"Perhaps this place is deep in the Eye of Terror. The sun and moon may be the demonic projections of these two alien princesses, just like the ones I saw at the Badank ruins." Jaghatai continued.

"This appearance is really too deceptive. If it were in the Ultramar sector, these aliens might rely on their appearance to hide their danger. But if they are willing to surrender to the empire, they might be able to obtain the status of a pet. " Guilliman said.

Fulgrim also agreed with Guilliman, "These ponies are so cute, aren't they?"

"But they can use psychic magic. I think only Magnus will accept the existence of these creatures." Perturabo muttered.

"Keep watching." Dorn stopped the conversation, and Perturabo continued to play the picture.

A group of horses with different colors and distinct personalities, they made a deep impression on the Primarch.

"How do they pick things up?" Dorn wondered, "Such smooth and flat hooves. I can't see any rough fur in these species."

"Maybe their hooves are enlarged and made up of countless small hands or tentacles? Just like the licking demon." Fulgrim explained with some kind of demon in the subspace, and Dorn reluctantly accepted this view.

As the plot progresses, the originals gradually understand the basic concepts of this alien world. This world is divided into three types of horses, the strong and tough earth ponies, the unicorns who are good at using magic, and the immortal alicorns. So far the Primarchs have only seen the two alicorns, the princess and the sister.

Not only that, the use of many magics surprised the original bodies. These magics were very different from the dirty and offensive magics they were used to. They were clean and quick to cast, and the effects they produced were not so dangerous or extreme.

"I like that teleportation spell, but it seems like not every unicorn can do it," Guilliman said.

"They have a school of magic, just like Magnus and his scholars. Remember my brothers, at that time, the warp was not as chaotic and disorderly as it is now. These aliens completely borrowed the light of the peaceful environment. ." Perturabo reminded.

"Am I the only one curious about the clothing ideas of these horses? Seriously, sometimes they wear hats even if they are wearing clothes, but usually they have nothing on. And the weirdest thing is that when they are bathing, they feel Expose yourself naked to the eyes of others."

Fulgrim's words really aroused the original body's thinking. They felt that the alien's entanglement on this point was somewhat capricious.

"Maybe this is a ritual behavior. Maybe..." Chagatai closed his mouth. He couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

"Also, if they don't wear clothes, what's their concept of chastity? I mean just a little wag of the tail and everything is exposed."

"Oh! Shut up Fulgrim! We are not interested in the reproduction and estrus process of aliens! I think you are the corruption of Slaanesh that has not been cleaned up yet!" Perturabo shouted dissatisfied.

Guilliman looked at Fulgrim with a somewhat complicated look. He didn't want to think about what Fulgrim had experienced in the past few years when he was wandering in the subspace.

Fulgan smiled awkwardly, and then said that he would not dwell on this problem.

"This is just knowledge. There is nothing disgusting or not. Even if you hate it, it will still exist." Dorn's pertinent evaluation was also agreed by Jaghatai. Jaghatai is not interested in alien reproduction, but this truth Nothing to blame.

The animation continued to play, and the primarchs tacitly labeled the main ponies that appeared.

This Twilight Sparkle is good at magic, likes to learn, looks like a nerd, and is a believer in the Tzeentch system.

Pinkie Pie is elusive, loves to party, and wears pink, so she must be a believer in Slaanesh.


The episode ends with Twilight Sparkle having a party with friends and cheerful singing in the background.

Although this story tells the story of a group of aliens, the positive meaning shown in it was appreciated by all the Primarchs.

"It would be great if the aliens were as innocent and kind as them." Chaghatai sighed. During the Great Crusade, he collected many historical and cultural heritage of the aliens, so he felt deeply about it.

Some aliens are indeed extremely evil, but some aliens are just living a peaceful life, but will the empire care about these? Obviously not, it would just leave a bunch of war machines and turn the planet into scorched earth.

If this world, this garden world known as Equestria, were to be targeted on Jaghatai's expedition, Jaghatai would feel guilty for bringing extinction to these friendly creatures.

Just like Vulkan would feel ashamed for killing an unarmed Eldar child, killing without any basis will only make people fall into the abyss of chaos.

After one episode, Perturabo has a new problem.

Why are the furniture and daily necessities of these horses so similar to those of humans? If they were an independent civilization, they should have their own unique products.

This sentence made the atmosphere in the theater a little cold. The Primarchs thought about what kind of secrets could be hidden behind such details, and then Guilliman expressed his views heavily.

Maybe this is a planet where humans are the main species, and ponies are just an uncivilized beast or a relatively weak emerging civilized race on this planet.

Then humans established a colony here. They were blinded by the cute appearance of ponies, and then mistakenly introduced them into their colony.

Later, these ponies used witchcraft to eliminate humans and occupied human colonies.

"Isn't this too much of a conspiracy theory?" Fulgrim frowned. If things were really as Guilliman thought, these aliens would really deserve to die.

"This is just a conjecture. It's possible that humans raised the level of civilization of these species and then left. But I think it's unlikely. This is a garden world with beautiful scenery and a good environment. I don't know how fertile the soil can be. How many people of the empire can you feed?" Guilliman continued.

"How about we continue watching?" Chagatai suggested.

"No." Dorn stood up, "I have to ask clearly. If the happiness of these aliens is based on the bones of human destruction, I will no longer be able to restrain my anger."

"Me too." Perturabo and Dorn walked out. They were going to find Lin Fan and Odemeyer for an explanation.

"These two are really inseparable." Chagatai complained, "But this is good, it is much better than two people staring at each other with sullen faces."

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