Working during the day and watching cartoons together at night, this is the plan of the originals in recent days. They have crossed off sleep from their schedules. It is enough for them to be able to watch a relaxing cartoon without thinking. It was a nice break.

Guilliman walked around during the day and learned a lot about the customs of the Great Mess Hall. Then he boarded the Macragge's Glory and returned to the Ultramar sector, preparing to formulate a set of mutually beneficial policies with the Great Mess Hall sector. communication mode, and separated a company of ultramarines to station in the canteen sector.

"I have been observing you. Your keenness and humility are the best candidates for diplomats. Don't let me down or make my brothers laugh." Guilliman said to the Ultramarines before leaving. I got a shot of chicken blood.

The effect was quite obvious. After these warriors used all their strength to stay calm and watched Guilliman leave, they immediately went to work.

Perturabo continued to work on his plans for the hybrid warband, arranging training and work for the Wailers who had been surgically transformed with Guilliman seeds.

A qualified military unit should have a complete administrative structure. Every bullet and every piece of armor transferred in and out of the warehouse needs to be recorded. The replacement and promotion of personnel also need to be recorded.

During the operation of Perturabo, the Weeper Chapter not only had a magical medical brigade but also a more powerful engineering brigade.

Every Lamenter with the blood of Perturabo in their body inherits Perturabo's wisdom and problem-solving ability, and they learn mechanical and civil engineering matters much faster than their other brothers.

Because of this, each ten-man tactical team can be assigned to more than two engineers to be responsible for heavy fire support and emergency battlefield maintenance.

And because they received knowledge from the academies of Perturabo and Odemair, they did not carry with them the bad habits of the Order of Mars.

The Space Marines who are responsible for repairing weapons in other Chapters are called Technical Sergeants. They are the ingenious people selected by the Chapter and sent to Mars for 30 years of further training to learn the glory of the All-Machine God.

From the simplest way of rubbing screws by hand to the most metaphysical way of appeasing machine spirits, they need to complete every aspect of their studies under the supervision of the Great Sage of Mars.

This process cannot be explained simply by studying abroad. As a giant organization that believes in the religion of the gods of all machines, scientific research, archaeology, monopoly, production and independent administrative power, the Cult of Mechanicum is on Mars. The palace of knowledge built on the Internet is by no means a good place.

A good technical sergeant who learned on Mars not only has the skills in place, but also the thinking.

Every Space Marine who returns from training will be assigned to work in the armory. As long as the battle group has not yet reached a critical moment of life and death, generally speaking, technical sergeants do not need to set foot on the frontline battlefield.

It goes without saying that maintaining weapons and recovering gene seeds is important, but most war groups do not welcome these brothers who have returned from studying on Mars.

The culture of the Space Marines has always revolved around the three aspects of brotherhood, military exploits, and devotion to the Emperor.

The first is brotherhood. As the only high-tech talent in the entire war group, the machine souls of the entire armory are waiting for your comfort, if your war group still has some relic weapons and awesome ancient fearlessness.

Oh ho! Done! Busier than ever! If the relics are not taken care of, the arsenal is thrown away, and if Wuwei is not comforted, you have to go to the medical room to lie down for a while, and then continue the hard mechanical work after you come out.

This tells us that in the distant and cruel 40k years, construction machinery was still a major specialty.

You spend all your time in the armory, and naturally you won't have much opportunity to communicate with your brothers. Therefore, in most chapters, the technical sergeant is often the most lonely and rare one. This guy can only be seen when using forbidden weapons.

Another point is military merit. When it is the turn of the indispensable technical talents to go to the battlefield, the cruelty is self-evident. Winning is military merit, losing is destruction.

Even if we put aside brotherhood and military exploits, which can be cultivated slowly, just being an emperor's lover is enough to make other brothers feel uncomfortable.

Although the Mechanicus has always regarded the Emperor as the incarnation of the Machine God, this idea is not popular among the Space Marines. Perhaps only the Iron Hands Chapter will reach an agreement with the Mechanicus.

For example, before the battle begins, the priest will give a speech to inspire the entire regiment. As a technical sergeant, you nominally do not have to participate in this ceremony, but what is unprecedented is that all the machine spirits in the armory are delighted and completely unhappy. You need to work hard to anoint and sing hymns.

You were overjoyed and thought that you were going to attend the priest's pre-war speech. Although the chapter leader looked a little ugly, this was not the first time you had seen the chapter leader look so complicated.

The last time we met was a few years ago. The chapter leader came over and asked you what you learned on Mars, and you answered without thinking.


The Chapter Master's face was just as ugly then as it is now, and you don't quite understand why.

The Chapter Master still agreed to your request. After all, there is no iron law prohibiting technical sergeants from participating in the daily activities of the Chapter.

After all, you are a powerful Space Marine first, and a technical talent returned from Mars second. For this reason alone, you should gain the respect of the Chapter.

As the general manager of the armory, you are also qualified to stand at the front of the team. You are familiar with this scene. When you were studying abroad on Mars, you also stood in front of the great sage and prayed like this.

"Praise the Emperor!"


The priest heard the unusual sound. He suppressed his anger and asked you not to use the mechanical holy code to pray.

You nodded, satisfied with your compliance, and continued with the rest of the session.

The motivation that starts with praising the emperor will naturally end with praising the emperor. If you are reminded once by the priest, you will not make the same mistake again.

"Praise the Emperor!"

"Praise be to Omnisiah!"

After shouting, you always felt that the priest looked at you a little strangely, and his hand kept reaching for the bolt pistol hanging on his waist.

After that, they never called you again during the war. What does bullying mean to the Astartes? Naturally, the war group will not take you with them the next time they join a gang.

The life of ordinary technical sergeants of the Chapter is not easy, so the situation of the original Chapter will be much better, right?

It also depends on the situation. For example, the technical sergeants of the Dark Angels can only come out of the armory if they are dead.

The opposite of the life of the Dark Angels' technical sergeants is that of the Imperial Fist's technical sergeants. Because of the need to defend and siege cities, they often need to go to the front lines to explore the terrain.

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