On the other side, after leaving Lin Fan an army list, Odemeyer went to the Golden Core to continue the construction work. Lin Fan conveniently called Commissar Kane and Colonel Erica to go with them to find Ifreni and discuss it. To borrow a question from Bietam's Ark.

The Eldar in Bietan Ark are currently divided into three groups based on their living habits. One is the Eldar who choose to live in the canteen and other human worlds. They are often younger and more lively, and are full of curiosity about the outside world. These Eldar are often known as He appears in the imperial army as an elite scout and psychic instructor.

The second group is the Eldar who live and work on planets such as Mala where the Tree of Life is planted. They like the natural breath emanating from the Tree of Life. This group is relatively lonely and quiet, and most of them are scholars and Taoists on the Ark. people on the way.

The last group is the Eldar who choose to continue living in the Ark. The composition of this group of Eldar is very complex and the number is the largest among the three groups.

For the Tau, decades are enough time for them to complete a very important task, but for the Eldar, this is as insignificant as a morning.

Lin Fan didn't know how to evaluate the Eldar's slow adaptation to the new life, so he could only let it take its course.

As the supreme leader of communication between Bietan Ark and humans, Ifreni built a stable single-person network channel between the large dining hall and Bietan Ark to facilitate communication.

If nothing else, Ifreni would stay in the Ark of Bietan to coordinate relations with the Eldar and teach the Eldar how to practice their psychic talents that were gradually being unleashed by Slaanesh.

At the end of a meditation class, Ifreni opened her eyes and watched her students leave with a smile.

She stood at the window, admiring the exquisite architectural complex that had been polished and refined by the Eldar craftsmen for tens of thousands of years. Although there were many fewer people in the Ark, the gloom of extinction that had always shrouded the Eldar ethnic group seemed to have dissipated a lot.

Ifreni could feel a throbbing desire to explore slowly growing in the hearts of the Bietan compatriots, which prompted her compatriots to get closer and closer to humans.

Efreni felt that this was due to both Lin Fan and Odemeyer.

The former accepted the existence of the Eldar with a uniquely tolerant attitude in the Human Empire, and informed the Human Empire of the Eldar's past without modification from a relatively objective perspective.

This will help dilute the conflicts between humans and Eldar and make the union smoother and more stable.

Odemair conquered the Eldar with the magnificent wonders she made. The various giant ships and scientific creations made the die-hards who always regarded human beings as apes speechless. The magnificent tree of life was even more... A lot of senior officials from Bietan were filled with emotion.

Efreni can often hear her students communicating with Odemair privately, lamenting how glorious mankind once was, and envious that today's mankind can have such powerful and wise ancestors.

But Ifreni also knows that the Bietan Eldar are just humans who have a high regard for the Great Canteen Star Sector, and apart from the well-run Great Refectory Star Sector, Ifreni can't find anyone who can do anything to the spirit race. Tribe represents friendly territory.

As for the Ultramar sector?

Guilliman needs some time to reorganize his administration. Iverene also heard that the world of Evans Ark has been destroyed by the swarm of insects and orcs. After mourning the dead, Iverene also hopes that Evans Ark Our compatriots can live safely in the Ultramar sector.

"Oh, my little baby, why haven't you drawn your sword yet? I've been waiting for you here day and night~"

Efreni froze for a moment. It was the voice of Slaanesh. Ever since she kissed Guilliman, Slaanesh had come over to ask after everything was fine. Either he was talking about drawing the sword, or he was asking her when she could meet Guilliman. Liman made a company of children.

"Please don't do this. Drawing the sword will only destroy the Ark of Bietan and the Eldar race." Ifreni said respectfully. She had also angrily scolded Slaanesh before, but Slaanesh obviously didn't care. And getting more excited.

"Oh~" Slaanesh was a little disappointed, "How energetic you were before! You searched all over the universe for a sword to kill me, but now you actually shrink back."

"Now and then, if you become the same again, I will draw the sword without hesitation." Ifreni continued.

"I don't want to betray my dear~" Slaanesh laughed, then continued with his daily questions.

When did you marry Guilliman?

Efreni blushed, and a very complicated emotion suddenly filled her body.

"It is impossible for us to get married, he is a Primarch and I am an Eldar. This is a bad thing that is not acceptable from a biological level and from the perspective of friendship between the two countries."

"It's impossible to get married? Hehehehe~ Your wording is very interesting~ Why don't you start from a young age and become a young couple~ Oh ho ho ho~"

"It can't be between us, that's all."

"But you were very passionate about the last kiss~" Slaanesh smirked. The aftertaste of the last time she saw the fun was still making her feel happy.

"You're talking nonsense! It was just work! I just gave it a peck!" screamed Ifreni, which only made Slaanesh feel even more delighted.

Slaanesh fell silent. She continued to pester the Emperor, telling him how well-matched Guilliman and Everenne were. The Emperor closed his eyes and ignored Slaanesh, but did not stop him.

Ifreni felt her heart pounding. She still remembered the electric sensation of kissing Guilliman, and she was sure Guilliman remembered it too.

This is all Slaanesh's conspiracy!

Ifreni warned herself, but then thought that Slaanesh was just a carrier of desire. If there was no original desire, she would not have such a strange obsession.

So who awakened the original desire? Could it be that he really had a little bit of admiration for Guilliman in his heart? So Guilliman.

Efreni shook her head and took a few deep breaths to get rid of the distracting thoughts in her mind. She was afraid that everything she was thinking would be magnified by Slaanesh, and then she would sink into the pit of desire and be unable to extricate herself.

"Efreni, are you free now?" Lin Fan's voice came in.

Efrenie, who was in a trance, subconsciously shouted, "I don't like him! Stop talking!"


Lin Fan was stunned for a while, and Efreni also realized that the person talking to her was not Slaanesh, so she calmly asked Lin Fan about his purpose.

If Ifreni knew that her original desire to have sex with Guilliman was brought up by Lin Fan, she might not be so calm.

"Ahem. The time is almost up for me to think about it. Can I borrow your ark to transport the army?"

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