted him, Bai Yueguang, his original companion, teacher, and brother Fulgrim, fell.

It took a lot of effort to bring some order to my hometown, but within a few years it collapsed back to its original degenerate state.

Other Primarchs whom he considered to be monsters also disapproved of his way of existence, and regarded Curze's actions as cruel.

The prophecies stimulate his spirit and replay realistic images of his death and fratricide on a loop again and again.

"I think this guy has a pretty strong mind. At least he still has some standards. He hasn't become a real beast." Odemeyer gave his own opinion.

"That's right. When Guilliman was originally resurrected, he lamented Curze, thinking that when faced with evil things like Chaos, Curze's methods were not as bad as he thought." Lin Fan nodded.

"So what should we do with him? Just keep him here?" Odemeyer continued to ask. Lin Fan knew much more about how to deal with the original body than she did.

Lin Fan thought for a while and then replied, "Let him stay here. I have broken all the prophecies that troubled him. He can choose to live a peaceful life here, or stay with Fulgan. OK."

Stay with Fulgen.

Odemair looked at Fulgrim. He was the only one who showed a sincere smile and care when facing Curze. Guilliman's smile was more like a courtesy.

Maybe you can let these guys with mental, ahem, psychological problems watch some therapy movies.

What kind of movie are you watching? These people have a flexible mind and think a lot. Everything they have experienced is a cruel war. Maybe they can watch cartoons for all ages to purify their souls.

Odemeyer gave a suggestion, "How about letting them watch cartoons? Cartoons with bright and positive images."

"Watching animation? I think it's okay. They probably haven't seen cartoons. Perturabo will probably regard this as one of the legacies of the golden age." Lin Fan thought there was no problem. This was a family viewing party.

"In a sense, it is indeed a legacy." Odemeyer smiled, "After all, the cartoons have been finished long ago, and I still have to find time to make them. But I remember that Rebecca's database has a lot of animations, and the production should be It won’t take too much time.”

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