Perturabo nodded, "It's really great. It would be even better if other brothers could participate."

"Yeah. Twilight Sparkle reminds me of Magnus. It would be nice if he was here." Jaghatai was a little sad. He had a good relationship with Magnus.

"What's the name of this horse? Gray Qi, right? She likes stones and always looks serious. I would like to call her the Dorne of ponies." Fulgrim said with some amusement.

Dorne was not angry, but said, "I think Rarity is very similar to you. She pays attention to appearance and likes design. And your hair styles are really varied."

"Hahaha." Fulgrim laughed even harder. He thought it was all very interesting.

Perturabo also joined the brothers' conversation, "So Rainbow Dash is Jaghatai? They are both very fast."

"But I will never dye my hair that color. Of course, if it is natural, I won't say much." Jaghatai raised his beard and looked for the pony that looked like Perturabo.

"I think Huiqi is also very similar to Perturabo. This horse can accurately tell the composition and origin of the stone with just one look. Do you remember Perturabo telling us about the cannonballs?" Chagatai recalled the past.

"Oh! I remember that Perturabo talked for more than two hours, but no one listened to him at that time." Fugen also remembered it.

Perturabo was a little angry, "You didn't listen at that time? I taught you everything I knew, and you have this attitude?"

"Come on, Perturabo. The tone of your speech was smelly and hard. No one would listen to the lessons of an old-fashioned person. Ryan didn't go up and chop you with a knife. It was considered that he had a good temper." Fugen continued.

Perturabo stood up angrily and shouted that he would tell his brothers again how to make a stable and lethal cheap cannonball.

Guilliman on the side smiled bitterly, "Oh, my God, please stop talking. I want to watch more cartoons. I'm curious about the next plot development." Perturabo shook his head and sat down. As soon as his butt touched the sofa, his anger completely dissipated and he laughed in his throat. "This is really interesting. I still remember Lin Fan said this to me. Among our group of people, 80% of people think he is much stronger than 80% of the brothers." Perturabo said with a smile. "Then what about the other 20%?" Chagatai asked, "I don't think the other 20% of the brothers will think they are weaker than others." "Yes, the remaining 20% ​​of the brothers think they are stronger than everyone else." Perturabo answered Chagatai's doubts. The primarchs were silent for a while, and then laughed together. They felt that Lin Fan's complaints were quite appropriate. They compared everywhere in the Great Expedition to see who was the most talented. Now looking back, they just felt that their behavior at the time was really childish. After laughing, Perturabo sighed, "If there is a chance, we should get together more often like this and watch cartoons together."

The Primarchs nodded, then kept quiet and waited for the next episode to be played.

While the other brothers were communicating enthusiastically, Curze remained silent, but Fulgrim could keenly sense the deep loneliness emanating from his brother.

During the Great Crusade, he was a person who was good at observing words and expressions, and now he felt that his ability to perceive other people's emotions had become stronger.

Maybe it was because the corruption of Slaanesh had not been cleaned up, but Fulgrim thought this was a good thing.

Fulgrim hugged Curze and asked him what he thought, "Who do you think these horses look like?"

"I didn't watch it. I won't watch such childish and boring things. These songs make me feel sick. I can't stand such bright and overly sunny things!"

What Curze said was half true and half false.

The true part: Curze really couldn't stand such overly positive songs and plots.

The false part: Curze said he didn't watch any details of this animation.

In fact, in this room, Curze was the one who watched the most seriously, even the taciturn Dorn was not half as good as him.

These pictures were too bright. Bright enough to wash away all Curze's memories of the dark buildings of Nostromo.

These songs were sunny. Sunny enough to make Curze forget the screams and pleas for mercy of the skinned criminals.

If Gomo still existed, this cartoon would become a torture device used by the Dark Eldar to torture their compatriots. No Dark Eldar could calmly accept everything shown to them by this cartoon. They would come out in pain and twistedness until all the creatures of Little Equestria were tortured to death.

Curze spent his whole life in shadows and blood, and everything he saw was the collapse of etiquette and music left by the evil ones' wanton behavior.

Whether it was the human empire or the old night world, they gave Curze exactly the same feeling.

But these horses. The world shown to Coze by this cartoon shocked him severely. There are still countless future scenes in his memory. The endless cruelty and suffering made Coze breathless. Only these goodness can make Coze forget those bad memories.

Just like what Lin Fan said to Perturabo: Some people will ask why the protagonist of this cartoon is a horse at first, and when they watch it for a long time, they will ask themselves why it is a person instead of a horse.

How great would it be if I were a horse? I don't have to bear these curses.

Fulgrim knew that Coze's emotions were very complicated now, so he was ready to help Coze and let him slowly come out of the shadow that closed him off.

"You don't have to hide it from my brothers. I won't laugh at you for this kind of thing, and I won't tell them the content of our conversation. This is a secret between you and me."

Curze looked at Fulgrim with his dark eyes. Fulgrim's gentle face and silver hair brought Curze's memory back to the first time he met Fulgrim.

Fulgen said the same thing at the beginning.

Cozz lowered his head and stopped looking at Fulgan's face. Then he whispered, "Rourou, I think Rourou is a lot like Vulcan. They are both so good. The good ones make me sick."

"I also hate the Dark Moon Princess. Like Corax, she has the ability that I dream of. If I can enter other people's dreams, I can become a real ghost, and I will torture those criminal fools in their dreams. , making them suffer over and over again.”

After Curze finished speaking, he wrapped himself in the robe Fulgrim gave him and moved an inch out of the shadows. Fulgrim did not make any comments on Curze's words and quietly watched the pony's story with him.

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