"Transporting troops? Are you going to Cadian?" Ifreni asked.

"Yes, the battle in Cadian is probably going to be fast. If we can run all the way through the webway, maybe we can still catch up." Lin Fan answered.

Efreni expressed her understanding. She knew that something big had happened recently in Cadian, which guarded the Eye of Terror. Even if Lin Fan didn't say it, the Eldar prophet would know it through prophecy.

Lin Fan was planning to let the Grand Canteen and his troops board Bietan's Ark, and when they got to the battlefield, he would smash them all into Abaddon's face.

You can also bring the Primarchs with you. They will surely bring endless surprises to Abaddon when they appear!

Fulgrim and Perturabo can command the Weeper battle group. Fulgrim leads the assault team to attack alone, and Perturabo is responsible for fire cover. I believe the two of them can work together well. When they finally saw the Black Legion, Fulgrim and Perturabo raised their arms and shouted to their heirs, which might cause the Black Legion to start an internal strife on the spot, and also increase the acceptance of them by the Imperial Army.

But Lin Fan then thought about it, considering the empire's poor ability to preserve history, maybe they don't recognize Fulgrim and Perturabo today. At most, only the particularly ancient Dauntless and Space Marines can recognize them.

Dorn can take the Black Templars all the way to Terra, and he just wants to see what the Phalanx and the Imperial Fist are like now.

Jaghatai can fight guerrillas and bring support troops to fight fires everywhere. After all, the scope of the Battle of Cadian is too wide.

As for Guilliman, this guy should stay in the Ultramar sector. He is responsible for the violent troops and home defense.

Finally, there was Coze. Lin Fan felt that he had to act together with Fulgrim.

Ifreni nodded. He understood Lin Fan's thoughts, and then prepared to summon Ark's senior officials to pick out an open space for the coalition forces in the cafeteria.

Although the Ark is large, not everyone can live in it. Some areas are either in disrepair or have gatherings of dead souls. Even the Eldar need to be cautious when living and working in it.

Lin Fan returned to the cafeteria through the network channel. As soon as he came out, he saw Perturabo and Dorn waiting outside the door for a long time. Next to them were Commissar Kane and Colonel Erica who were browsing documents to select troops.

"Have you finished watching? The speed is quite fast. Do you have any thoughts? Do you feel very happy?" Lin Fan said with a smile. My Little Pony is a good cartoon, a story about the friendship of several ponies. It will definitely make these original bodies feel a lot.

They don't need to hug each other and sing together, as long as their relationship is a little more harmonious than before, that's a huge improvement.

Not understanding why Lin Fan was smiling, Dorn asked in a deep voice, "This cartoon about 'ponies' really made us think a lot, but we only ask one question now."

"Have these aliens massacred humans? Like the other brutal aliens we saw during the Great Crusade?" Perturabo continued after Dorn's words.


Lin Fan was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why Dorn and Perturabo asked such questions. Then the two of them talked about the unreasonable and weird places in the cartoon, and emphasized again and again that if the pony If a brilliant civilization could be established spontaneously, then there would not be so many human creations in this cartoon.

Lin Fan was speechless at their questions. These Primarchs still thought too much. The smarter they were, the more they liked to think randomly, and then use their own experiences to weave a logical and self-consistent understanding system.

"You're just thinking too much. Cartoons are cartoons, and the plot doesn't have so many dark and sinister hints." Lin Fan said while pushing the two of them away, "This is made by humans to give children For children to watch.”

"Then why not use humans instead of horses?" Perturabo was puzzled. "Human beings are the most perfect existence in the world."

"At that time, it was not as great and prosperous as you think, and human beings were trapped on a small stone ball. This animation carries some of the most beautiful feelings of the producer. How do you say that? At first I would ask : Why is it a horse? Later I will ask: Why am I not a horse? In short, just watch it quietly and put aside your prejudices and conspiracies.”

Perturabo frowned and looked at Lin Fan for a long time, and then he and Dorn returned to the room.

"What should I say? Is it that cruel and dark?" Fulgan asked impatiently as soon as he saw the two of them coming back.

"No." Perturabo sat down, "There is no conspiracy. This is just a childish drama for children."

"For children?" Guilliman was a little surprised. "In that case, we have to look at it from a different angle. The positive meaning shown by this animation is very meaningful in shaping children's outlook on life. If we put it now."

"Today, we have to add 'This video is reviewed by the Inquisition' at the beginning and end of each episode and also add a hymn praising the Emperor and the Empire." Fulgrim said.

"I don't think the Inquisition will release this kind of thing. They will just shout heresy and then burn all these cartoons to ashes." Guilliman winked slyly at Fulgrim.

"Then continue watching." Perturabo started the device and continued playing.

After putting aside dark ideas such as alien carnage, warp corruption, and evil cults, Perturabo must admit that this pony cartoon is indeed good.

Especially the theme song, as soon as the intro started playing, the lyrics of My little pony~My little pony~ began to echo in Perturabo's mind.

Through Perturabo's observation, he discovered that Fulgrim and Guilliman enjoyed watching cartoons.

Jaghatai and Dorn were both happy and angry, but looking at the two of them always maintaining a high degree of concentration, Perturabo felt that they should not hate watching this slightly childish cartoon.

As for Curze's reaction, Perturabo could not see it. He huddled behind Fulgrim, and the shadow almost enveloped his whole body. From the beginning to now, he had not said a word, but Fulgrim occasionally turned his head to Curze. Just say something quietly.

When the music played in the background at the end of the episode, Perturabo realized that he had missed an episode because of his analysis of the other brothers.

Tsk. This old problem still can’t be changed.

"You need to relax my brother." Chagatai had noticed Perturabo's gaze a long time ago, but he didn't want to interfere with the viewing of other brothers just now. "You are the most unnatural person in this room now, even if there are many Enya enjoys this quiet time more than you do. After we have fought wars for so many years and witnessed countless blood and tragedies, don’t you think it’s great to be able to watch a cartoon without any heaviness?”

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