Odemeyer and Lin Fan reached a tacit agreement and prepared to produce a set of cartoons for the originals to watch.

Rebecca has been connected to the golden core at this time. The golden core is too big for her. Rebecca has already consumed 75% of her computing power just to maintain the energy transmission of the power system, and this This is already the result of Odermeier’s adjustments.

There are also many outstanding students who graduated from the Great Canteen Academy in the Golden Core who are responsible for maintaining it. They work hard with reverence and admiration under the supervision and guidance of Delia and Rebecca.

Odemeyer logged into the core and retrieved Rebecca's database. These animation fan pictures reminded Odemeyer of the warmth of watching anime with her parents in her early years.

Two days later, the cartoon was sent to Lin Fan. In order to enhance the relic properties of the cartoon, Odemeyer even produced a film projector.

Holding two plates of film, Lin Fan walked into the room. The original body was not wearing armor, but was wearing robes and casual clothes according to his own preference.

Perturabo, Guilliman, and Fulgrim, these three people wore robes fastened with belts. Perturabo bared one of his arms, like a Greek philosopher of the academy; Guilliman wore an olive laurel wreath on his head. An old-school nobleman with countless honors; Fulgrim's colleagues who exposed part of their bodies in their robes did not forget to handle the robes delicately. They were pinned in many places from the shoulders to the arms, and the folds hung down neatly.

Curze was also wearing a robe, which Fulgrim made for him personally, but he was not wearing it well, it was more like wrapping himself tightly with a piece of cloth.

Chagatai wore a small leather jacket and a small waistcoat decorated with flowing cloud patterns.

Donne wore a yellow work vest with a white shirt underneath, and blue pants that looked wear-resistant and tough.

"You just need to wear a helmet, and then you can go dust." Perturabo frowned and complained.

Donn ignored him, just found his position and placed a few soft pillows next to him like sandbags.

Perturabo muttered, and then sat down next to Dorn fiercely. The impact caused Dorn's wall to collapse, and then he stared at Dorn's face with a provocative look.

Watching the interaction between Dorn and Perturabo, Fulgrim felt amused, and then he took the reluctant Curze and sat at the other end. He did not want Curze to conflict with the Straight Man.

Jaghatai and Guilliman sat in the middle of the two groups. The two of them got along very calmly and politely, probably as long as you nodded and I nodded in return.

Lin Fan installed the projector. This thing aroused the curiosity of Perturabo and Chagatai. They like ancient things.

The projector was buzzing and running smoothly. Lin Fan walked out of the room so that the Primarchs could get together.

"What is this?" Fulgan asked curiously.

"I heard it was something called 'animation', but Lin Fan didn't reveal much information to me." Chagatai responded calmly.

"These things come from the Golden Age, or even before the Golden Age. I really don't know what kind of content they contain." Perturabo was a little excited.

"Huh." Curze laughed angrily. When he tried to bury himself with robes and pillows, Fulgrim pulled him out and put his arms around his neck to let him watch.

The countdown ends and the picture and sound appear at the same time. The clean and bright pictures go well with the lively and upbeat music. Fulgen nodded along with the rhythm and hummed silently.

"My little pony~ My little pony~"

This first line of lyrics aroused the original body's doubts. The word Pony was rarely used in the Empire, and it could be said to be a rather uncommon word.


This was Jaghatai's first reaction. Chogoris had many stallions, and their sizes and stamina were all different. For the Chogoris tribesmen, anything with a shoulder height of less than 160cm is considered a pony, and anything higher than 160cm is called an ordinary horse.

So this is a story about horse training and raising horses? Jaghatai stroked his beard and became interested in the next plot.

A group of horses of different colors appear on the screen.

Chagatai frowned and inferred from the size of the eyes of these horses that the eyes buried in their heads were at least 50 times larger than those of other horses. Eyes of such size would only occupy most of the space in the head. So this kind of horse has a very small brain? But how did they master the ability to speak? Rely on witchcraft?

Chagatai could see very clearly that these lyrics were sung by these horses, and he did not find anything strange. After all, there were even more outrageous and unrealistic things in the subspace and universe.

Ah, I understand.

Jaghatai nodded with satisfaction. He looked at Guilliman. The two brothers looked at each other and they both came to a conclusion.

These horses are some kind of psychic aliens from the early galaxy. This cartoon must also be about the story of early humans suppressing these disgusting aliens.

The only one who could understand this was Perturabo, who continued to watch with more respect.

As for Forgan, although he was aware of some details, he was more concerned about the songs and the appearance of these ponies.

"Look at these, how cute they are. It would be great if I could have one." Fulgrim whispered to Curze.

"I really don't know if these aliens will still scream like this after being skinned. Their songs are torturing me." Coz complained, feeling uncomfortable all over due to the gorgeousness of the picture.

Lyrics: What's the secret of friendship? Friendship is magic.

After hearing these words, Chagatai became more and more convinced that his idea was right.

what is this? This is magic, magic under the guise of friendship, pure belief in evil gods, either from the Tzeentch faction or from the Slaanesh faction.

Jaghatai felt that it was more likely to be from the Tzeentch faction because the picture was so clean and there was no blood or other liquids.

Fulgrim thinks that the Slaanesh faction is more likely, because these horses are so cute!

Lyrics: You are my best friend.

The song ends: the narration comes in, introducing Little Mary and the Princess Sisters of the Magic Kingdom, who are responsible for raising the sun and moon.

"Okay." Perturabo paused the video. He had many questions. If he couldn't speak out, he would get sick. "This is too nonsense. The rising sun and the moon? I don't do this repeated noun. Too much entanglement, no matter how you look at this evil place, it cannot be Terra, but these aliens’ desecration of the rules of planetary operation makes me feel sick.”

"Perturabo is right." Dorn nodded seriously.

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