"My brother, why have I never seen you on the training ground?"

"I'm calming down machine spirits in the armory."

"Then why didn't I see you at the swearing-in ceremony?"

"I'm calming down machine spirits in the armory."

"Then when we entered the battlefield, were you also in the armory to appease the machine spirits?"

"At that time, I was sitting in the cockpit of the Thunder Eagle. I was also comforting the Thunder Eagle's machine spirit."

Of course, there are those who are treated poorly and those who are treated well. The White Scars respect the technical sergeants very much. After all, the speed of their motorcycles depends entirely on the hands of the technical sergeants.

The Weeper Chapter is full of engineers. Naturally, there is no need to set up a technical sergeant position. Because there are too many technical talents, there is even a situation where the machine soul is in short supply. If the machine soul of a device is not happy, several companies Engineers who have free time will conduct multi-party consultations to bring an unparalleled maintenance experience to the machine soul!

At present, the relationship within the Weeper Chapter is relatively harmonious. The pride that was often seen among the heirs of Fulgrim in the past and the paranoia and suspicion that were common among the heirs of Pertura Bo are much less common.

Maybe it was because the two of them let go of their obsessions, which in turn affected their children.

The complex of auxiliary buildings of the Central District Scientific Research Institute.

As an area where Odemeyer directly conducts scientific research and production, the people who can work here are loyal backbones who have gone through numerous selections and tests.

Kurtz stayed in one of the rooms, and the adjusted windows reflected all the light from the outside world.

The headlights were not turned on. No details could be seen in the dark room, and it was impossible to know where Kurtz was hiding.

Darkness was his safe house, but the lack of blood smell made Koze feel a little uncomfortable after all.

Dong Dong Dong, there was a knock on the door.

Cozz said nothing, because he knew that the people outside the door would not listen to his obedient departure.

A beam of light came from outside, piercing all the darkness, but it still did not illuminate Curze's position.

"Hey brother, guess what good things I brought for you?" Fulgan walked in and relied on the sense of the original body to find the button to control the window. With just a slight turn, the window became clear and translucent, and countless Sunlight temporarily banishes darkness.

"Hiss!" Curze avoided the bright light. He tried to slap Fulgrim's hand away and take back control of the window.

"Don't be like this, brother, you should smell the flowers and see the sun." Fulgrim squeezed the button tightly and refused to let Curze adjust it.

"No! You're too busy!" Cozzi hissed hoarsely.

"I am your brother, and I should take good care of you." Fulgen said with a smile.

"Shut up!" Coz's face turned red, and with a strong hand, the button on the wall was pulled off.

The translucent windows gave the room a sense of beauty that filled the room at dusk. Fulgen handed the button in his hand to the drone that came to repair it, feeling that the light in the room was very beautiful.

"Ah." Cozz complained and sat down against the wall, his straight black hair hanging down to cover his face.

Fulgrim followed reluctantly and sat next to Curze.

"Can you stop getting so close?" Curze complained weakly.

"Of course, my brother." Fulgrim put a brighter smile on his face, leaving a gap of about ten centimeters between himself and Curze.

Then Fulgen flipped his hand and pulled out a video tape as if by magic.

Fulgan found that when he took out the videotape, Coz's dark and gloomy eyes lit up, and even his breathing became slightly heavier.

"My Little Pony Season 2"

"This is a file that Ms. Odemeyer retrieved from an ancient database. I know that you have been looking forward to the following plot since you last watched it."

"I.I didn't."

No, you do.

Fulgrim whispered in his heart, and not only are you looking forward to it, but even Guilliman waited until the tape of Pony Season 2 was released before setting off.

"And not only did I have a belt, I also brought a friend with me."

"Friends?" Cozz felt something bad, "I don't need friends, and I don't deserve friends."

"Really?" Fulgrim asked back. Coze turned his head and ignored him, and then Fulgrim gently hummed the theme song of My Little Pony.

Curze also hummed a few tunes subconsciously, and then he immediately realized that Fulgan was teasing him, "This is not my problem! It's all your fault! It's all your fault for forcing me to watch these several times every night! That damn sickening melody keeps playing in my head like a new curse!"

"Of course, of course." Fulgan patted his face reproachfully, "Then I will leave this videotape here. Ms. Celestine, can you come in?"

Celestine? Strange name.

Curze looked at the door and saw a plainly dressed nun walking in. She bowed humbly to Fulgrim and Curze.

"A nun who believes in the Emperor's stupid teachings? Ha!" Curze mocked mercilessly.

Fulgrim didn't explain anything to Curze, but just told Celestine to move to the next step with his eyes.

The inexplicable singing voice made Coz feel strange.

The sudden golden light made Cozz's eyes sting.

White wings filled Curze's field of vision. He stared at Celestine in shock and horror. He was stunned for a while before shouting out the words Sanguinius.

Longing, envy, hatred, doubt and other emotions mixed together and turned into tears, and a drop fell down Coz's pale and thin cheek. When the midnight ghost stopped hissing and exuded a gloomy murderous aura, he Seems a little pitiful.

The brighter and cleaner Celestine's wings were, the more it made Curze feel that he was sinful and filthy. He had fought and communicated with Sanguinius, and he longed for this perfect brother to grant him a death. of trial.

But not Sanguinius! He cowardly withdrew his sword, preferring to lock Curze in a stasis coffin and launch him into space to wander rather than give Curze an end.

Curze bent down humbly, with only Celestine's wings in his unblinking eyes. He absentmindedly tried to touch her, but withdrew his hand when he was about to touch it.

"No!" Coze screamed and stepped back, just in time to break into Fulgrim's arms. "Let me go!" Coze screamed in collapse, "What are you doing? Have mercy on me? Have mercy on a sinner. ? Sympathy for a beast? I don't need you to do this!"

"No Coz, I'm not pitying you, you are my brother and I love you."

"You also said this to Ferus! But you cut off his head!" Coze continued to struggle.

"I know brother, so I am ready to spend my life to atone for my sins."

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